It’s been a while since we’ve done them, but the BME Year-End Awards are coming up! Now, because we didn’t do them last year, we’ll be doing the 2010** awards this month as well. Now if you don’t know what the awards are, they’re how we recognize the top contributors to BME. We look at 3 categories, photos, videos, and experiences*. The top 10 in each category win fabulous prizes!
Now in the past, with the way the system worked is that we’d cut off submissions for the year end awards some time in December. This year, with all the changes to the site, we can now take submissions up until midnight on December 31st. So that means if you’re one of the top contributors come New Year’s Day, you’ll be getting a gift certificate to the BMEShop. In past years we’ve given away t-shirts, but this time we thought it would be nice if the winners got to choose what they received. Here’s how the prizes break down. The top 10 contributors in each category will each win the following:
- 1st place: $1000
- 2nd place: $500
- 3rd place: $250
- 4th place: $100
- 5th place: $50
- 6th place: $40
- 7th place: $30
- 8th place: $30
- 9th place: $30
- 10th place: $20
If you do the math we’re giving away over six thousand dollars in prizes this year!
So what does this mean to you? Well you’ve still got a few weeks to send in your submissions, so before the end of December upload your photos, videos and experiences* to BME. Who knows, if you’ve submitted enough to be in the top ten, you’ll be getting a prize! If you’ve been sitting on a bunch of photos that you haven’t uploaded yet, now is the time!
Now, all that said, we know there were some problems with the t-shirts in 2009 (I’m looking at you Angela). If you were a winner of a 2009 year end award, and did not receive your shirt, send an e-mail to with your shipping address, phone number, and shirt size (mens sm-2xl or womens s-xl), and we’ll send them out.
On top of all of this, the BME New Year’s Eve party is coming up! We’re only a few days away from bonfires, suspensions, and all kinds of shenanigans! Check the event listing for all the details! BMEHQ is located right near King’s Dominion in Virginia, just outside of Richmond.
*Top 10 consists of the top 10 BME members who have submitted more than 1 experience.
**2010 prizes will be announced at a later date.
BMEShop Year End Sale! Coupon Code: holiday20off
40% off Diablo Ogranics Jewelry!! Coupon Code: 40offdiablo
5000th Order Shipped Out Receives $100 Gift Certificate!