Dr. David Graham: Abuse of Power by Deceit, or by Ignorance? [The Publisher’s Ring]

Dr. David Graham:

Abuse of Power by Deceit, or by Ignorance?

Under the rule of Director of Health Dr. David Graham, Suffolk County (which makes up most of Long Island) in New York State is seeking to institute wide ranging bans on what they call the “extremes” of body modification. Claiming that research has shown these acts to be dangerous, they seek to outlaw a broad range of procedures including implants, nose piercing, tongue piercing and splitting, piercings near the eye, forms of cosmetic tattooing, genital and nipple piercing, and scarification including cutting, branding, and skin braiding.


“Toward no crimes have men shown themselves so cold-bloodedly cruel as in punishing differences of opinion.”

– James Russell Lowell

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedoms of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”

– James Madison

“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”

– Ayn Rand

“There is one, and only one, thing in modern society more hideous than crime — namely, repressive justice.”

– Simone Weil

The Entrapment and Imprisonment of Todd Bertrang [The Publisher’s Ring]

The Entrapment and Imprisonment
of Todd Bertrang

“Under a government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also a prison.”

– Henry David Thoreau

At age forty, after single-handedly creating the “muscle car” trend in America, John Delorean was put in charge of Pontiac, making him the youngest division head in GM history. After four years of record profits he was promoted again to head of Chevrolet, which in two years he transformed from a financially troubled company to one with sales equal to every other GM brand combined. Then in 1973, at age 48 and the peak of his career, John Delorean quit to do charity work. Many were predicting that one day he would be President of the United States.

A few years after leaving, John Delorean started showing the car that would later become the DMC-12, the exotic gullwing-door stainless steel-skinned car which most people know best from the Back To The Future movies. The car was originally called the DSV — the Delorean Safety Vehicle — and was designed not as a sportscar, but as a safe daily driver which tried to address many of the problems John saw with modern car production. At the same time, Delorean co-authored a book called On a Clear Day You Can See General Motors, in which he accused GM of stagnation and caring more about profits than the customers or the cars.

John and the Delorean DMC-12

As the DMC-12 approached production, Delorean attempted to block the publication of his own book, fearing that the big car companies with their massive government lobbying power would do everything they could to sink his new venture at its most vulnerable point. Even with a huge grant from the Irish government, and a wonderful car (having owned a Delorean, I say that with some conviction) that was Europe’s only profitable car for the years it was made, the company was plagued with problems — said to source from many questionable payoffs to British government officials by GM — and it wasn’t long before it was in serious monetary difficulty.

Undercover FBI agents approached Delorean, offering to solve his financial woes. They proposed that cocaine be loaded into the door panels of his cars as they were shipped overseas, using them to transport the drug. John Delorean was arrested for conspiracy to traffic narcotics, and as he fought the charges, the DMC company went bankrupt, and the government — which received millions of dollars in “donations” from GM — moved in illegally and seized all of the tooling from the company, and, contrary to UK automobile law, dumped the tooling in the ocean insuring that not only could the company not be resurrected after the trial, but replacement parts couldn’t even be made.

The only reason that John Delorean avoided a long term prison sentence is that Hustler publisher Larry Flynt was able to obtain tapes showing not only that the drug trafficking idea was invented and proposed by the US government, but that both the cocaine and the money were provided FBI, and most importantly, that John Delorean told the undercover agents that he wasn’t interested and begged to be let go — the tapes show the agents actually threatening to kill John Delorean’s daughter if he didn’t proceed with the drug deal. It should also be noted that Larry Flynt was briefly imprisoned for contempt of court for revealing this information.

John Delorean with his daughter Christina, who US government agents
threatened to kill if John didn’t proceed with their proposed cocaine deal.

Delorean’s lawyer was later quoted in Time magazine saying, “This was a fictitious crime. Without the government, there would be no crime.”

John Delorean recently died destitute, having failed to bring his dream car back to market.

