I guess this is sort of like the opposite version of the chocolate starfish? Continue reading for the full X-rated shot. I hope that he continues base of the flames a little more though; that’s my only complaint about this otherwise striking tattoo.
I guess this is sort of like the opposite version of the chocolate starfish? Continue reading for the full X-rated shot. I hope that he continues base of the flames a little more though; that’s my only complaint about this otherwise striking tattoo.
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Is it bad that I didn’t even notice the cum till looking at the pic for a second time? lol I don’t normally like flame tattoos but I def. like his commitment to them, not just up from the top but all around…i dig it…slightly
really love it…. It would be great to have more photos
Nice job, looks great except that I too would like to see them licking on the base of the penis.
I have a pal who has flames that encompass his whole genital region, and actually extend to his navel. Way hot!!
It looks like he has A&D ointment around the PA…. Am I correct or is it semen…. If it is he may need to see the doc.
…..fire crotch. haha!
Licking on the base of the penis, eh?
Great balls of Fire. haha come on I hope I wasnt the only one who thought that
I don’t think it’s A&D ointment. It’s semen for sure. Look to the right of his dick and you’ll see more. There is also a telltale shine on the skin right above the PA.
lol fire crotch! silly red-heads :p
OMG! ginger pubes hahahaaa
looks like a lot of work to clean up afterwards.
Hmmm i guess his lizard got sick and threw up.
Hehe, is that a salamander on his dick then? would make sense…
Still, nice! Not too keen on the bare patch of skin around the base of the penis though…
Hehe. Didn’t notice the cum till I looked closer at the tat xD *sniggers* Way to represent us redheads in the most real way possible
I dunno what my opinion on the flames is… they’re awesome, no doubt, but like Shannon said, I’d like to see them extended a bit more against the base of the penis. I LOVE the salamander, though xD
hahaha thats hilarious. That little glob of splooge around the ring is totally grossing me out though, I didn’t even notice the rest of the cum until I looked more closely at the picture.
OH NO! A burning bush!!! It must be a message from god!
gives a WHOLE new meaning to the term “fire crotch”
Obviously it’s a fire-breathing reptile of sorts
bwhahahaha thats hideous! kudos!
Sigh, I have flamesaround the cock, legs, back of scrotum and ass going all the way including anus. I like em, but once in a while wish, I could cover with another type of ink.
It looks relatively fresh, maybe the artist just didn’t continue the flames more because the hair’s going to grow out and cover the base anyway?
Perhaps he stopped on account of the ejaculation issue.
Having Great Balls of Fire I must say “Well done, very impressive”.
the jizz is a nice touch.
hahaha, thx shannon – that’ll be the real reason why the tat work stopped
Ha ha!! he’s a red-head!! Awesome! Red pubes FTW!!
looked for a second time after everyone going on about the cum, and then noticed bumps on the head of his penis.. herpies anyone?
Wow. Fire crotch. =] Haha I love super tattoos like this.
The jizz just makes the picture, though.
How is it Glider’s the only one who DIDN’T make a firecrotch joke, I’ll never know.
Wow, that is intense..
hahahaa the lizard is really cute
hahahaa the lizard is really cute
Lindsay Lohan’s significant other maybe??
Yikes, I noticed that as well.
Firecrotch on three accounts.
hahaha he’s putting out the flames…
first thought: Now THAT’S what I call a flame tattoo.
second thought: Is that cum?
third thought: He’s a redhead, and that IS cum. o_O
oh god that’s a bit graphic for my young eyes.
and i think the tatt is distasteful- the proportions are bad for one thing.
“flaming hot cum?”