And here we have a fine rendering of what I can only assume the final days of World War III will look like, once society as we know it has crumbled and all that remain are the giant squid and steampunks, fighting for a world no longer worth living in.
(“The squid and the ship are based on one of my own illustrations,” says the wearer. “I sent the rough to Russ (Abbott) and two days later I was getting it done in one sitting whilst leaning over a fold out metal chair (at the Boston Tattoo Convention). Gotta love conventions for that. If I had been in Georgia, it would have been over a month waiting period to get it down.”)
this is gorgeous! i love the monochromatic color scheme.
this is gorgeous! i love the monochromatic color scheme.
pretty awesome!
pretty awesome!
10 $ on the Squid !
10 $ on the Squid !
cant go wrong with a squid tattoo. looks awesome.
cant go wrong with a squid tattoo. looks awesome.
likes a lot.
likes a lot.
I was gonna say the same as #5
I was gonna say the same as #5
im inlove
im inlove
ohhh very nice!!!
ohhh very nice!!!
Steampunk is sooooo cool!
Steampunk is sooooo cool!
This is dream like and beauitful. perttty
This is dream like and beauitful. perttty
Try six months to get even close to Russ !!
Try six months to get even close to Russ !!
kinda reminds me of 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas
kinda reminds me of 20,000 Leagues Under the Seas
Love it!
Love it!