Jordan posted these photos of the Enigma’s facial cuttings back in May but the man himself has sent in a new set from a different perspective. His cuttings are by Jawn D at Laughing Buddha with some help from Serana.
Couple more after the jump.
See more in “Misc. Cuttings“ (Scarification)
anyone know where i can find the jewelry the artist is wearing?
and enigma looks like hannibal lector in the second pic
anyone know where i can find the jewelry the artist is wearing?
and enigma looks like hannibal lector in the second pic
anyone know where i can find the jewelry the artist is wearing?
and enigma looks like hannibal lector in the second pic
anyone know where i can find the jewelry the artist is wearing?
and enigma looks like hannibal lector in the second pic
The last photo is among the coolest things I’ve seen in a while.
The last photo is among the coolest things I’ve seen in a while.
The last photo is among the coolest things I’ve seen in a while.
The last photo is among the coolest things I’ve seen in a while.
Crizz- John’s got a beautiful jewelry line, he might have them on there…
Love those cutie babydoll dreaddies. Good work, Jawn D!
Crizz- John’s got a beautiful jewelry line, he might have them on there…
Love those cutie babydoll dreaddies. Good work, Jawn D!
Crizz- John’s got a beautiful jewelry line, he might have them on there…
Love those cutie babydoll dreaddies. Good work, Jawn D!
Crizz- John’s got a beautiful jewelry line, he might have them on there…
Love those cutie babydoll dreaddies. Good work, Jawn D!
dude. rockin the plaid. nice.
dude. rockin the plaid. nice.
dude. rockin the plaid. nice.
dude. rockin the plaid. nice.
Enigma looks cool as ever!!
I also want those babydoll dreads!! pretty!!
Enigma looks cool as ever!!
I also want those babydoll dreads!! pretty!!
Enigma looks cool as ever!!
I also want those babydoll dreads!! pretty!!
Enigma looks cool as ever!!
I also want those babydoll dreads!! pretty!!
i just saw enigma in a documentary about a sideshow in new jersey, it was very good. can’t remember teh title
i just saw enigma in a documentary about a sideshow in new jersey, it was very good. can’t remember teh title
i just saw enigma in a documentary about a sideshow in new jersey, it was very good. can’t remember teh title
i just saw enigma in a documentary about a sideshow in new jersey, it was very good. can’t remember teh title
nice pics
nice pics
nice pics
nice pics
#6: Enigma was in “Unholy Sideshow the Movie” as a transdimensional gumshoe.
#3 and #5: You’d have to ask Serana Rose about who makes her dreads.
Both of them are amazing on stage and wonderful people off stage.
#6: Enigma was in “Unholy Sideshow the Movie” as a transdimensional gumshoe.
#3 and #5: You’d have to ask Serana Rose about who makes her dreads.
Both of them are amazing on stage and wonderful people off stage.
#6: Enigma was in “Unholy Sideshow the Movie” as a transdimensional gumshoe.
#3 and #5: You’d have to ask Serana Rose about who makes her dreads.
Both of them are amazing on stage and wonderful people off stage.
#6: Enigma was in “Unholy Sideshow the Movie” as a transdimensional gumshoe.
#3 and #5: You’d have to ask Serana Rose about who makes her dreads.
Both of them are amazing on stage and wonderful people off stage.
#8, the movie i was thinking of is a documentary called Freaky Circus Guy – memorable scene of enigma pumping windex into his stomach, regurgitating it, and another woman then drinking it
#8, the movie i was thinking of is a documentary called Freaky Circus Guy – memorable scene of enigma pumping windex into his stomach, regurgitating it, and another woman then drinking it
#8, the movie i was thinking of is a documentary called Freaky Circus Guy – memorable scene of enigma pumping windex into his stomach, regurgitating it, and another woman then drinking it
#8, the movie i was thinking of is a documentary called Freaky Circus Guy – memorable scene of enigma pumping windex into his stomach, regurgitating it, and another woman then drinking it
Ah, yes… that’s a documentary on the Brothers Grimm from 2005. The other woman would have been Katzen. He still does the regurgiation act with Serana Rose.
Ah, yes… that’s a documentary on the Brothers Grimm from 2005. The other woman would have been Katzen. He still does the regurgiation act with Serana Rose.
Ah, yes… that’s a documentary on the Brothers Grimm from 2005. The other woman would have been Katzen. He still does the regurgiation act with Serana Rose.
Ah, yes… that’s a documentary on the Brothers Grimm from 2005. The other woman would have been Katzen. He still does the regurgiation act with Serana Rose.
goddamn john and his goddamn nice ass solid amber weights!!!
Im so jealous.
goddamn john and his goddamn nice ass solid amber weights!!!
Im so jealous.
goddamn john and his goddamn nice ass solid amber weights!!!
Im so jealous.
goddamn john and his goddamn nice ass solid amber weights!!!
