You don’t have to if you don’t want to…

…but all the cool people are doing it…

Anyway, I’ve turned registration on. Other than I guess protecting your username and letting you add some text about yourself it doesn’t do a lot… However, it does make it easier for me to turn you into a guest blogger (I have to change that “about me” link into an “about us” link!). I’m looking for anyone who can write interesting stories and commentary about things BME-ish, or post interesting pictures, trivia, whatever — contact me with your idea! The more the merrier.

(That said, it’s not a free for all so please do not be offended if I don’t accept all offers).

Women Love Sex With Eunuchs!

Seriously, I don’t know how many older eunuchs and otherwise heavily genitally modified men I’ve interviewed that use it to pick up women. I don’t know what cougeriffic thing happens to women when they hit thirty-five, but wow, tell them you’ve got no nuts or that you have a split penis and I don’t know if it’s curiosity or sexual boredom or what, but it’s a guaranteed successful sarge…

My friend Chris writes, “I have been a eunuch for over five years now and it’s the best thing I ever did. I use testosterone shots every ten days to keep everything functioning and the women in my life can’t get enough of sex with someone who’s been castrated. They just love the fact that they’re having sex with a balless guy!”