The “monsterworm” on the left is by Jethro Bijlaart at Mounty Zoo Tattoo in Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands. The other two (the lock and the pubic Taz) are the work of Al Farber at Acid Works Tattoos in Mount Morris, MI.
I’m not so sure that I find the specifics of any of them a big turn on for me personally (I’m 99% sure I’ve never jerked off to either Tremors or Taz cartoons), but I assume they are for the wearers and/or their partners. People (men and women both) get some funny things tattooed on and around their genitals (check out the galleries in BME/extreme if you’d like more).
Oh, wow. The worms from Tremors always have freaked me out since I was little. That’s the last place I’d want to see one!
Oh, wow. The worms from Tremors always have freaked me out since I was little. That’s the last place I’d want to see one!
Oh, wow. The worms from Tremors always have freaked me out since I was little. That’s the last place I’d want to see one!
Oh, wow. The worms from Tremors always have freaked me out since I was little. That’s the last place I’d want to see one!
is that a vert. hood on the last girl? i can’t tell.
either way, it’s pretty. all of them are. i’m a big fan of vagina.
is that a vert. hood on the last girl? i can’t tell.
either way, it’s pretty. all of them are. i’m a big fan of vagina.
is that a vert. hood on the last girl? i can’t tell.
either way, it’s pretty. all of them are. i’m a big fan of vagina.
is that a vert. hood on the last girl? i can’t tell.
either way, it’s pretty. all of them are. i’m a big fan of vagina.
You’re not seeing anyone’s vagina. You’re seeing their vulvas. The vagina is an internal canal, leading to the vaginal opening, which you can see externally as part of the vulva. Sorry, it’s just an anatomical pet peeve of mine, using “vagina” interchangeably with “vulva.”
You’re not seeing anyone’s vagina. You’re seeing their vulvas. The vagina is an internal canal, leading to the vaginal opening, which you can see externally as part of the vulva. Sorry, it’s just an anatomical pet peeve of mine, using “vagina” interchangeably with “vulva.”
You’re not seeing anyone’s vagina. You’re seeing their vulvas. The vagina is an internal canal, leading to the vaginal opening, which you can see externally as part of the vulva. Sorry, it’s just an anatomical pet peeve of mine, using “vagina” interchangeably with “vulva.”
You’re not seeing anyone’s vagina. You’re seeing their vulvas. The vagina is an internal canal, leading to the vaginal opening, which you can see externally as part of the vulva. Sorry, it’s just an anatomical pet peeve of mine, using “vagina” interchangeably with “vulva.”
sweet, sweet, sweet – it makes me horny!
sweet, sweet, sweet – it makes me horny!
sweet, sweet, sweet – it makes me horny!
sweet, sweet, sweet – it makes me horny!
C, know you know why the volvo is the males car (the little symbol and all) but it is because the girlies own the vulva lol
C, know you know why the volvo is the males car (the little symbol and all) but it is because the girlies own the vulva lol
C, know you know why the volvo is the males car (the little symbol and all) but it is because the girlies own the vulva lol
C, know you know why the volvo is the males car (the little symbol and all) but it is because the girlies own the vulva lol
Is there any chance the last one isn’t a natural female, as it doesn’t REALLY look like a ‘vagina’ to me…but maybe I’m wrong..all vag’s are different..? Not that it matters, I’m just interested..
Also, the tattoos are crazy….tazzy devil?? hahah random! but funny.
Is there any chance the last one isn’t a natural female, as it doesn’t REALLY look like a ‘vagina’ to me…but maybe I’m wrong..all vag’s are different..? Not that it matters, I’m just interested..
Also, the tattoos are crazy….tazzy devil?? hahah random! but funny.
Is there any chance the last one isn’t a natural female, as it doesn’t REALLY look like a ‘vagina’ to me…but maybe I’m wrong..all vag’s are different..? Not that it matters, I’m just interested..
Also, the tattoos are crazy….tazzy devil?? hahah random! but funny.
Is there any chance the last one isn’t a natural female, as it doesn’t REALLY look like a ‘vagina’ to me…but maybe I’m wrong..all vag’s are different..? Not that it matters, I’m just interested..
Also, the tattoos are crazy….tazzy devil?? hahah random! but funny.
