This election business has been fun, hasn’t it? (Except when it was goddamn excruciating.) Anyway, all else being equal, this was an exciting evening, but let’s check in with ol’ Einstein up there before we check out:
“Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”
Sound advice, quote-of-the-day toilet paper. Goodnight, ModBlog, and we’ll see you in the morning.
Fucking love it!
Einstein can kick Jesus’s arse anyday!
Fucking love it!
Einstein can kick Jesus’s arse anyday!
love it but it has baby hands
love it but it has baby hands
I’m in love.
I’ve wanted an Einstein tattoo for the longest time.
I’m in love.
I’ve wanted an Einstein tattoo for the longest time.
I’m in love.
I’ve wanted an Einstein tattoo for the longest time.
I’m in love.
I’ve wanted an Einstein tattoo for the longest time.
woo hoo for big bold portraits!!!! rockin
woo hoo for big bold portraits!!!! rockin
is that jesus or einstein? or both? or penis?
is that jesus or einstein? or both? or penis?
that is awesome
that is awesome
everybody’s favorite atheist jew scientist
everybody’s favorite atheist jew scientist
yay for obama! and yay for me making modblog!
yay for obama! and yay for me making modblog!
#8 oppositronic … He wasn’t an atheist. He just didn’t believe in a personal god.
#8 oppositronic … He wasn’t an atheist. He just didn’t believe in a personal god.
what happened to rooroo?
what happened to rooroo?
Obama! President of the US of A by a landslide!
Obama! President of the US of A by a landslide!
I would have been a juggler…
I would have been a juggler…
Yummy tummy
Yummy tummy
Master Einstein, wonderful idea in the crown of thorns.
Master Einstein, wonderful idea in the crown of thorns.
Why is Einsteins hand cut?
Why is Einsteins hand cut?
noir, im guessing thats ment to be holes in his hands from being nailed to the cross.
noir, im guessing thats ment to be holes in his hands from being nailed to the cross.
The hands aren’t great, but I really like this. The negative space wisps in his hair are neat.
The hands aren’t great, but I really like this. The negative space wisps in his hair are neat.
Einstein would have been a watchmaker, actually.
Einstein would have been a watchmaker, actually.
i love this tattoo. i’d love to have a big, bold, einstein portrait
i love this tattoo. i’d love to have a big, bold, einstein portrait
“spirit of tolerance” fuck that bullshit…there is SOME shit that should NEVER be tolerated…as a Jew who departed Germany to save his OWN ass,he should’ve thought that stupid reasoning out further….Realitivity theory author/scary smart theoretical thinker…fuck yah….but as a Philosopher….fuck no..and not even fuck no..but HELL..fuck no
“spirit of tolerance” fuck that bullshit…there is SOME shit that should NEVER be tolerated…as a Jew who departed Germany to save his OWN ass,he should’ve thought that stupid reasoning out further….Realitivity theory author/scary smart theoretical thinker…fuck yah….but as a Philosopher….fuck no..and not even fuck no..but HELL..fuck no
this is one of the most beautiful portrait tattoos ive ever seen. saved.
this is one of the most beautiful portrait tattoos ive ever seen. saved.