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35 thoughts on “So Sweet!”
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BME/News and Modblog highlight only a small fraction of what BME has to offer. Take our free tour and subscribe to BME for access to over 3 million body modification related photos, videos, and stories.
aw, shes so cute
the only thing to make this picture more darling, is a basket full of kittens and puppies. She alone is just darling!
i like her color scheme. rosy porcelain skin and bright red hair. cute smile, too.
Shes cute and looks good with the red hair. I do have to ask though whats up with everyone putting suicide in their names?
how cute is she! <3
she’s a suicide girl by trade…lots o’ them have that moniker. adorable smile, I love a genuine look o’ happy!
Briggitte: She’s a Suicide girl, all of them have that.
gold jewellry! nice, not much of that about
id like to see what her knuckles read
oh…a suicide girl ^^ she’s really cute…i really don’t like gold jewelry, but it looks good with her hair…lovely
She’s super cute.
Awww you’re gorgeous! That color contrast between your hair and shirt are amazing compliments!<333
Awww, adorable face!
hey eyebrows are AMAZING
&& im not usually a fan of gold jewelry but it really compliments her.
sooo cute.
Cute girl
VERY cute girl!
I want to smoosh her!
I want to know what her knucles say :p
Adorableness! Love the dimple.
shes adorable <3
love the jewelry.
looks like an absolute sweety!
fingers crossed for thier longevity!
p.s sorry for the last post, wrong in the wrong window..man im a tard..
Awww she’s so pretty. I like all the gold on her.
yeahy for us european chicks!
gotta luv goin for gold , its also an awesome and well taken photo , and shes very cute , and love the tattoos
she’s beautiful, but why with the gold jewellery ?!
fuckin’ beautiful!!
So cute! Such beautiful skin. She totally has that “smiling with her eyes” thing going on… Tyra would be proud.
I sooo love gold jewelry. It looks awesome on her
I wish more people would rock it… I’m poor so I just rock titanium anodized yellow.
I never have been here before, but someone let me know I was on this page
What a sweet comments *the one from lost raevyn is so nice/funny:)*
Btw it says Overcome on my knuckles:)
May I take her home with me, please? ^_^ She looks gorgeous.. I love the cheek piercings!!
one word.
One of the cutes Candee-pictures i’ve seen (in other words, modblog needs more candee!)