- 2007-01-19: MA: Candela expands tattoo removal business [by Ribibe]
- 2007-01-19: India: Indian auto-rickshaw driver has 125 Sonia Gandhi tattoos [by Ribibe]
- 2007-01-19: IL: Owner of tattoo shop gets second hearing [by Ribibe]
- 2007-01-19: WA: Tattoo Ink Marks a New Gallery’s Spot [by Ribibe]
- 2007-01-19: HI: TV Tattoo Show Owners Open Waikiki Shop [by Ribibe]
- 2007-01-19: MD: Is it dangerous to get your tongue pierced? [by Ribibe]
- 2007-01-19: CA: Owner of tattoo shop gets second hearing [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: HI: Grandma Gets ‘Inked’ [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: SWITZ: Oral Piercings [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: ME: Council wants more info about tattoo licenses [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: ON: Why Ottawa rubbed out jail tattoo program [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: MA: An RFID tattoo [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: INDIA: Auto driver has 125 Sonia tattoos [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: Germany: Gutmenschen, kauft besser (Good people, buy better!) [by deadly pale]
- 2007-01-19: OH: Hodesh Limud: The Jewish take on daily events [by deadly pale]
- 2007-01-19: MA: Candela expands tattoo removal business with investment in ink maker [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: RI: Legendary tattoo artist has painted on 145000 human canvasses [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: MD: Seeking to be Scene [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: HI: Getting Inked [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: IN: Owner of tattoo shop gets second hearing [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: UK: Sword swallower skewers himself [by Eyeball Kid]
- 2007-01-19: USA: Wristwatches and Surface Piercing: A Small Primer [by deadly pale]
- 2007-01-19: Germany: Windmühlen-Crawler (Windmill Crawler) [by deadly pale]
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