Im so jealous.
why did you have to go washington?!?!?! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!! I’m getting my septum done when I get back to socal. so YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!
why did you have to go washington?!?!?! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!! I’m getting my septum done when I get back to socal. so YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!
why did you have to go washington?!?!?! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!! I’m getting my septum done when I get back to socal. so YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!
why did you have to go washington?!?!?! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!! I’m getting my septum done when I get back to socal. so YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!
I really loved this set of pics
Actually cringed at the thought of having a scalpel ran across my lips… ouchie..
Girlie is Smoking hot!
I really loved this set of pics
Actually cringed at the thought of having a scalpel ran across my lips… ouchie..
Girlie is Smoking hot!
I really loved this set of pics
Actually cringed at the thought of having a scalpel ran across my lips… ouchie..
Girlie is Smoking hot!
I really loved this set of pics
Actually cringed at the thought of having a scalpel ran across my lips… ouchie..
Girlie is Smoking hot!
Man, I hung out with Enigma back in August and didn’t even notice this scarification. Stink.
#8. I agree they’re both beautiful unique people. Serena is probably the most adorable person I’ve ever met.
P.S. #9… it’s blue gatorade.
Man, I hung out with Enigma back in August and didn’t even notice this scarification. Stink.
#8. I agree they’re both beautiful unique people. Serena is probably the most adorable person I’ve ever met.
P.S. #9… it’s blue gatorade.
Man, I hung out with Enigma back in August and didn’t even notice this scarification. Stink.
#8. I agree they’re both beautiful unique people. Serena is probably the most adorable person I’ve ever met.
P.S. #9… it’s blue gatorade.
Man, I hung out with Enigma back in August and didn’t even notice this scarification. Stink.
#8. I agree they’re both beautiful unique people. Serena is probably the most adorable person I’ve ever met.
P.S. #9… it’s blue gatorade.
Hello pretty nurse lady in the background!
Hello pretty nurse lady in the background!
Hello pretty nurse lady in the background!
Hello pretty nurse lady in the background!
So I do own Evolve, we have loads of great jewelry, but I must give a shout out to Jimmy of Diablo Organics, he hooked me up with the ill amber weights im wearing in the picture…
So I do own Evolve, we have loads of great jewelry, but I must give a shout out to Jimmy of Diablo Organics, he hooked me up with the ill amber weights im wearing in the picture…
So I do own Evolve, we have loads of great jewelry, but I must give a shout out to Jimmy of Diablo Organics, he hooked me up with the ill amber weights im wearing in the picture…
So I do own Evolve, we have loads of great jewelry, but I must give a shout out to Jimmy of Diablo Organics, he hooked me up with the ill amber weights im wearing in the picture…
#14 Glasserella con Carnie used to drink real windex. I believe he refers to blue gatorade as “smurf piss” to keep it mysterious and exciting. Serana’s facial scarification is also hard to notice unless you know it’s there. I was pied in the face by a clown after performing split tongue tricks while in a straitjacket on stage at Cha Cha’s when the Enigma and Serana were there.
#14 Glasserella con Carnie used to drink real windex. I believe he refers to blue gatorade as “smurf piss” to keep it mysterious and exciting. Serana’s facial scarification is also hard to notice unless you know it’s there. I was pied in the face by a clown after performing split tongue tricks while in a straitjacket on stage at Cha Cha’s when the Enigma and Serana were there.
#14 Glasserella con Carnie used to drink real windex. I believe he refers to blue gatorade as “smurf piss” to keep it mysterious and exciting. Serana’s facial scarification is also hard to notice unless you know it’s there. I was pied in the face by a clown after performing split tongue tricks while in a straitjacket on stage at Cha Cha’s when the Enigma and Serana were there.
#14 Glasserella con Carnie used to drink real windex. I believe he refers to blue gatorade as “smurf piss” to keep it mysterious and exciting. Serana’s facial scarification is also hard to notice unless you know it’s there. I was pied in the face by a clown after performing split tongue tricks while in a straitjacket on stage at Cha Cha’s when the Enigma and Serana were there.
wow…Enigma…just wow..
funny how the blood turned your blue skin almost flesh color again! hehehe
great photos…very freaky….
gross em out!
wow…Enigma…just wow..
funny how the blood turned your blue skin almost flesh color again! hehehe
great photos…very freaky….
gross em out!
wow…Enigma…just wow..
funny how the blood turned your blue skin almost flesh color again! hehehe
great photos…very freaky….
gross em out!
wow…Enigma…just wow..
funny how the blood turned your blue skin almost flesh color again! hehehe
great photos…very freaky….
gross em out!
Photos done by BrinnyD.
and Seranas dreads are done by Sonja Scigliano owner of Studio X in Ames Ia
Photos done by BrinnyD.
and Seranas dreads are done by Sonja Scigliano owner of Studio X in Ames Ia
Photos done by BrinnyD.
and Seranas dreads are done by Sonja Scigliano owner of Studio X in Ames Ia
Photos done by BrinnyD.
and Seranas dreads are done by Sonja Scigliano owner of Studio X in Ames Ia