Good day, ModBloggers! Let’s begin with our day with the well-coiffed Simon, representing Turnhout, Belgium, with a fine bio-mechanical sleeve by Joe Dynamite at Antwerp’s Glorybound Tattoo and some manner of Venus knee-traps by the man of our dreams, Lionel from Out of Step (more). After the jump? Boxer briefs.
hot hot hot *****
i like his hair
have him washed and brought to my tent.
ay carramba!
hot damn! he’s gorgeous!!
Well, hello.
lovely lovely man.
uh i love it. hot guy finally|!
His pictures remind me of really old olympic diving pictures. *nodnod*
oh yes!!!!!!
why cant he be naked?!
Thats my best friend! Haha! Most amazing guy in the ENTIRE world!
Just awesome.
oh hey there! swooning.
he looks like a younger hotter tattoo’d Humphrey Bogart
he’s just so pretty. and I love his tattoos!
Hellooo Nurse! I love the look of a tattooed man in the morning! It’s the look of…hotness!
I agree with all above. His tattoos look nice, but he looks nicer
and the killer-flower/venus flytrap tattoo looks just so cute.
Fascinanting, I am a Bio Mechanical Ta 2 collector and this Guy’s sleeve is perfect!
Congrats Man!
the first thing i noticed was his 50s hair hahah its amazing and works strangely well with his image. i like.
Holy crap he’s hot! His sleeve is just amazing.
num…yummy. oh and the tats are lovely too.
um…. yep. wanna lick manboy on his tummy.
seriously nice bio-mech….what a sleeve, bet he’s super proud!
I like the cut of his jib.
um excuse me Jordan but my clickthrough isn’t working.
that sleeve is fucking epic!