That brings us to piercer and cutter Todd Bertrang, a regular BME contributor that was first profiled in PFIQ magazine. In addition to his successful business dealing in and restoring classic Indian Motorcycles, he is best known for his advocation of heavy gauge piercing, alternative herbal aftercare, and his interest in female genital cutting — labial removal, hood splitting and removal, and even clitoral tip removal. At age forty, he was almost single-handedly responsible for the popularity of female genital modification, which, largely due to his promotion of it, had moved out of the fetish scene and become a lucrative business for cosmetic surgeons.

While many outsiders disapproved of Todd’s methods and highly sexual lifestyle, the vast majority of Todd’s clients — all consensual of course — spoke extremely highly of him and were very happy with the work he’d done on them.

Todd’s interest in body modification was almost exclusively sexual — as is the case for the vast majority of people who came into body modification before it became a fashion trend. It turned him on, plain and simple, and he never hid that fact or felt ashamed of it. An irrepressible flirt (that’s putting it kindly — others would say “dirtbag sleaze that kept hitting on my fifteen year-old kid sister and didn’t stop when she told him to get lost’ — well, welcome to the world of the Internet), Todd made more enemies than he knew in BME’s chat rooms and other online forums, mostly among sexually repressed individuals who felt body modification was best paired with a chic haircut and no needles — let alone scalpels — below the belt.

Todd Bertrang not long before his arrest.

A group of chatters who were offended by Todd’s comments and online advances conspired to get rid of Todd for good, and synchronized fraudulent reports to authorities in his area, the FBI, and other government agencies. “Todd Bertrang did a circumcision on a ten year old,” they told agents, claiming that he’d boasted about it online and showed them pictures. Even though even a cursory investigation of Todd would make it clear that the idea of cutting a ten year old would be reprehensible to him, as these fabrications continued to pour in, eventually the FBI had no choice but to start an investigation under California’s anti-FGM (female genital mutilation) laws, designed to stop immigrants from non-consensually mutilating their pre-pubescent daughters’ genitals for religious and cultural reasons.


Previous BME coverage of Todd Bertrang:

(note that links and addresses in these older articles are no longer active)

Posing as an Egyptian couple with (non-existent) eight and twelve year old daughters, FBI agents approached Todd seeking his services as a cutter. They told him they didn’t want to have to travel back to the Middle East and offered him $8,000 to do the procedure. Todd wasn’t interested, and told them so, although he was willing to talk to them about the pros and cons of the procedure. He told his friends about this couple and expressed his dismay that they would do this to children.

The FBI agents kept calling back, and even visited, pushing Todd to do the procedure. Eventually they told Todd that “one hand washes the other”, and let him know that they were interested in moving their assets from Egypt to the United States. If he’d be willing to help them out with their problem with their daughters, they’d be willing to invest $20 million in his motorcycle business.

I’ll think about it,” he told them.

Ask yourselves: how far would you compromise your ethics for $20 million? That’s an amount of money so high that you’d be able to fulfill all your dreams and live in luxury for the rest of your life. At how many million dollars does your cracking point lie?

And then, before letting him decide whether or not he’d actually make such an ethical compromise, in late 2002 the FBI raided his house, and Todd Bertrang and his girlfriend Robyn have been in prison ever since. No real evidence was ever presented against them, and no trial was ever held. Virtually no one stood up to defend Todd, and even those who supported of him cowered cautiously, fearing that they would be next. Robyn was threatened with the loss of her daughter, and eventually the two of them, being told they would be spending the rest of their lives in prison should they plead not guilty, chose to make a false confession on a variety of charges in exchange for reduced time. Todd received five years, and Robyn two.

* * *

I’d like to take give you an overview of what they were actually “convicted” of.

Child Porn
The “child porn” in question is a photo of Robyn’s daughter running around their house. It is a casual family snapshot that they had posted on their websites (currently offline) and was certainly not sexual in any way, and no different than the photos that surely exist in a vast number of family photo albums around the world. However, child porn laws are written so broadly that virtually any photo of a child can be prosecuted in this way.

