BME Shop Spotlight

Oh, hello! Welcome to the inaugural installment of the BME Shop Spotlight, in which we’ll feature candid shots of you lovely people sporting the latest in BME shirts, jewelry, and, well, anything else that found its way out of BME Shop.

Today’s model is evilolive, who can be seen in the award-winning BME Unicorn T-shirt. You know what kinds of T-shirts have unicorns on them? The best kinds.

Thanks, evilolive! And to everyone else, don’t forget to send in your photos of yourselves decked out in BME gear!

P.S. From Rachel

The “final run designs” have been dropped to 5.99 to clear them out for the holidays so I can make room for new stock in the new year. You can get jackets for as low as 29.99 (if it says we don’t have it in stock, try to order it anyway), shorts for 15.99 and even the work shirts for 19.99. Regular tshirts range from 5.99 and up. The shop cache might take a couple minutes to reflect the new pricing on the main pages but the items themselves should be correct. Help me clear these items out!

Anyone ordering 10 shirts or more will get a free keychain.

I’ve also added a lot of supplies, new jewelry as well as a brand new accessory! BMEshop carries more than it ever has and will continue to grow with your support. Please post in the comments if there are things you guys want to see available.

I’ll take mine fully subincised please.

I like my penises cut in two.

Dearest ModBlog,

I’ve missed you. I know I never write but I can’t help it. The shop keeps me running all day printing shirts, mailing out things for people to decorate their weenies with and all sorts of goodies to make BME’rs smile. I know Jordan and Roo take good care of you but I wanted to let you know I think about you every single day. I’ve got a couple other great BME/Hard inspired shirts coming soon, not to mention all the heavily discounted final run shirts. Who wouldn’t love BME shirts for 9.99? What would make you happier? A discount code on orders good until December 24th? I’ll see what I can do. Till next time, take care.

Love Always,


Get Ready For Awesome

Are you the sort of person who might be interested in an online body modification store packed with tons of T-shirts (with new designs coming regularly), beautiful high-quality jewelry, books and DVDs and industry-favorite aftercare products? Well hot holy damn, you’re in luck! At long last, BME shop has made its triumphant return to the Internets! Months of careful planning, precise purchasing and about an average amount of witchcraft have gotten us here, and we could not be happier. Click the image above to go directly to our Final Run T-shirt designs (which are on sale!), or click on that handsome unicorn below to visit the all-new!