I can guess what was going on when this picture of Jessica was taken, or at least I can guess what the guy with the camera is enjoying.
And what’s funny is that the next photo that I processed after that was this one of IAM Code… so I wondered if there could be a similar story as to the dude that took this picture as well?
Haha, I really wish he was the one who took the first picture (and was making that face while doing it)
That white shirt is so wrong on him
FUCK thats a hot picture, it made me move a little bit.
Oh, and the girl is pretty cute too. ^_^
Hey Shannon, shouldn’t that be “I know WHO you did last summer”?
I very badly want to touch her abs.
Is it bad that I’ve come to expect click throughs?
I want to touch her abs too… From the inside! ;o)
Stupid internets…
IAM code = awesome
And her abs = awesome
I need to get to work, I want abs like those!
how d’you know it was a guy with the camera?
that picture is so sexy
and you can see her veins in her hand and boobs!
i was totally hoping for a click through as well.
that chick has a bangin’ body.
Bottom guy = modified Milton from ‘Office Space.’
Yeah, click through.. me too : (
Hahahaha awww he just looks so happy! Bless his heart.
no clicky? le-sigh…
great piercings on her though,
I don’t always like nipple rings.
as for his? neato.
the modified Milton comment just about killed me.
#13 – Hahahaha! It’s SO true.
the top one makes me really wish my boy was into taking pictures like that.
Hot. Very cute little nipple rings. They were defiantly getting down, on the side table to her right there’s a bottle of astroglide.