- 2005-09-30: Canada: Tattooed Blue heavy into their body ink [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-09-30: CA: Scripps biologist’s accolade-to-tattoo ratio changes with national award [by rebekah]
- 2005-09-30: NS: Art imitates tattooists life [by rebekah]
- 2005-09-30: IL: Public Opinion Lab holds studies; notes percentage of people who get sick out after modifications [by rebekah]
- 2005-09-30: NJ: Tattoo you at the Meadowlands [by rebekah]
- 2005-09-30: Australia: Councillor swans around with a tattoo [by rebekah]
- 2005-09-30: SC: Art ‘breaks into’ dental world with tooth tattoos [by rebekah]
- 2005-09-30: USA: Tooth tattoos (MSN Video) [by rebekah]
- 2005-09-30: South Africa: Nose stud girl loses [by rebekah]
- 2005-09-30: SA: Warning over link between circumcision and HIV [by rebekah]
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