92 thoughts on “Completely and Utterly Harmless

  1. Dude.

    You should be more afraid of Colorado Springs then Russia.

    Colorado Springs is full of crazy conservative evangelicals. Focus on the Family hails from the Springs, for example.

    I lived there for the first 17 years of my life. And got the fuck outta there as soon as I could.

  2. Dude.

    You should be more afraid of Colorado Springs then Russia.

    Colorado Springs is full of crazy conservative evangelicals. Focus on the Family hails from the Springs, for example.

    I lived there for the first 17 years of my life. And got the fuck outta there as soon as I could.

  3. I have to say, this is simply beyond adorable, and reaching in the realms of sugar coma.

  4. I have to say, this is simply beyond adorable, and reaching in the realms of sugar coma.

  5. Hot, hot, (and a little more?)… HOT!

    i just want to cuddle them all and smoother him… i mean them, in kisses!

  6. Hot, hot, (and a little more?)… HOT!

    i just want to cuddle them all and smoother him… i mean them, in kisses!

  7. Wow, so many girls hitting on MY BOYFRIEND… Yep, that’s right he’s mine… and I know, he is very cute.

  8. Wow, so many girls hitting on MY BOYFRIEND… Yep, that’s right he’s mine… and I know, he is very cute.

  9. Sorry Hiddenkitten, I have to hit on him for myself too.
    Damn, he is so cute!!!! And so are the puppies of course.
    Normally I’m not so fond of stretched labrets, but it looks fantastic on him!

  10. Sorry Hiddenkitten, I have to hit on him for myself too.
    Damn, he is so cute!!!! And so are the puppies of course.
    Normally I’m not so fond of stretched labrets, but it looks fantastic on him!

  11. I DARE anyone to call this animal cruelty!
    find something wrong with this picture c’mon!

    *snuggles up to the puppies*
    hiddenkitten, you are one lucky girl!

  12. I DARE anyone to call this animal cruelty!
    find something wrong with this picture c’mon!

    *snuggles up to the puppies*
    hiddenkitten, you are one lucky girl!

  13. i dunno if anyone’s asked this yet but i’m too lazy to actually read the comments so i’m just gonna come out with it…what breed are these adorable little creatures?

  14. i dunno if anyone’s asked this yet but i’m too lazy to actually read the comments so i’m just gonna come out with it…what breed are these adorable little creatures?

  15. Wow. It is so not that puppies that make this picture. The correlation between dreaded guys and facial piercings is one of radness. Guys who are rad are more likely to get sweet stretched facial piercings and dreads.

  16. Wow. It is so not that puppies that make this picture. The correlation between dreaded guys and facial piercings is one of radness. Guys who are rad are more likely to get sweet stretched facial piercings and dreads.

  17. awwww so cute to all three in this wonderful photo. makes me wish i took more photos of my dogs when they where that small. mmmmm …next time.

  18. awwww so cute to all three in this wonderful photo. makes me wish i took more photos of my dogs when they where that small. mmmmm …next time.

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