Going to the opposite end of the age scale, James Raimar from from Holey Body in Saginaw, Michigan did a pair of 18ga lobes on a client he describes as “80 and fucking rad!!!” I hope I’ve still got spunk in me when I’m eighty! See also: Matching Hearts with Granny, A Tattoo from Granny, Granny’s Navel, and 100th Birthday Present.
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56 thoughts on “But will she regret it when she’s 90?”
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Awesome! I wish I had a grandma like that
Awwee, reminds me of the replacement grandma I grew up with. I miss her much…
I love her and i don’t even know her =)
That made me smile.
I agree with number 4
Awesome! That’s my future, right there.
This is wonderful. =]
Yay for James and Yay for old ladies!
this is just too awsome, now if everyone else was as cool as she is
Cute old lady, sexy piercer.
Whew,we ducked the bullet that time….just think if she wanted to get a genital mod….
The first picture made me hope she was getting a tongue piercing.
That would’ve been super rad.
Hoorah Jim, way to make modblog!
That lady must be awesome, if I ever see her hanging around old Town I’m going to give her a massive hug.
This makes me smile. More people, old and young need to take a lesson here and get the lighten up and stop taking life so seriously
I have been trying to get my grandparents to go get tattoos with me but no luck.
I enjoyed her giving the finger in the last photo
It just goes to show that even mainstream looking grannies have a bit of mod love in them
11–Hey, I would have been ecstatic for her if she decided to get a genital piercing. Maybe next time she will.
Awesome! She seems like she’s a lot of fun to hang out with
haha, when i was a kid, we called cum spunk
made me lol shannon
i love her! i don’t even know her, but i love her!
hahahahaa shes flipping us off…what a great woman! its so easy to forget that older people were in fact not “born yesterday”. this is a great reminder!
kick ass old woman!
that makes me smile.
i want to hug her for being awesome and i don’t even know her!
Awww, thats about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. I love the more “radical” grandparents. Its always refreshing.
PS. His opalite tunnels are amazing.
*massive love for old-people-are-cool*
I love it! And the headline makes me chuckle. Oh how I miss my grandma, I didn’t even have time to take her to piercing parlour’s.
Epic win !
Old people totally give more positive comments on my mods than most other demographics. Haha.
Go lady, go!
cool! Don’t stop on 18 ga lobes!
Funny, haha
My oldest client was an octogenarian too. I am rather proud of that.
This definitely made my day
I love the picture of her sticking out her tongue !! Too good!
fuck yea grandma!!!
The last pic made me laugh. She looks like she’s having a great time too. Old ladies with attitude ftw!!
luv this!
Haha, that’s cute.
awww, she looks like a fun grandma!
I am unworthy, I am unworthy! What a way to show the limitations of age the finger.
I absolutely love these pictures! She looks like such a fun person!
that rocks!
I find it interesting how you will see plenty of older men with tattoos and piercings, but not so much women…
I wonder if she’ll stretch her piercings..
This made my day
Yeah Jim!!!!
Nice plugs, I have the same ones. Did you get that lady’s digits?
That’s cute! My grandmother is in her 70′s and she recently got her lobes pierced for the first time as well… I couldn’t convince her to get them done by a needle, but all went well and she’s so excited to be able to finally wear real earrings after all these years!
Can this lady totally adopt me? She’s obviously totally awesome.
Oh my, she’s the cutest stinken thing!!
Aww my grandmother got hers pierced for the first time at 80 as well! She was visiting one of her kids in Israel ind just randomly decided to go for it.
Hahah that’s fucking ace!
she’s so cute!
she rocks
She is a cool grandma and a smart one because she went to Jim!!
How awesome. Hey, and if she wanted genital work, Jim does an amazing job, especially with putting up with my hollering. She looks a lot like a lady that I work for (and she’s about 20 years this lady’s senior).
Awwww! that lady is so cool! I have a client who has been coming into the studio for years and he turned 81 last year, his genital mods never cease to impress
I hope im that cool when im 80!