Well, Movember us upon us. What does that mean? Simple, every Monday in Movember ModBlog will be featuring mustaches. Those glorious bands of facial hair that can be sculpted into majestic beasts. As for those amongst you that prefer the full beard, fret not, as it is No Shave November, so expect to see the occasional beard pop up this month. And guys, remember, get those beards started because Bearduary is only a couple months away!
For the first Mo of Movember we have thebearuk sporting a tattoo by Steve from Skunx in London, which I found in the oldschool tattoo gallery.
So get those Mo pics sent in! If you don’t have a Mo, or can’t grow one of your own, don’t worry, I’m sure you can come up with a way to show your love of the Mo.
Im extremely excited about Mustache Monday. and beards.
I love beards too much.
wait a minute… I thought mustaches were in March… right? No-shave November and Mustache March… hmmm… never heard of Movember or Bearduary… but I like it!!!
What about Decembeard?
Rexxi & Lucas, we could just make every month beard or mustache related?
Rexxi & Lucas, we could just make every month beard or mustache related?
we SHOULD make every month beard / mustache related
Movember isn’t just for the sake of growing a mustache. Movember is an awareness month for prostate cancer and depression in men. http://www.movember.com