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77 thoughts on “Want to pan out? Just click.”
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Holy crap can I borrow him?
How they do to have such a dick ! lol
holy shit, where I can order one of those?
OK, I didn’t even notice that… I was going “Where’s the mod?”
CalvinKlein + …
that is a sexy penis
yummeh !
this is the hottest pic. ever.
thank you shannon for such a pretty boy
Very niceeee. I like.
haha! holy crap, I’m slow once again on this one
Cheers, Shannon!
um…that wuz sexxy…
it’s the king of cocks. for reals, yo!
That’s great.
W-O-W! This is THE sexiest picture I’ve ever seen for male genital piercings! Thank yooooooooou Shannon!!! XD
positively delicious.
oh so hot!!!
Why the hitey tighties WHYYYY???…
other than that… yummmmmyyyyyyyyy……. COuld totally rape.. haha
hello big boy!! where can i find more like that???!!
This is the exact expression my face made when i saw this picture-
Would love to test this one
HOT. Very Very Hot. Need a cold shower now…
ahhh nice
hmm yummy
Haha! I was looking thinking “What is wrong with his finger???? *lightbulb switches on* Ohhhh….”
Yup, too early in the morning for me =)
Absolutelyfuckingdelicious. And I mean that.
is this the same guy that could suck his own?? looks like the same piercing/foreskin
oh! for some reason i thought he had velvet in his underwear.yeah, it’s too late in the day for such high thinking.
Where’s the queue?
o.O was the face I made too. LOL.
I love how everyone is judging how hot this person is based on a glimpse of his penis.
in fact…it’s not thaaaaaat big
I was thinking his fingernails looked a bit long…but the rest looks pretty good. Show the face please!
#39, cause guys totally never judge women on their body parts.
If we don’t get to see a full body shot of this, I’m going to EXPLOOOODE– and it WONT be in a good, orgasmic, I want to fuck that piercing way.
Oh my god, thank you.
more on my page if you want to look
drop me a line too, I’m a friendly sort
I thought for a moment it was going to be a kitten like in that Smack The Pony sketch.
#39 – Nobody was judging the person. I think they were judging the penis. Which is fairly fair given that it was a picture of… a penis
…that is really, really big. wow.
Oncemore, I think I love you… and your foreskin.
A chopped cock is the one mod I *hate* to see…
Am I the only one who finds large male genital pierces inserted inside them extremely painful, and not in a good way?
Also this guy strikes me as a wee bit of an attention whore, which is quite a turn-off..
However, this is a nice picture.
Harobu… it’s not as if he’s got nothing to brag about! It’s a good looking penis.
You all see an inch of it and think it is good looking and large (not that it isn’t of fair size or of the larger side of the scale)?? I just feel sorry for you…
Impressive. I shall have to drop by his page and see more…..
yummy, foreskin! :\
It’s a big cock.. so what. I like a man with a real penis.. not monster huge… first thought when I saw this pic was OUCH!
I love all this hate and malice…attention whore? haha!
it’s not as though I beg Shannon to put these pictures up!
covered up
Holy fuck oncemore!! (please take as both an exclamation and request) I’m moving to Kent next week and might have to stalk you a little bit….
haha! really? wow…erm
holy damn
Can I get a guy like him?
Is it bad that I immediately recognized it as being his penis?
I didn’t mean much by it.
Hate and malice are hardly the words I’d use to describe my emotions.
oncemore: You have a *beautiful* cock, one of the most gorgeous I’ve ever seen! I so love that picture.. so so hot! I’ve seen others on your page too, you are sooo hot!!
Oncemore is one of the most sensual men on BME
Wow, Absolutely gorgeous
I just meant the other comments tainted with what appears to be jealousy. Ah well, cant please everyone.
Cheers for the comments people
that makes me …hmmm
#69 – That makes me feel… hmmm… a little tingley inside my pants. Very nice indeed.
beautiful cock!!!
Hang on I thought size didn’t matter….:P
Definately my favorite picture. Just beautiful.
not only is this pic really beautiful … as in tastefull , but so isnt the subject
nice bod nice penis and nice piercing
do you have a myspace oncemore? i want to see the rest of you.
i love this picture, but i really dont get why some guys are being such bitches about the fact you can only see an inch or so: come on! the fact you cán’t see it all, makes it even sexier – look at it as a woman wearing pretty lingerie!