Chopped up fish tattoos

First a modern example of a fish in steaks, based on artwork by David Choe, tattooed by Scotty at Tattoo You in Columbia, Missouri.

I’d actually put that aside a while ago for posting here, and then I got a more traditional version of it that reminded me. This koi fish cut up on a dinner plate with lemon is by Rev Chriss Finalis at Shelton Tattoo in connecticut.

Et tu, Brute?

Since today is tattoo day on BME, let’s do all tattoos, finishing up with this “III: ET TU BRUTE” classics tattoo by Nikk at Lunchbox Tattoo in Johnsburg, IL.

Edit: The text of this entry doesn’t entirely make sense because I seem to have worked and played too hard yesterday and passed out before managing to get the entries posted, ha!

Inner Fourchette Piercing?

So we’ve been debating here at the BME HQ whether this is an “inner fourchette”, or if it’s actually a hymen piercing (on a remnant perhaps — what do you think?). Liz got this very unusual piercing done by Brody at Elwood’s Body Mod in BC. As it heals I will be very interested to hear how it does and if it’s comfortable or not…

(Click for a clearer photo).

BME Newsfeed for Jun 27, 2006

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BME Newsfeed for Jun 25, 2006

Please note that links may expire. IAM members, please help out by submitting stories!