Robyn was convicted of obscenity for posting healed photos of her genital modification. The photos were documentary in nature and barely in a sexual context (one of the photos she was convicted on is shown below — will I be next?). Outside of all the other free speech, general hypocrisy, and selective prosecution issues in this case, the fact is that photos exactly like this are all over the Internet, including on the websites of the many cosmetic surgeons offering this very procedure.

Is this really all it takes to violate obscenity laws?

Conspiracy to Violate FGM Laws
During the trial, copies of the email Todd exchanged with the agents were released. These emails show Todd urging the “parents” to reconsider the operation, advising them that doing this procedure on children will scar them sexually and emotionally and that they will not benefit from it — not until they start floating $20 million in front of him does he start to waver. The fact is that Todd has no record of working on children and is only motivated in working on sexually mature individuals because that’s where his interest lies. Suggesting that Todd is part of a shadowy Islamic network of pseudo doctors cutting children’s genitals is fraudulent.

Felon in Possession of a Firearm
Alright, that one is probably legitimate, although Todd claims that it’s more a matter of confusion and not being told that it was an issue — thanks to America’s lax laws on gun purchases, no red flags showed up when he bought a handgun for home protection and he never considered at the time it was a problem.

* * *

In conclusion, as John Delorean’s lawyer said about him, about Todd Bertrang I repeat: “This was a fictitious crime. Without the government, there would be no crime.”

Todd Bertrang was falsely accused, falsely prosecuted, and now sits falsely imprisoned due to being sexually different than the average person, and uncontrollably vocal about it. Five years of his life are gone, his family has been ripped apart, his business has been destroyed and his assets stolen, and dangerous precedents have been set. Those of you who conspired to make this happen should be ashamed of yourselves, and the government shows once again its incompetence and inherent prejudicial nature by again jailing the victim rather than the real criminals.

As I write this, parts of the United States are considering criminalizing even nostril piercings — how far will this go? Cutters, and all people who are different from the mainstream — gays, fetishists, atheists, piercers, unionists, and the rest — I warn you: keep an anonymous and low profile, or get out of America before the same happens to you.

Shannon Larratt

I received the following letter from a close friend of Todd’s that has been helping him keep his affairs in order while he’s behind bars. I’d like to share it here if anyone would like to help out or even just send Todd a note letting him know he has support. I’ll post again on this subject when the address is updated, but as of now the San Bernadino one is still good.

Todd got a five year sentence, but it is more like a death sentence. All the newspapers portrait him as a child genital mutilator. He might never come out a live, even though he never agree to do any genital mutilations on children. His life has already been threatened several times since he’s been in custody. Todd had no choice but to plea bargain to a lot of these charges. For the charge of conspiracy he was facing five years to life.

At this point Todd is a dead man walking. All the newspaper and news media should be so very proud of themselves, they just gave Todd a dead sentence for a crime he never committed. He is in absolute terror not knowing where his going. The prosecutor hates Todd so much that even when the judge gave Todd the five year sentence, he insisted that the judge should had given Todd a longer sentence. They also made sure the media was present for his sentencing.

Robyn will be out in about two months. She has requested not to have any contact with Todd. She also requested not to be transported with him to court, or be next to each him in the holding cells during the court proceedings. That’s what I call loyalty!!!

We still owe [Todd’s Lawyer] $52,000. By the grace of God I’ve been able to sell a lot of our furniture and parts, but there is very little left. I have sold everything for pennies on the dollar. If there are any supporters out there, please ask if they could help us out with any small donations sent directly to him. Todd spends about $80.00 a month for food and personal hygiene. I’m pretty sure that you’re aware of what a great business is to put people behind bars.

They can only send a money order or cashiers checks, payable to “Todd Bertrang”.

Todd Bertrang
BKG# 0407301101 AS-3
630 E. Rialto Ave
San Bernardino, Ca. 92415

Kind regards,
[Name removed]

You can send letters and cards to that address, as well as any financial support you can offer if you’d like, but nothing else can be sent there. Books and magazines can be sent, but they have to come straight from the source (ie. you can have Amazon send them there, but you can’t mail a book there).

