Are you the sort of person who might be interested in an online body modification store packed with tons of T-shirts (with new designs coming regularly), beautiful high-quality jewelry, books and DVDs and industry-favorite aftercare products? Well hot holy damn, you’re in luck! At long last, BME shop has made its triumphant return to the Internets! Months of careful planning, precise purchasing and about an average amount of witchcraft have gotten us here, and we could not be happier. Click the image above to go directly to our Final Run T-shirt designs (which are on sale!), or click on that handsome unicorn below to visit the all-new!

Too much
Running kind of slow. No anesthetics yet?
That is wait i was waiting for.
Nonetheless, im so excited!
Kind of slow? It’s taking me FOREVER to load just one page
I hope that’s from the rush of people all on at once, not something that is going to continue…
ya verrrrry slow but i am very excited it is back i wanna get a hoodie its cold here lol
Yeah, I think the simultaneous postings on ModBlog, my IAM page, myspace and facebook seems to have given the server a bit of a kick in the pants because I was bulk editing some inventory. It should pick up as soon as that process finishes.
Awww my hoodie isnt there anymore….are you planning on getting different designs on hoodies in the future?
Hopefully the speed issue gets resolved soon, otherwise it would be nice to be able to view larger images for the shirts, some of them you can’t really tell what’s going on.
I’m still waiting for the hoodie blanks to be shipped to me. Pretty much every design in stock should be available on a hoodie.
As far as other supplies, I’m waiting for several large boxes that were lost by UPS. They’re still being traced and hopefully will be here sometime next week. Any request for anything specific, feel free to post here.
will you be stocking plus sizes upto 4xl for like the err, larger people out there?
we like to wear hoodies too
Audente: Did you try clicking on the photos when you’re viewing an item? They should open to fairly large pop ups.
The speed on the store is crawling right now. Maybe it’s like one of those crazy sales in the department stores where old ladies duke it out for half priced goods..
i wasnt here before bmeshop closed but from what i have herad *joygasm* this is gunna be fun
please bring again the monkey t shirt
hahahaha!! finally back… phew, I’m relieved that it’s not my computer that’s going slow… Anyway, I’m already loving the new designs!!! : ) : )
I tried clicking on the images, but perhaps I just wasn’t patient enough with the site at it’s current speed, I’ll try again later. My bad if I was incorrect.
hmm.. my browser told me ‘this documents contains no date – page load error’
Give me a bit guys, this is the first time it’s been pounded like this and something is obviously not right. The store is being rebooted and should be back up shortly.
At last!!
The woes of going live!! Hope you get it fixed up soon, I know what its like…!!
OH MY GOD! I’ve been waiting SO long for this <33
Excited for it to be working — I’ve missed bmeshop! I’ll be checking back probably like sixteen times today.
Hurray! But no stickers?
I just so happened to check if the store was online last night, it was and it was running very fast. I’m excited to see all these new items.
has the “militia skull” series of shirts and logo been discontinued or will that be back in print?
how do we submit shirt designs?
sweeeet! yeah, its mad slow for me. but so worth it! omg.
Very nice looking site cant wait tell to place my new order.
I Have stickers, I’ve just been putting them in with orders. I’m also waiting, like I said, for a lot of items that were lost by UPS.
The shop was running really fast and we think we’ve got the problem sorted out.
The red militia logo will be back, or a variation of it. I just need to clear some of the stock and get the rest of the outstanding shipments in. Because of the downtime today, I was only able to get about 15 orders out to the post man for the day. Not bad for my first day!
Oh and send tshirt submissions to [email protected].
I can’t click on any of your products. the only way is if I right click on the picture and hit open link.
yay I placed my order!
Two of my favourite things combined, unicorns and mods, what a perfect t-shirt!
Rachel: Emla, and Xylocaine (and syringes for it)
Vern: I have all of that stuff, it just needs to be put into inventory though I’m still waiting for some of the missing supplies to round out the stock. Just give it another week.
Dull: That appears to be a problem with IE 7. We’re working on resolving it.
Will be have some things back like the sound sets and other fetish stuff?
you* rather
looooove the unicorn shirt!
Jenny: Just need to photograph them once UPS recovers the lost shipments.
“Come for the tattoos stay for the subincisions”
Yeah. If there were any posted here on tatblog.
Thank you Rachel! Of course, you had to put it up a week before I have money!
Looks fantastic, had no problems with the site, the new designs are great.
