I normally post the weekly “Guess What?” image on Tuesdays, but today I thought I would make things a little interesting. Over the course of the afternoon I’ll be posting 3 separate images, and providing some clues as to what they are. Make your guesses in the comment section, and later in the day I’ll post the full uncropped images to see how many you got right. In the interest of fairness, I will say that all three images are of different body parts, it’s up to you to guess the correct ones.
So, first off we have we have an image that involves a lot of metal. What I can tell you is that at some point in the creation of this mod, it took two separate individuals working in tandem to get it just right. Also, the owner is a member of IAM.BMEzine.com.
Think you know what it is? Make a comment below. You’ll find out if you’re right later in the day!
As a side note, IAM is open again for new memberships, so if you’ve been thinking about joining the community, just head on over and sign up.
Update: You can see the results from all 3 rounds here.
i’d guess it’s a fat man’s nipple…
I want to say its a stretched up/scalpolled ear lobe with large BCR’s worn through it..but not too sure to be honest as the skin surrounding the jewellery looks more genital!
Stretched Transscrotal ?
Yeah I’m thinking a stretched transscrotal as well.
like always…………. some kind of male genital. wish you would post something new and exciting.
I’m guessing Labia…
I will take a ling shot guess and say it is an ear on an older person.
I’ll 3rd that stretched trans scrotal notion.
Yea I’m guessing labia as well. I think the rings would be too small for a trans scrotal.
testicle gauged.
inner labia
I think maybe for once you guys are pulling a fast one by NOT having something genital related. I’m thinking hand-web. Weenus. Whatever the fuck that thing between your thumb and forefinger is called.
Or a sac. *shrug* Tomato, Tomahto.
Looks like labia to me. :u
Yeh im guessing stretched transscrotal aswell
I think it’s a stretched inner labia!
Stretched Transcrotal.
I like how you can see the reflection of the photographer in the jewelry.
stretched trans-scrotal or stretched foreskin
OR stretched labia.
I’m changing my guess to stretched labia because there has been way too many transscrotes on Modblog lately.
I’m gonna agree with the stretched transcrotal/stretched foreskin idea. Looks too…. “wrinkly” to be stretched labia.
thats Jay-z’s labia!
I am going with stretched scrotal.
I’ll bet my own transcrotal that that is what it is.
I think transscrotal
I wanna say balls, hahaha
How do I see the answer goddamit?
@big snoop mod: I updated the post with a link to to the results page.
It’s Gandy’s transscrotal, I’d wager. I’d know that ballsack anywhere.