Seriously, WTF? Start doing CORSET PIERCINGS properly. [The Publisher’s Ring]

Seriously, WTF?


“Take calculated risks.
 That is quite different from being rash.”

– George S. Patton

Every time BME is updated I get many pictures of “corset piercings” sent in. At this point they’ve become one of the most popular forms of surface piercings, and for good reason — they’re a very pretty, sexy piercing that can be extremely complimentary visually. But when I get these pictures, I’m far too often struck with a mix of sadness and anger. Sadness for the women who are being tricked into mutilation, and anger at the likely incompetent, irresponsible, and in my opinion, negligent piercers who are doing it to them.

Looks great, but the beauty is fleeting.

Surface piercings are never easy to heal, even single piercings with well chosen jewelry and a good site. I believe that it’s usually an acceptable risk though — some people will walk away from surface piercings, even done perfectly, left with an ugly scar rather than jewelry embedded in flesh. But in the case of corset piercings, the big problem is that almost always they’re done not with surface piercing jewelry designed to minimize the problems, but with simple captive bead rings which exacerbate the problems and almost guarantee failure.

Yes, these piercings will look nice for a little while, but not long afterwards they will start to get irritated, reject, and the women will be left not with a pretty set of rings, but with two rows of scars running up their backs where the piercings once were. Depending on their skin type and how long the piercings were kept, these scars may be highly visible, noticeably uneven, and can stay with them for life — as much as they may come with good memories, they are likely not the result hoped for when the wearer first saw the piercings and thought how pretty they looked.

Rejection scars from failed body piercings.

The fact that corset piercings done with rings are not viable piercings should be known to all but the most inexperienced piercers. Certainly doing a single test piercing and following up with the client — which is required if you’re doing something new and experimental — would illustrate this fact. That these piercers appear to be either unaware of this truth, or willing to overlook it, is deeply disturbing to me.

Why do they do it? In my opinion it’s one simple reason: they want a “cool” photo for their portfolio, and they care more about that than doing what’s right for their customers. As I said, I believe that most piercers doing this know that it’s going to fail. Sometimes they tell the client “it probably won’t work”, but of course the eager young person that’s been fantasizing about the piercing since they first saw it is rarely discouraged by this wishy-washy warning — after all, they’ll take care of their piercing, unlike those other people it failed on. It’s got to work, right? But no miracle will happen. The warning’s not even true — probably won’t? More accurately put, this piercing almost certainly won’t work, will at best fail as anything but a play piercing, and at worst leave the customer with serious and permanent unsightly scars.

It is true that some people can heal a ring in a surface piercing, or at least keep it for a while. It’s very rare for it to happen without a great deal of visibly obvious irritation, but it can happen, especially in people who are older and have skin that’s lost its elasticity. But I’ve never seen anyone who can hold a dozen surface piercings done with rings in the long term without serious scarring and rejection problems. This is not a viable piercing done this way.

They look great, but if left in, these will not heal successfully, and will leave scars.
They may be ideal as play piercings and temporary ritualized beauty, but they can’t be kept.

Now, I’m almost angrier at people who use the “inexperienced” excuse. Any piercer that says “I didn’t know any better” is being negligent, since they are doing a piercing that they’re not only not qualified to do, but have done little to no follow-up with their customers on to see how surface piercings heal. Even living in a vacuum, all it would take is doing one or two rings as a test and watching them for a month, to show a piercer the obvious problems… but taking precautions voids the cool photo, and I guess that’s more important?

If you’re just doing the piercings for “dress up” on a special occasion (I know people who’ve had these for both Prom and Halloween outfits), then go for the corset rings if you want to. But then we’re not really talking about body piercing, are we? We’re in the realm of temporary play piercing, which while very valid, isn’t what this article is about (and I got a few angry emails from piercers when I filed their corset photos in that section, and if you read people’s stories in BME’s archives, most want them to be permanent) — this method of doing a corset piercing is not acceptable if the client has any desire for a piercing that lasts.

