The ever-impressive Roland in Freiburg, Germany (more), sends in this excellent fresh cutting, done on a fella who appears to work out every now and then.
As well, we’ve had a few commenters note lately that they’d like to see more healed scarification work, so check back tomorrow to see an in-progress report on a cutting we’ve featured recently. You think you’re excited? Feel these nipples!
See more in “Skin Removal Scarification“ (Scarification)
looks a lil yellow at the top-right.
terrifying and beautiful.
I see a penis, but then again i see that in everything
stunning work
Ewww. I hate when nipples are that low on the pec.
I agree with #2!
OH god I can’t tell what this on, but it looks painful as hell. That’s one thing I think I couldn’t do.
Wow, his chest is GORGEOUS.
Oh, and the cutting is nice too.
omfg i saw this and i was like okay, so its a guys chest. wait, there’s a nipple there; now it kind of looks like a tit.
and lo and behold its a guys pec. o.0 NICEE. the cutting is ahhhhmazing. makes me shiver though, it must’ve hurt soooo much omfg.
SOOO sexy….awesome take on a scorpion…..can’t wait to see it healed!!!
wow :]
what a gorgeous scorpion cutting….took me while to find his nipple though! for a sec i was like OMFG THEY TOOK HIS NIPPLE TOO!! XD im blonde shhh
absolutely amazing!!!
someone needs to work on their lower pecs!
so meaty.
very macho, sorry about your penis
Heal heal heal!
“very macho, sorry about your penis”
Don’t be a dick.