Penny, I’ve seen thousands upon thousands of vaginas (and I have no problem using the word in its common rather than technical usage) close up, and I assure you that the one on the right is very normal looking. There is a fair degree of variance in female genitals (far more so than in male genitals it seems to me).
Penny, I’ve seen thousands upon thousands of vaginas (and I have no problem using the word in its common rather than technical usage) close up, and I assure you that the one on the right is very normal looking. There is a fair degree of variance in female genitals (far more so than in male genitals it seems to me).
Penny, I’ve seen thousands upon thousands of vaginas (and I have no problem using the word in its common rather than technical usage) close up, and I assure you that the one on the right is very normal looking. There is a fair degree of variance in female genitals (far more so than in male genitals it seems to me).
Penny, I’ve seen thousands upon thousands of vaginas (and I have no problem using the word in its common rather than technical usage) close up, and I assure you that the one on the right is very normal looking. There is a fair degree of variance in female genitals (far more so than in male genitals it seems to me).
ok, the one on the right, her tattoo….well. i like the chain, but it looks to me like the lock and the key were drawn very poorly. i think my 2 year old niece could draw a better lock and key than that!
ok, the one on the right, her tattoo….well. i like the chain, but it looks to me like the lock and the key were drawn very poorly. i think my 2 year old niece could draw a better lock and key than that!
ok, the one on the right, her tattoo….well. i like the chain, but it looks to me like the lock and the key were drawn very poorly. i think my 2 year old niece could draw a better lock and key than that!
ok, the one on the right, her tattoo….well. i like the chain, but it looks to me like the lock and the key were drawn very poorly. i think my 2 year old niece could draw a better lock and key than that!
i think the third one is odd. her parting starts really high up her pubic mound..
i think the third one is odd. her parting starts really high up her pubic mound..
i think the third one is odd. her parting starts really high up her pubic mound..
i think the third one is odd. her parting starts really high up her pubic mound..
Stop picking on the way her vulva looks! Don’t women have enough things to worry about lookswise without worrying about that too?
And C, I’m with you on the vulva/vagina thing as well. Vulva dammit!
Stop picking on the way her vulva looks! Don’t women have enough things to worry about lookswise without worrying about that too?
And C, I’m with you on the vulva/vagina thing as well. Vulva dammit!
Stop picking on the way her vulva looks! Don’t women have enough things to worry about lookswise without worrying about that too?
And C, I’m with you on the vulva/vagina thing as well. Vulva dammit!
Stop picking on the way her vulva looks! Don’t women have enough things to worry about lookswise without worrying about that too?
And C, I’m with you on the vulva/vagina thing as well. Vulva dammit!
I agree the lock and key look badly drawn. As for the last vulva, it looks pretty much exactly like mine, and I assure you I was born female. I actually thought it was the only one that looked, “normal”. To me, the middle one just looks bizarre. The labia look as though they should meet in a more pronounced way.
I guess that’s how it works though – whatever you’re used to is what you see as being “normal”.
I agree the lock and key look badly drawn. As for the last vulva, it looks pretty much exactly like mine, and I assure you I was born female. I actually thought it was the only one that looked, “normal”. To me, the middle one just looks bizarre. The labia look as though they should meet in a more pronounced way.
I guess that’s how it works though – whatever you’re used to is what you see as being “normal”.
I agree the lock and key look badly drawn. As for the last vulva, it looks pretty much exactly like mine, and I assure you I was born female. I actually thought it was the only one that looked, “normal”. To me, the middle one just looks bizarre. The labia look as though they should meet in a more pronounced way.
I guess that’s how it works though – whatever you’re used to is what you see as being “normal”.
I agree the lock and key look badly drawn. As for the last vulva, it looks pretty much exactly like mine, and I assure you I was born female. I actually thought it was the only one that looked, “normal”. To me, the middle one just looks bizarre. The labia look as though they should meet in a more pronounced way.
I guess that’s how it works though – whatever you’re used to is what you see as being “normal”.
There is honestly nothing abnormal about the third person’s anatomy. It’s VERY normal looking. I’m actually kind of surprised that people reading this are so unfamiliar with female genitals.
