I can’t remember the last time I posted a pecker on the ole Modblog so I figured today is as good a day as any and this pecker is pretty well modified. Personally I’m a big fan of any large gauge piercings that go through the head of a penis and I can vouch that it’s a good time for everyone involved. Though upon further inspection of the image in the full post, I don’t think this big boy would fit. Kudos to anyone who can take on this champ!

Clickthrough for the full monty.
P.S. If tomorrow and Thursday’s updates are late or don’t get posted, it’s because I’m in the last big development meeting we’ll have before the new site/software launches so hold tight and don’t worry, you’ll get your daily dose of mods as soon as I get finished up!
See more in “Transscrotal Piercing“ (Male Genital Piercing) (members only)