But what hole is it (c/o iam:nospec)?
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41 thoughts on “Hint: it involves an amputation”
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wow im stumped
im almost clueless…
but my guess is a belly button (after lookin at the picture)
I say bellybutton too? After all, that is amputation.
Well, kinda…
yeah I know nospec from bodymod.org and I know he still got his (heavily pierced) wiener so it’s his bellybutton for sure
I have no idea… my only thought it belly button 2
Amputated penis?
belly button
They do “amputate” your umbillical cord…
i said belly button too
the uretha? after complete removal of the penis.
yeah, my guess is the same.
uh navel? did someone get their ‘outtie’ belly button removed lol… someone spill the beans and tell us!
no idea
I have no idea. Navel seems too obvious…
its gotta be something above the waist coz its not ‘down there’ type skin
It’s belly button because if you mouse over the picture it says “once there was an umbilical cord here”.
no clue
lol, nice detective work, shadow!
MY GOD SHANNON IT”S NOT A PENIS! We’re all very proud.
Seriously, though, that’s a pretty tongue-in-cheek usage of “amputation.”
And yeah, Shadow, that’s how I figured it out too . . . that and it’s too hairy to be anything but a boy tummy.
I didn’t mouse over like Shadow, but I also guessed belly button. Simply because the hair grows towards the middle of the abdomen and creates the snail trail (or whatever they call it these days). The snail trail is very noticeable in this image.
So yeah, that’s how I figured it out
i don’t know, kitty. boys can be hairy in awfully weird places
looking down and comparing chest hair….I’m inclined to also say “nipple”
and OUCH!!!!!
I don’t think thats a navel.
It’s an EXTREME INNY!!! (navel I mean lol)
Perhaps there was and outty for years and modded with amp and piercing to be an inny?
It must be fun to clean it
Well, the hair looks a little heavier below and above the…mystery area. And that’s how male’s belly buttons are. So, I will also go with belly button.
I’m guessing it was an ear.
I’m guessing it’s an ear. Of course, it will be a total removal of male genitalia resulting in a hole for the insertion of foreign objects, but I still want it to be an ear.
Awww I just did the mouseover. I was right and didn’t even know it.
It’s a belly button, it’s already been proven…
well i would have been “stumped” but when i scrolled over the pic it read “once there was an umbilical cord here.”..heh
I have my youngest’s umbilical cord dried- it is a crazy neat little thing.
SHANNON! what is this?
First thought was nipple, but knowing this site it could be an amputated head, or something!
Belly button
After all, umbilical cords are cut.