57 thoughts on “Skeet! Skeet!

  1. i’ve seen many a unusual things here on modblog; but this honestly was the first post that made me say ” ohh noo..”

  2. this has stirred up some very conflicting and baffling feelings in me… and now, im not sure whether i am shocked and appalled, or totally empowered…. maybe a little of both.

  3. Ooh, I thought it was a girl at first also. (the underwear print is cute also).. I still don’t get it at all though. *shrugs*

  4. Wikipedia says:

    Slang for coitus interruptus. The ejaculatory term for ‘pulling out’ the penis and ‘shooting’ semen derives from the act of skeet shooting, pull and shoot.

    Even with that ^ I still don’t understand fully. Especially if it is a guys ass.

  5. “* Since there’s some confusion, he’s the artist, not the skeet catcher!”

    that doesn’t look like a guy’s ass!

  6. I can’t imagine her NOT regretting this at some point. I generally think joke tattoos are bad, but this is utterly awful IMO.

  7. HAHAHAHA I FUCKING LOVE IT. Lil Jon and the Eastside Boys are hilarious! I think it’s a great tattoo!
    like dave chappelle once said on his show once white people find out what it really means they’re gonna be like “ohhh noo what have we done?” hahaha

  8. I get the whole personal message of the tattooing thing on your body, its what you like not anyone else, blah blah blah. But it begs the question, even if it wasnt permanent…WHY?!?

  9. the word skeet isn’t bad.. its just the gooey text that is gross. its not even hot. it makes me think of halloween. or squished worms

  10. this is my ass, i love the tatoo, i regret nothing. for all you people who dont like it….i dont care! its not your ass!

  11. this just doesnt make sense.

    it says Misfortune is “the artist, not the skeet catcher”, yet it says the tattoo was done by (the artist) James Reed.
    Unless Misfortune’s name is James?

    I get the tattoo.. its just the context is highly confusing.

  12. im very proud to call the owner of this tattoo my best friend.
    not only is she amazing, but this tattoo is amazing, and anyone who is offended by this is just no fun.

  13. I gotta say, I like the font a lot more than the tattoo.
    Judge not, but I don’t know…seems terribly regrettable.
    To each his own! Or in this case, her own.
    LeavethePoliticsToMadmen….did you think his mother named him Misfortune?

  14. @#35: i’m offended. i’m pretty fun. sometimes people have opinions. ’tis the plight of freedom of speech!

  15. my friend always called me “skeet skeet keet” (the story behind keet is long, and isnt really important) but i always wondered what the skeet skeet was for.


  16. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that expression, and I’m surprised ‘caus I’m a cum-guzzling gutter slut; you think I’d know the term.
    Oh well. I like it.

  17. damn, that’s pretty funny, and I LOVE the underwear…i’ve totally been searching for underwear like that. where did you get them?

  18. I completely agree with #46! While this is not a tattoo I would get on my ass, I think it’s fucking awesome and I bet the artist had a good laugh about it!

  19. skeet skeet is slang for pulling out.
    pulling out means that the man pulls his dick out of the woman and shoots his cum on her.
    “skeet on me”
    “want me to skeet or stay inside?”

    the tat is on a girl,
    shannon just confused everyone with the description, pay no mind. it’s a girl’s ass.

  20. rofwl I thought it was some regional variation on ‘scoot’ – as in diarrhoea!!
    I was sick in my mouth a bit. 😀

  21. I think its hot and would to skeet on that very nice bottom .(ofcourse only with her premission wich is not goin to happen )


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