Remember Taryn? Thanks to all of you, she’s currently in the number one spot, but the competition isn’t over yet. She needs to be in the top 3 by February 28th to be one of the finalists. Through your efforts, she could win the opportunity to volunteer, through ONEXONE. Show your support for Taryn and for this wonderful cause.
To vote go to: votetaryn
You can also show your support on Facebook, by joining her group –
And don’t forget folks, the World Tour Internship Contest closes on Saturday (we all know what Saturday is, my birthday). Get your applications in and don’t forget to include a link to your audition video! I’ve seen all of the applications so far and now I know how it feels to be a judge on a reality show. If only we could take everyone who applies!
Also, whether you’re applying or not, you can help us out! If you’re from Europe/Asia/Australia/Africa, we would really appreciate it if you could list your country, the cities in that country that you think we should visit as well as the names (url, location, etc) of the best shops in town! Help us locate the best places near you! Maybe we’ll even get to see you there! (Well I won’t since I’ll be managing the tour from my igloo in the frozen wasteland that is the east coast of Canada, but the rest of the group will!) You can post below or, feel free to email us at [email protected]
One vote per email address, so use all the ones that you’ve got..!
I think it’s great that we’re doing this.
I think BME should post a photo journal of your time volunteering after you get back!
Voted with all 3 of my addreses; good luck Taryn!
Voted with both of mine!
I totally thought that small child was holding a dismembered hand for a few seconds there.
voted with 4 accounts! good luck, taryn!
Good Luck Taryn, I’m sure you’ll win however seeing that you’re so far in front, I gave my vote to another one of the competitors with equal or greater hopes of winning the competition too.
I’d love to just give the votes to ‘the cute girl with the tattoos and peircings’ (wow, we’ve got soo much in common) but alas, I read all the stories and found someone who would love the opportunity just as much as you and their story compelled me to give them a chance. People want everything to be fair right?
Anyway, good luck, and have a great time helping the kids and animals if you do win the prize.
You got my vote!
I just voted 8 times, I store email addresses some times, it would have been more if 5 of them had deactivated.
I reckon that y’all should come visit us at Vogue Body Piercing in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia! Plus, the landscapes here are spectacular and definitely worth visiting!
Voted with 2 accts
Goooo Taryn!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxox
Scott – Well, I’m actually not in front at all, I’m in second place. I got where I did by working extremely hard to spread the word everywhere. Amount of votes does not guarantee me a win – if I make it into the top 3 by votes, a panel of judges decides the winner.
tallish-noodles – Close, it’s a My Little Pony! Hahaha.
+1 Vote