Earlier this year Stainedskin1982 had Rob Grube (Chaos Ephex in Lapeer, MI) help his mother give him a little frog tattoo for mother’s day, along with the requisite “MOM” text.
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32 thoughts on “Mother’s Day Tattoo”
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A frog…why? lol
A frog…why? lol
Awww! Love that last picture!
Awww! Love that last picture!
Who cares that it’s a frog…it’s really sweet!
Who cares that it’s a frog…it’s really sweet!
What a truly great idea. Wonderful.
What a truly great idea. Wonderful.
I love it when family members get involved. Too often you read about parents who disapprove or threaten their children (withholding room and board, most usually) to stop them from getting anything done…
I love it when family members get involved. Too often you read about parents who disapprove or threaten their children (withholding room and board, most usually) to stop them from getting anything done…
шестой беспезды 🙂
шестой беспезды 🙂
i love that she was so involved in this! you don’t see that too often.
i love that she was so involved in this! you don’t see that too often.
the whole series of photos, but especially the last one, totally made my morning! 😀 and #5, you’re so right… my parents have thankfully gone from the disowning threats to just mild disapproval, which i suppose i could tolerate, but i really wish people would share the tolerance of the lady above.
gratz on having a really cool Mum, Stainedskin!
the whole series of photos, but especially the last one, totally made my morning! 😀 and #5, you’re so right… my parents have thankfully gone from the disowning threats to just mild disapproval, which i suppose i could tolerate, but i really wish people would share the tolerance of the lady above.
gratz on having a really cool Mum, Stainedskin!
This is really great! So sweet =)
This is really great! So sweet =)
Hey everyone, thank you for the sweet comments, but theres more. I not only have a cool mum, I have a great family! Chaos Ephex is a family business owned by my mom and dad, along with me and my brother. I am a piercer, and my brother Eric is a tattoo artist. My dad also did a tattoo on me, and my brother has tattooed everyone in our family! I am truly blessed to have the best family in the whole world!
Hey everyone, thank you for the sweet comments, but theres more. I not only have a cool mum, I have a great family! Chaos Ephex is a family business owned by my mom and dad, along with me and my brother. I am a piercer, and my brother Eric is a tattoo artist. My dad also did a tattoo on me, and my brother has tattooed everyone in our family! I am truly blessed to have the best family in the whole world!
I remember seeing this in the galleries or somewhere ages ago, it’s sweet :).
I remember seeing this in the galleries or somewhere ages ago, it’s sweet :).
I wish my mom was this supportive about my mods!!
I wish my mom was this supportive about my mods!!
this is so sweet. Its nice to see stuff on here that isn’t about extreem genital modifaction (not that there is anything wrong with that, just not my cup of tea)
I have a weakness for non-vulgar tattoos that make you smile =]
this is so sweet. Its nice to see stuff on here that isn’t about extreem genital modifaction (not that there is anything wrong with that, just not my cup of tea)
I have a weakness for non-vulgar tattoos that make you smile =]
Those Ms are backwards.
Those Ms are backwards.
the Ms are not backwards
the Ms are not backwards