When I first got into this whole body mod thing, I was always fascinated by Fakir. He was the modification world’s renaissance man. He was involved in almost every facet of body modification and body play and he travelled the world doing so.
If I had to pick one man likely to be remembered as the 21st centuries modification renaissance man it would, without a doubt, be Ron Garza. So when I saw this email submission from Ron, I knew damn well it would be something awesome.
I will let him tell the story on these:
I found these pics recently from a client from a few years back who had done alot of heavy nipple training/torture through out the years and just had alot of damage done to the tissue. Since he no longer did the nipple training, he wanted to do something to emphasize his nipples since he felt the tattoos over powered them. So we came up with these ideas that show through the tattoo work (he didn’t want the same on both nipples). He was always shy about this and didnt want to much attention drawn to them since he was a suit on his work time back then. I just always thought this was really fucking cool.
I have to agree, and I hope you guys find these pictures to be really fucking cool as well.
For closeups of these interesting nipple projects, keep on keeping on.
Nice placement for a bananabell!
yeah Ron knows how to do wonderful things!
nicely done!
what happened to the good old days of just getting them removed
Hmmm, maybe there’s hope for my four migration-ruined burger nipples after all! Time to go do some research…
so super fucking cool.
I’ve always wondered how nipple microdermals do in the long run… I want some
I am pretty certain these pictures predate the invention of the microdermal by a few years
They are fabulous! But what are they? Short surface bars?
the lower picture has an odd number of piercings……
so if these were post-microdermal… then that would mean…. nipple pocketing???
I confused :[
PRE*-microdermal. oops.
not that new at all ,honestly ive seen this done many times over the past 2 years on both men and women
Hmmmm. What’s confusing me is the uneven number of piercings on the left nipple- if these aren’t microdermals, how did they do that? Interested to find out what they are. The curved barbell looks really good in that placement, never considered it there before.
four surface bars and a pocketing?
This is actually really sweet.
I originally thought they were probably surface bars but I was also thrown off by the uneven # too…
im gonna guess these piercings maybe lasted a year or so. the left does look fresher than the right
longer bars on the right as well.
can someone explain, am i seein a combo of implants and piercings? very nice