Don’t get me wrong — I’m not saying people shouldn’t do corset piercings or difficult to heal piercings in general. The fact that I think anyone who lets their monkey drive at 200 mph on the highway is a fool doesn’t mean I have a basic problem with doing 200 mph on the autobahn — or with monkeys. After all, I’ve published articles on and perhaps even encouraged things as obviously risky and prone to failure as eyelid piercing. People just have to be responsible and do things the best way possible, and doing a corset piercing with rings is about the worst way possible. That said, they very much can be done right.

There is jewelry designed to deal with these placements — surface bars most obviously, which can be fitted with beads that have rings mounted on them, and while not quite as graphic in appearance, come close to the look of rings alone and actually can be healed. For other people flexible jewelry such as Tygon or PTFE-based bars have been successful, but I believe surface bars are a far better option. Even transdermal implants do better than captive bead rings. It’s still not going to be easy, and the piercings or implants will have to be babied for a long time before they can really be called healed, but at least it moves it into the realm of the possible and worth doing for something other than a photo or a two-day fantasy.

Done with proper jewelry, this piercing can be kept in the long term.
There is still a high risk of rejection, but it is hugely minimized.

By writing this article I may have guaranteed that a group of piercers and piercing fans who send me cool photos — which I enjoy as much as they do — will stop contributing to the site. I apologize if I’ve hurt your feelings, and I hope you’ll keep working with BME, but this has to be called out. Even if you know it’s temporary and are OK with that, too many people go into it with dreams of keeping them. After years of looking at these piercings and wondering how the client is going to feel when they’ve moved from jewelry to scarification, I feel it’s important to make this warning public.

Please piercers, don’t do something for the sake of a photo. Don’t put your portfolio’s cool-factor ahead of the welfare of your customers. And those of you considering difficult piercings — please understand these are permanent modifications to your body. They may look pretty for the first week, but is that worth a lifetime of scars that you may not enjoy quite as much? By all means, do it, but do it right.

Shannon Larratt

NASTY, NASTY CLIENTS [The Publisher’s Ring]

Nasty, Nasty Clients!

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

– Bill Gates

I recently interviewed a couple hundred piercers about the low points of their career. You know how they say “the customer is always right”? Well, these piercers might not agree with that claim. Their stories break down into the four sections of this article:

  1. The customer is always right stinky

    Stories about piercing clients with serious lapses in personal hygiene.

    While I think most piercers have ran across the occasional hedge that needs to be trimmed, or butt-crack that needs a good washing, the worst hygiene problem I’ve encountered was a session during a hood piercing. Once she was on the table and went to go spread her legs, I got a blast of a smell that nearly floored me, but the visual was the worst part. This stringy white and yellow shit was all over her cooter, and as she spread her legs, it stretched like a spider web. It was nasty. Stinky crotch goo.

  2. The customer is always right perverted

    If you get aroused by this section, stick to self piercing.

    I had a guy once while getting his frenum pierced start sticking his finger in his own anus and sort of masturbating it, just moving it in and out of his anus. I asked “Um… what are you doing?” And he replied, as if nothing was wrong, “oh when I feel pain this makes it better.” I told him he couldn’t do that in here and he agreed but continued to do it. I just very quickly finished with the piercing and told him not to touch anything on his way out.

  3. The customer is always right suicidal

    A compendium of some of the insane things people do to themselves when the piercer isn’t there to help.

    I saw a kid that tried to stretch his own tongue with the latch from an outdoor gate (the hook in eye-bolt kind). He came in because once he got the hook through the hole he couldn’t get it to move. So for a day he was walking around with a patio latch hanging out of his mouth. That procedure required cutting the material out of the tongue.

  4. The customer is always right angry

    Encounters with violent and deranged clients are far too common.

    A guy came in ready to kill us for piercing his underage daughter. We tried to find out who it was — he even said she would have used a fake ID, but we didn’t even the name of the fake ID on record so we told him we didn’t do it. This just made him even more upset. He was like well she told me she got it at blah blah blah shop, and we where like “uhh… sir, this isn’t even that shop!” He looked at us all dumbfounded and turned and walked away… he later came back to get a tattoo.

