Let’s Help Out Our Buds!

So here is the scoop! We have three of our OG BME folks, Sean Philips, Rianne Philips and Jareb Foosh along with two others have entered into a 12 week long weight loss challenge.

Here at BME we love to see modified folks succeed and being that losing weight is potentially one of the most noticeable and physically demanding modifications you can make…lets help them out!


Also, they may be on fire.

Their very first mini-chalenge is to get the most votes on their picture, team name and biography. Please help them out by voting! The voting system uses your Facebook account to verify who you are and make sure you aren’t voting more than once. Their team name is “Unrepentant Thinners” and you can vote for them by following this link.

Heavy Scars Over Heavy Black

Can’t thank chasethebeard enough for submitting this! I’m always a fan of scars over black but this really looks amazing!

black scarification

Artist Credit Chase Suarez

This seems to be a cover up, and a hell of a way to cover something in my opinion! Solid black over existing tattoos sometimes will leave you with a “ghost” of the covered tattoo where you can see the lines underneath. The scars here really do wonders to break up an outline!

Just A Trim

Call me soft but fingernail and toenail modification is one of the few things I just cant get desensitized to. These were uploaded by MAX! in 2009 and if you’re still out there MAX! We’d love to see a follow up!


I think you know where this is going.

Click through to see the aftermath.

toenail2From what I can gather this was an attempt to prevent nail regrowth by using a soldering iron. I’m not sure what the long term effectiveness was on this but it is an interesting concept none the less.

Half and Half

I’m not sure if Thunvall chopped his luscious locks off for this photo but it is still an interesting juxtaposition from one side to the other.

juxEither way I like the put together look and you know I’m a sucker for nice paired piercings! It might not seem like a huge body modification but I know from experience that chopping long hair off can feel as significant as a tattoo or piercing if not more.

Modified Political Candidate James Harrison Nixon

Long shot or not, you don’t see many visibly modified folks running for a political office. I’d like you all to meet James Harrison Nixon.

Who could say no to this face?

Who could say no to this face?

“James Harrison Nixon is a normal person that cares for his state. A average working man that truly stands for the people in his district as well as Georgia”

James is running for Georgia Senate District 30 right now. No matter what the outcome and no matter what your political affiliation might be it is really great to see someone pushing the limits of what it is “acceptable” for the heavily modified to accomplish.

I think James is quite brave for throwing himself into such a tough market and I’m here to give him two major thumbs up. Good luck dude!

You can check out his campaign page here