A Magical Implant

Oh here is an implant that I must remember to show my daughter in the morning… What can I say about this implant? It’s real, and dangerous, and a lure for fools. And Francesca was such a fool when she went to Brian Decker (purebodyarts.com) to have him install this wonderful Deathly Hallows implant on top of her hand. For those of you who are either not Harry Potter fans, or who are and can’t get enough, I’ll repeat Xenophillius Lovegood’s explanation of the symbol,

“The Elder Wand,” he said, and he drew a straight vertical line on the parchment. “The Resurrection Stone,” he said, and he added a circle on top of the line. “The Cloak of Invisibility,” he finished, enclosing both line and circle in a triangle, to make the symbol that so intrigued Hermione. “Together,” he said, “the Deathly Hallows.”

I’ll always have a special place in my heart for this book, because it’s the first major piece of literature I read to my daughter, spending a huge amount of hours reading all seven books. Anyway, the implant is looking very nice at a year old.


2 thoughts on “A Magical Implant

  1. This is the first implant that screams get me I love Hary potter I got the symbol on my thumb

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