Genoto‘s Japanese-style backpiece is by Antonio at Fun Tattoo in Maia, Portugal.
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19 thoughts on “Backpiece Nude”
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Pretties – both art AND boy 🙂
pretty pretty 🙂
Gorgeous face.
What’s with the hairy-legged sideshot? You can barely see the backpiece at all! At least make the photo a linkthrough to a straight-on shot.
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is that leg hair? 😛 hehe!
naked is good 😛
from what is visable.. awesome tattoo! 🙂
ohgoodness, he does nt look naked. he looks as if he is wearing very strange fur-pants.
it’s not entirely unpleasant, in an odd pan-like sort of way.
I really like this photo 🙂 Really really nice 😀
from what i can see, very nice. but my first thought: holy leg hair batman!
oh he is sexy. buuuuuttt. i am not down with all that leg hair! must go! he would be so much hotter with out it! ya!
God what is with everyone who posts on modblog hating body hair? IT’S NATURAL!!! And beautiful if you are willing to accept it for what it is.
haha,i’m hairier than him,and I mean, a lot more :O
i just need horns and I could easily pass as Pan.
(sorry for my english)
Yeah, what is it with the hating on body hair? It’s not THAT bad. jeesh.
It must have been a cold day in Portugal…
well as far as hating hair…it is kind of a….well phobia of mine lol…like, i get grossed out by my own hair! sooo, a phobia…not anything wrong with it, but i can’t handle it lol. he is super cute tho! super de duper!
this picture is awesome!!
Guys are supposed to have body hair! I find men that don’t more unnatural looking than the most hirsute bearman.
I love body hair(on guys) Just the texture of it and the way it feels to my natural smooth skin turns me on. This guy is def hot and not really THAT hairy. I have many friends who have alot more hair everywhere and not just legs… -im exited to see what the piece looks like when finished.
oh dude I thought those were pants