49 thoughts on “On the subject of angels

  1. Man girls with cheeck piercings are so beautiful! I long for my cheeks pierced but I dont think it will go over well if I want a job working with special needs kids. At least I can hide my lip and septum piercing. Im not sure cheek piercings are easy to hide. Especially when they are healing.

    And what a beautiful suspension too! It makes me want to do another one so bad!

  2. oh my,EYES!
    and she might wanna get some Vanish for the skirt…
    but these are pure lovely!

  3. this has to be the most beautiful suspension i have ever seen, visually, everything about it is perfect. i love the diamondy nipple (i cant remember the right word right now so im just going to call it:) hats

  4. Gorgeous!
    Badine, I like cheek piercings too, but they’re not easy to hide and I retired mine (by mistake really). I know you probably read up on it but they can leave nasty dents in your face, not dimples, just dents. The were quite deep, even when I wasn’t smiling at all, now they are visible all the time but deep if I smile. I never had natural dimples so they kind of changed the way my entire face looks, and not in a positve away. Just thought I’d warn you.

  5. I love Samar. She always stunning in suspension photo shoots, as well as in real life. I’m really happy this made modblog, and I can’t wait to see the rest of the shoot when she gets the chance to post them!

  6. Such beautiful photos and such a beautiful girl! I LOVE her hair and those nipple pasties are such a great idea! I even love how the blood has spattered and dripped down onto her slip. So fantastic!

  7. Such beautiful pictures. I love cheek piercings on girls.
    Am I the only one who thinks she looks a bit like Bjork?

  8. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful whoman doing beautiful suspensions…what could one hope more?

  9. Xenobiologista: correct. Some perks to working here are using the facilities for person projects now and then. 😉

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