Abstraction in progress

It’s no secret how much I absolutely adore the work of Joey Pang from Tattoo Temple in Hong Kong.  However, Joey isn’t the only artist working at the temple, and it’s high time we took a look at what Jodic Chan has been up to.

This abstract piece is still a work in progress, but you can definitely see where the piece is headed.  While abstract isn’t for everyone, you can still appreciate Jodic’s work from a technical point of view.  Her blending of different art forms into a unified piece is remarkable.  Hopefully we get to see this again when it is fully complete.

30 thoughts on “Abstraction in progress

  1. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow WOW.

    Abstract tattoos are my favourite, the only sort I will have on my body, and that right there is one of the best tattoos I have ever seen in my life. EVER.

  2. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow WOW.

    Abstract tattoos are my favourite, the only sort I will have on my body, and that right there is one of the best tattoos I have ever seen in my life. EVER.

  3. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow WOW.

    Abstract tattoos are my favourite, the only sort I will have on my body, and that right there is one of the best tattoos I have ever seen in my life. EVER.

  4. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow WOW.

    Abstract tattoos are my favourite, the only sort I will have on my body, and that right there is one of the best tattoos I have ever seen in my life. EVER.

  5. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow WOW.

    Abstract tattoos are my favourite, the only sort I will have on my body, and that right there is one of the best tattoos I have ever seen in my life. EVER.

  6. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow WOW.

    Abstract tattoos are my favourite, the only sort I will have on my body, and that right there is one of the best tattoos I have ever seen in my life. EVER.

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