Reconsidering taking on a glamorous life as a piercer? As one of the piercers I talked to put it, and people seem to think I have a fucking dream job.

Next time you go and get a piercing, please, at least have a shower first.

Shannon Larratt

Illustrations by Jason Craig (iam:jasonthe29th).

Do Piercing Guns Suck? BME REVIEWS THE STUDEX SYSTEM 75 [The Publisher’s Ring]

Do Piercing Guns Suck?


"A tool is but the extension of a man's hand, and a machine is but a complex tool. And he that invents a machine augments the power of a man and the well-being of mankind"

– Henry Ward Beecher

As you probably know, BME doesn’t generally cover piercing guns. It’s not because of safety issues (see BME/Risks) – BME discusses many activities that are equally or even more dangerous and ill-advised. It’s a cultural issue. Piercing gun “culture”, if you can call it that, is distinct from BME’s focus on atypical body modification and is not particularly relevant to our core mission. However, piercing gun manufacturers like Studex are slowly starting to create tools that are capable of untrained piercing of not just ears and noses, but many other body parts as well. When navel piercing guns start being used at mall kiosks, how will piercers in fully equipped studios be affected?

Earlier designs of piercing guns were simple spring-loaded devices into which an ear piercing stud and backing could be loaded, held around the ear lobe, and then fired through.

studex system 75 promotional materials
“Piercing as easy as 1-2-3”
…or so the brochure claims.

Not only was the system physically inadequate for anything but basic ear piercing, but the plastic gun was effectively impossible to keep sterile or even clean properly, and the system was linked to the spread of hepatitis and other diseases, as well as damage to cartilage resulting in infection and collapse of the ear’s structure. While these apparently primitive and destructive systems are still a dominant force in the industry, recently a number of companies have released “cartridge based” piercing systems which attempt to address the majority of these problems.

Cartridge based systems improve on the spring-loaded guns in two main ways. First, they tend to use a “pusher” system which forces the piercing stud through the tissue by squeezing a handle which drives the stud, rather than aggressively firing it with spring action. In theory this causes less trauma to the tissue (no more shattered cartilage), as well as reducing the potential for blood spray which could contaminate the gun. Second, the cartridge which contains the stud as well as some of the gun’s mechanism is disposable, immensely reducing the potential for transfer of microbes from client to client even if the mechanism is exposed to the client’s fluids.

Rachel and I were able to meet with Ken Gardner, Studex’s Canadian distributor, who was kind enough to offer us their latest product for review – the “System 75(TM)”. While he did later characterize us as”tattooed from asshole to head” and with “ears big enough to put a tennis ball through”, he was likable and helpful, defended us against their main branch’s fears, and we walked away with a bag full of product for review as well as some literature on the devices.

A two gun System (TM) kit from Studex including a marking pen,
cleaning solution and wipes, two plastic guns, and a sample cartridge.

I was surprised Ken was so helpful – Studex’s reputation is far less friendly, largely due to lawyer Fred Safford’s notoriety for threatening anyone involved in body piercing who speaks out negatively against piercing guns. Even though medical journals have documented and published numerous articles showing everything from Hepatitis transferred by ear piercing studs, to physical damage to the ear, it can be very difficult to speak publicly about these surprisingly common problems – many professionals inside the industry urged me not to write this article for fear of BME being hit with a nuisance suit. In any case, Ken assured me that these problems had not only been addressed in the new System 75™ design, but that according to Fred, the doctors had universally recanted their claims about even the older style guns (which Studex continues to market today). Ken didn’t have the information on these studies, but Fred offered to send me information about these doctors’ retractions. Below is the entirety of the letter which I received from Fred:

This wasn’t particularly convincing (and implied the risk remained in the older style guns they continued to market alongside the System 75), so I did a few searches through MEDLINE and other services. Hundreds of articles discussing the risks of piercing guns and warnings to avoid them were returned, and I wasn’t able to find a single one describing either benefits over studio piercing or mentioning a retraction of previous claims. A great many focused on dermatitis and metal allergies due to the apparently low grade of materials used in some of the jewelry, but many others were directly related to complications due to the design of the gun or the stud itself.

