My Thoughts Were So Loud I Couldn’t Hear My Mouth

I don’t know how it was where you were, ModBloggers, but around these parts, we just endured a weekend of borderline oppressive heat. And it’s only April? Sweet merciful crap. Sweden’s own psychoclown up there has the right idea with a sweet, refreshing ice cream cone. I personally prefer the dairy kind to the inedible metal sort, but hey, to each his or her own, right? We’re not here to judge.

See more in Tongue Splitting (Tongue Surgery) (members only)

23 thoughts on “My Thoughts Were So Loud I Couldn’t Hear My Mouth

  1. Well that’s odd. Apparently pictures of sexy split tongues make my pants shrink.

  2. Well, I absolutely missed the stretched labret. But I LOVE her little tooth space. Adorable. Oh, the split tongue is not too bad, either. 😀

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