- 2005-11-02: PA: Tattoo Regrets: Taking it all off [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-11-02: USA: Health Tip: Care For Skin After Getting Tattoos [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-11-02: VA: Is tattoo totally taboo? [by Ebowlotus1960]
- 2005-11-02: IL: Lawmakers override governor’s veto on lowered tattoo age [by rebekah]
- 2005-11-02: IN: Auction brings in unique items [by rebekah]
- 2005-11-02: TX: Needlework in the new millenium [by rebekah]
- 2005-11-02: FL: Tattoo artist to showcase graffiti artists (last blurb) [by rebekah]
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