Keep up the fantastic work!
Awesome, im stoked!
very happy to see the shop back, as i have for a long time sported a large variety of bme shirts. i was hoping to go on a shopping spree, maybe pick up three or four or more new designs. unfortunately, the largest size available in the great majority of shirts seems to be 2x, when i need a 3x or 4x. it seems that the only designs available in the larger sizes are old designs that i already have, most likely leftovers from before.
i know that the majority of the world fits into the sizes that are currently available, but i always appreciated that bmeshop carried shirts for those of us that do not. what are the chances of seeing larger sizes again in the future? i wear my bme shirts so much that they wear out, and i re-buy them. i hope that my closet is not going to be bme-less in the future.
oh wow! the layout is so pretty… IAM can use a layout change…
But there seems to be lack of information on the manufacturers of jewelry, and some clarification on whether the jewelry is sold as a pair or single will be greatly appreciated. (Are we supposed to know by the pictures? whether they were a pair or a single?)
information on shipping is needed? added cost? to foreign countries… etc…
K: It’s called, check it out. Subincisions and heavier mods are posted there all the time. If I posted all of them on Modblog, everything/nothing sites would just come here to steal the photos every day and use them to mock people. It’s not really what I think Modblog should be used for. That being said, heavy mods still get posted here as long as the people submitting them are okay with them being public.
Josh: I am waiting for 3xl and 4xls to arrive and then they will go into stock. They are on back order from my supplier. The only 3xl and 4xl I have in stock are the preprinted designs left over from before the new site launch.
Clara: Jewelry suppliers are listed in the descriptions of every product as well as if they’re sold in pairs. If it doesn’t say they are a pair then they are a single item. The only things that come in pairs are things that would be worn as a pair, like earrings (ornate designs, plugs, eyelets etc). All other jewelry is sold as a single item.
thank you kindly for the response, ma’am. i will be ordering more shirts when the biguns come in.
Hello Rachel,
Several T-shirt interest me but it’s difficult to know the right size to order… It could be a good idea to give the length between shoulders, and underarms, for example. Do you think it’s possible ?
Can you also give us an idea of the size of Belt Buckles ?
Thanks in advance !
Kran: The size chart should be on the server and in the template soon. I’ll measure the belt buckles but I’d say they’re between 3-4 inches long and about 2 inches wide.
We’ve also solved the speed issue, there was a feature enabled which sucks when you’ve got a lot of people hitting the site. That’s been disabled as well as caching has been sorted too.
So much for a soft release, you guys have been awesome and something like 45 orders went out today.
The dumbest mistake I’ve made, aside from wrecking a few shirts (hopefully I sent the right reprints out!) was to accidentally mail a package to Tuvalu instead of The Netherlands. Don’t ask me how it happened but it said TV as the country code! It was an error on the invoice.
what is the manufacturer of this?
and how much is shipping to Hong Kong?
I was also wondering about the manufacturers of jewelry. Specifically the CBRs, since none of their pages specify this yet.
There does seem to be a lot of great stuff to be had here, I’m just hoping for more information in the future.
CBRs are made by Industrial Strength and SM316.
Clara: Shipping is based on weight. You have to add items to the shopping cart and then enter your address to find out the shipping.
Just as a bit of information, I only carry jewelry that *I* would personally wear. You won’t find any crappy acrylic junk or dollar store navel barbells. This is why some items that were previously in stock won’t be in the new shop.
I want BMEshop to represent the highest quality possible in the industry and not just some webshop that stocks 200 dollar plugs next to 11 dollar knock offs.
what happened to anatometal? i was really looking forward to buying their BCRs, barbells and surface bars.
i have been waiting years for the subincision shirt to be back in print. all i can say is “thank shannon i am subincised” for putting it up in the first place.
Steven: The Subincision shirt has been in stock for a very very long time.
I don’t like the new layout. I think it looks cheap. The old layout was so streamlined and professional looking. This one is too cluttered and I don’t think it fits what I think of BME. Some of the pictures are cropped strangely or not taken well. If I stumbled on BMEshop from the internet, with no knowledge of BME, I don’t think I would buy from here.
I’m really disappointed with the lack of silicon jewelry…
Brandi: The photos that are “cropped weird” are of the “final sale shirts” where all the old photos and artwork is gone.
The stock will grow as I can afford to buy more inventory between trying to pay all the bills around here and constantly being sued. Sweet jesus.