Johnny Cooper (of Psycho Clown Tattoo, Fort Worth, TX) tattooed a picture of Adrenalynn Richardson onto a client — here are all three of them together. She says that while there are others with her picture tattooed on them, this is the first time she’d ever actually met the person and seen it happen! Must have been a strange sensation…
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35 thoughts on ““Me on Him””
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aw ^_^
i am 100% straight. but jezus that woman is hott
I am 100% pure fruit juice. But who wouldn’t want that georgeous woman on their skin?
That’s one way to try and get laid.
don’t you americans know that this two fingers gesture means “FUCK OFF” in the UK ?
Who is she again?
@5 my guess she is some internet model on a site like suicide girls :\
I saw that !I love U”-photograph one or two years ago on Photobucket, but with an other girl.
by the way, do you know the photographic work by she is always looking for models.
g g g g gang signs
elfron, plenty of americans know…plenty don’t….i don’t think anyone cares tho…if we censored our gestures to be acceptable world wide we’d have no acceptable gestures left
don’t those from the UK know that the two fingered sign means “peace”?
how the fuck are people in one country supposed to know what gestures in another country mean?
frankly….I would’nt wish to put a chick on my skin…
worst idea,ever.
if you ever have reason to hate that girl..just think ….she’s there to remind you of it,and the experiance,every fucking time time you look down.
and “fuck off”??,ah who cares….I’m American,and a native New Yorker,like I give two fucks what she,or anybody else thinks.
yeah who is she?????? nothing comes up on a google search and cause i’m spastic i don’t have a iam page… and yeah that’s some gangsta shit she’s doing with her fingers… not peace or fuck off
“don’t those from the UK know that the two fingered sign means “peace”?
how the fuck are people in one country supposed to know what gestures in another country mean?”
uh, the peace sign with palm facing OUTWARDS is a gesture of peace. The palm facing towards you means “fuck off”.
nothing wrong with getting prety girls tattooed on you as long as you aren’t involved with them…..
heres her
dammit….her myspace page
in america it means peace either direction, only in the uk is there this distinction between backwards and forwards
It also means peace in Australia, backwards or forwards.
Yeah i face my palm inwards most of the time when i do the peace sign
she’s american
this site is american (well I guess that debatable since shannon is american but lives in canada)
and most of the readers are american
No comment on the tattoo… just having a wee laugh at how god damn ethnocentric some Americans are!
Ok so in American context the finger peace sign originated from the circle with the upsidedown Y whcih originally meant victory. After the Vietnam war, yeah fuck you, and the anti-war protests, it was adopted as a sign of peace.
In Britain, the sign originated from the several hundred years of war between the English and French. The French were getting owned by the English archers so they would amputate the index and middle finger (which renders the archers.. well not useless but not as effective). The English archers who still had those fingers would taunt the French by showing them their fingers and noooooow in the UK that sign means fuck you =] That’s what I was told, anyway.
Thanks for the British history #22. I wasn’t aware of that story…pretty interesting. Also, the V-sign was used as the sign of Victory in WWII by Winston Churchill.
(As for the “fuck-you” meaning, I will make a note of that incase I meet any French archers here in south Texas.)
HOLD ON !!! You mean Americans ACTUALLY have a sign for peace ??
When have they ever used that ?
the girl is hawt!!
stabbyLove: Um, I hate to get drawn into a stupid argument but in Australia the distinction *definitely* exists. Palm out = Peace, Palm In = Piss off. I have, in all seriousness, never, until this moment, encountered anyone who thought that the two were interchangeable.
In New Zealand, palm outwards = peace, back of the hand outwards = fuck you. Also, it’s more of a gangsta sign if the hand is slightly tilted and not fully facing outwards, meaning deuce or double deuce. Yeah biarch!
Funkylamb: and I, in all seriousness, have never met anyone who has recognised this distinction. It’s a big country =]
Im an Aussie too…… Stabby, there is absolutely no doubt that there is a very clear distinction in this country. Everyone I know (have lived in 3 states) uses the palm facing in as an offensive gesture, pretty much the same as the middle finger.
The peace sign has only ever been palm facing out, and I’m sorry but I really cant believe that people dont know the difference!
#29: -sigh- Well then darling your going to have to open your mind a little because there are people who aren’t aware! Get over it.
I’d have to say that any sign that you throw with your fingers is usually read in context…..and so it can all really mean whatever you want…..
and really…..who even cares….have you seen Adrenalynn’s titties!!….they’ll make you forget all about it!!
“Im an Aussie too…… Stabby, there is absolutely no doubt that there is a very clear distinction in this country. Everyone I know (have lived in 3 states) uses the palm facing in as an offensive gesture, pretty much the same as the middle finger.”
I’ve lived all over Australia and travelled around it over 6 times. And I’ve NEVER heard of this distinction.
More to the point, who cares? There’s one universal hand gesture for fuck off, why can’t we all stick to that? (Middle finger up, rest down.) IMO, that’s the best one for expressing aforesaid sentiment.
people need to stop complaining about her hand gesture and focus on the ink!!!!!!
wich is nice
i like it
‘No comment on the tattoo… just having a wee laugh at how god damn ethnocentric some Americans are!’
Had not seen this post, as a half black half white American and Texan I feel no shame in being proud of my ethnicity, as well as being nationalistic. But I digress, this post was about my likeness being on this guy forever… right?