Awwwwright, I know I’m posting a lot of Samppa‘s pictures today (and I have a few more saved for tomorrow or Wednesday), but I quite like this necklace piece he did. The scar in the middle is from the removal of an older implant by the way.
PS. For BME/extreme members, there’s tons of photos from Samppa at MadMax (located Finland-London-Everywhere) that will be posted later in the week.
so is that like lots is individual implant? looks good 🙂
so is that like lots is individual implant? looks good 🙂
so is that like lots is individual implant? looks good 🙂
lots of**
lots of**
lots of**
that really looks neat. I’m diggin the effect. But yah, how many implants are actually involved?
that really looks neat. I’m diggin the effect. But yah, how many implants are actually involved?
that really looks neat. I’m diggin the effect. But yah, how many implants are actually involved?
To the best of my knowledge lots.
To the best of my knowledge lots.
To the best of my knowledge lots.
if i remember right, 12 pieces. they r kinda of bone shape pieces
if i remember right, 12 pieces. they r kinda of bone shape pieces
if i remember right, 12 pieces. they r kinda of bone shape pieces