Butt Play Piercing

Normally when I say that, it’s in the BME/HARD context of play piercings inside and around the anus… Here I mean it more literally… Thanks to Shawn O’Hare, the Pastor of Pain at the Pain Parlor in Oxnard, CA for yet another picture featured on ModBlog. For the record books, his girlfriend took it 101 times in the butt. Er, that came out wrong.

BME Newsfeed for Mar 2, 2006

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BME Newsfeed for Mar 1, 2006

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Star tattoos I like

I don’t know if I actually do like this next tattoo or not. Part of me thinks it’s sexy (the bottom half of me I suppose) — and really, could any tattoo ruin that? — but part of me thinks it looks like she’s farting stars. I’m sorry, maybe I’m immature, but that’s what comes to mind… This was inked by James Reed at Marked For Life in Warren, MI.

Before I go — these updates came late today — let me give you three more quick tattoos. On the left are some stars within stars (maybe it’s inspired by 2001, ha, sorry, nerd joke) on Will. The middle one (the Scooby Doo tattoo) is by Ryan Zachary in Portland, OR. And finally, on the right, is a star piece (c/o IAM:London.Midnight) by Ben at Slave to the Needle in Seattle.