There is honestly nothing abnormal about the third person’s anatomy. It’s VERY normal looking. I’m actually kind of surprised that people reading this are so unfamiliar with female genitals.
There is honestly nothing abnormal about the third person’s anatomy. It’s VERY normal looking. I’m actually kind of surprised that people reading this are so unfamiliar with female genitals.
There is honestly nothing abnormal about the third person’s anatomy. It’s VERY normal looking. I’m actually kind of surprised that people reading this are so unfamiliar with female genitals.
I want my new pubic tatt up there 🙁
I want my new pubic tatt up there 🙁
I want my new pubic tatt up there 🙁
I want my new pubic tatt up there 🙁
Vulva or vagina – it doesn’ matter! In each time wonderful decorated snails for kiss and licking!!!!
Vulva or vagina – it doesn’ matter! In each time wonderful decorated snails for kiss and licking!!!!
Vulva or vagina – it doesn’ matter! In each time wonderful decorated snails for kiss and licking!!!!
Vulva or vagina – it doesn’ matter! In each time wonderful decorated snails for kiss and licking!!!!
In each time wonderful decorated snails for kiss and licking!!!!
In each time wonderful decorated snails for kiss and licking!!!!
In each time wonderful decorated snails for kiss and licking!!!!
In each time wonderful decorated snails for kiss and licking!!!!
The worm was done by me. She wanted it, because of her appendix removal. The worm comes out of the scar;)
The worm was done by me. She wanted it, because of her appendix removal. The worm comes out of the scar;)
The worm was done by me. She wanted it, because of her appendix removal. The worm comes out of the scar;)
The worm was done by me. She wanted it, because of her appendix removal. The worm comes out of the scar;)
why are there sooo few nice or well done or pretty pubic tattoos???…honestly…i see so many that are evil cats or demons swallowing up whatever is placed near the “vulva”!!…i know for my pubic piece i would go for something a little more appealing to those approaching the area….makes me mad to see perfectl nice pussy go to waste at the hand of poorly chosen tats…
why are there sooo few nice or well done or pretty pubic tattoos???…honestly…i see so many that are evil cats or demons swallowing up whatever is placed near the “vulva”!!…i know for my pubic piece i would go for something a little more appealing to those approaching the area….makes me mad to see perfectl nice pussy go to waste at the hand of poorly chosen tats…
why are there sooo few nice or well done or pretty pubic tattoos???…honestly…i see so many that are evil cats or demons swallowing up whatever is placed near the “vulva”!!…i know for my pubic piece i would go for something a little more appealing to those approaching the area….makes me mad to see perfectl nice pussy go to waste at the hand of poorly chosen tats…
why are there sooo few nice or well done or pretty pubic tattoos???…honestly…i see so many that are evil cats or demons swallowing up whatever is placed near the “vulva”!!…i know for my pubic piece i would go for something a little more appealing to those approaching the area….makes me mad to see perfectl nice pussy go to waste at the hand of poorly chosen tats…
fair enough…..fair enough…..just wondering…….
fair enough…..fair enough…..just wondering…….
fair enough…..fair enough…..just wondering…….
fair enough…..fair enough…..just wondering…….
sistinas – Let me dig through my archives when I get a chance and post some that are less garish when I get a chance…
sistinas – Let me dig through my archives when I get a chance and post some that are less garish when I get a chance…
sistinas – Let me dig through my archives when I get a chance and post some that are less garish when I get a chance…
sistinas – Let me dig through my archives when I get a chance and post some that are less garish when I get a chance…
i’m pretty sure “map of tassie” is an australian euphamism for a female pubic mound. maybe that explains the tasmanian devil tattoo?
i’m pretty sure “map of tassie” is an australian euphamism for a female pubic mound. maybe that explains the tasmanian devil tattoo?
i’m pretty sure “map of tassie” is an australian euphamism for a female pubic mound. maybe that explains the tasmanian devil tattoo?
i’m pretty sure “map of tassie” is an australian euphamism for a female pubic mound. maybe that explains the tasmanian devil tattoo?
my wife reallly enjoyed her tatt will post photo later.
my wife reallly enjoyed her tatt will post photo later.
my wife reallly enjoyed her tatt will post photo later.
my wife reallly enjoyed her tatt will post photo later.