He can!
By Andy Shaffer, Dyeing Rites Tattoo, Elizabeth City, NC.
See more in “Tongue tattoos“ (Tattoos)
By Andy Shaffer, Dyeing Rites Tattoo, Elizabeth City, NC.
See more in “Tongue tattoos“ (Tattoos)
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eeep!! … pain >.<
that’s like… one of the best tongue tattoos iv’e seen
I wonder how it tasted while he was getting it done… other than painful =P
it’s freakin’ awesome but… ouch.
tell ask how it feels!
It will be interesting to see how it heals…
i like it! ive always been a fan of oral tattoos, as transient as most of them are.
i do wonder how long it will last? inner lip tattoos fade away kinda quickly and the tongue is always replacing taste buds….
I did this about 2 weeks ago and haven’t seen it since, but i heard from him, and he said it is fading fast. We are most likely going to try it again. Oh, and he said it tasted very bad…. but hurt less than his inner lip (which we did at the same time). Anyone in the VA/NC area interested in tongue tattoos come to Dyeing Rites in Elizabeth City NC and ask for Andy…
Inner lip tattoos fade away primarily based upon how they were executed with some additional variance from person to person. I have an inner lip tattoo that has not changed or faded in over twelve years. My tongue tattoo (from before my split) is still somewhat visible. Tongue tattooing is very challenging to do effectively and will often fade to a light gray within a few weeks, done well it will remiain for years (the top portion of the question mark on mine is very light but has been there for over a decade). I’m not sure if my original tongue tattoo experience is still on BME (from the mid 90′s) but there is some information here:
@ Lizardman: i’ve not heard of inner lip tattoos or tongue tattoos staying that long! the few people i know with inner lip tattoos have shown they all faded out, some completely, within a few months, thats quite amazing! although as you say it differs from person to person, and maybe how deep the tattoo is done?
My inner lip tattoo was done around 7 years ago, and it’s still fine. Haven’t tried a tongue tattoo yet, but inner lip tattoos can definitely last.
Skill and experience go a long way and these tattoos are not common enough that most artists get to practice a lot or work with people to develop a high degree of proficiency with them. My tongue (per the account I linked above) was an ongoing experiment that worked out a lot of bugs, my inner lip is a combination of being personally well suited and having an artist with a fair amount of inner lip experience.
I have traces of a tongue tattoo (The word “NO”) left almost 25 years later. It is VERY faint, though.
This is coming from the guy thats attached to that tounge. I always wanted to get my tounge done ever since my first lip tattoo. Surprisingly, this tat didnt hurt quite at all. Andy has been over it two times now and everytime it stays longer and longer with less and less fading. The ink tasted horrible and stayed in my mouth all day. It felt as if i had burned my tounge on something very hot. Anymore questions and ill be hapy to answer.