I’m going to go out on a limb and say you guys won’t be able to guess what this image is.. Nope, you’ve got no chance. Just save yourself the mental torment of trying to figure out what’s been blurred and click through to see this shaved beauty infused gently with saline.
See more in “Non-saline inflations“ (Saline Injection) (members only)
Nice shave job
^ I’d like to second that.
and that’s all about there is to say about this hideous looking thing… a clean shave!
wow that is an impressive shave job, i third!
Impressive shave job? I’d say that is an impressive Ball Sack!
shave job a given.
silicone injection? i think so.
and small little lump/bump thingy on balls. be careful, but doesnt look harmful
rock the fuck on, man with inflated testicles… rock on.
i dont know much about genital inflation but, whats the idea ???
drew, those bumps are the hair follicles which i’m sure are somewhat irritated from the hair removal.
Nice shot !
ahaaa. thanks prick!
Prince albert piercings always make me think of an elephant with a ring in its trunk.
Nice shave job.
Nice dick.
Do inflated ballsacks give increased sensation or is it purely aesthetic?
Shiny! I want to stroke it!
YUMMY! Looks tasty.
But it IS a dick!
awwww can i pet it?
You made some good points there.