Complications included marked increases of hepatitis infections among people with piercings done with a piercing gun, several with apparent direct links (where they were able to pinpoint the point of infection directly, rather than circumstantially), as well as problems such as embedded earrings, viremia and liver disease resulting from infections contracted from piercing guns, pseudomonas aeruginosa and other acute psudomonas chrondritis secondary to ear piercing, ear deformity, pseudolymphoma, sarcoidal tissue reactions, auricular chondritis, toxic shock syndrome, perichondrial abscesses, post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, cytotoxicity due to corrosion of the jewelry, and a wide variety of other complications. I was able to find studies from the 1970′s up until today, and during most of that period, no significant changes were made by the ear piercing industry to correct the problem. However, now that piercing studios have significantly threatened their market dominance, they’ve finally been forced to respond – apparently not for ethical reasons or because of caring about their customers, but for survival. Thus the System 75™ from Studex and other analogous products from other companies such as Inverness have hit the market. However, even knowing these risks (and presumably acknowledging them by addressing them with the new designs), they have not taken earlier designs off the market.

In all fairness, it must be noted that a great deal of care has gone into the design of the System 75™, which really does represent an enormous leap over the older guns (which the above mentioned studies primarily refer to) which were easier to link to serious health problems.

The “pusher” system is the only part of the
System 75(TM) which is used more than once; all other components are disposable. In theory none of this plastic body ever comes in contact with the customer.

The cartridges come in sealed sterile packaging, which can presumably be handled freely without putting the contents at risk.

Opening the package does not involve touching the cartridge or jewelry, which is at the opposite end of the package from the part that is peeled off.

The cartridge is then picked up using the gun. The part that is exposed when the packaging is peeled open is the part that interfaces with the gun, so the easiest way to use the unit is also the safest.

The packaging is then discarded, leaving the jewelry exposed. Unlike some of the other systems on the market, it is very easy to see where the jewelry point is and the system is simple to co-ordinate and line up with one’s marks.

The trigger is depressed, pushing the jewelry through the tissue and latching the stud into its backing. The gun’s design does not allow crushing the tissue, and different length studs are available for different sized lobes. When the trigger is released, the part of the cartridge that held the stud opens like a flower and releases the jewelry.

After piercing, every part of the gun that came in contact with the client – the cartridge – is discarded. Unlike a spring loaded system which is almost entirely reused between clients, the perfect-world potential for contamination using the System 75(TM) as directed is extremely minimal. Even if the pusher unit itself became contaminated – which to me seems inevitable – the odds of transferring that contamination between clients seems very, very low. A large number of designs of jewelry are available in these sterile packs, so there should be no need to switch the jewelry after piercing as was sometimes done in the past.

Above right you can see the child-sized “practice ear” with recommended placements. In the past, upper ear placements were strongly frowned upon due to the damage that could be done to cartilage by forcibly firing a dull stud through it, but the slow-push method in the new systems is thought to address this. In order to try it out we had a little “piercing gun party” and added studs to myself and a number of friends. Ear placements were simple and largely uneventful.

The only problem we had is that the cartridge’s release system (the part that’s supposed to open up and let go of the jewelry after the piercing) failed on a few of our test piercings, resulting in us needing to use our hands to physically force it open to release – which of course instantly eliminated most of the benefits of the new system and put both the operator and the client at unnecessary risk. A number of the cartridges actually fell apart entirely as we were using them. Because of this it seems important that anyone using this gun wear gloves in case they need to handle the jewelry or tissue directly.

The interesting thing about the System 75(TM) though, and the real reason I’m reviewing it, is that it’s designed to bridge gun technology into much more than just ear or nose piercing – it’s designed to be able to pierce nipples, navels, eyebrows, and more. When I talked to Studex, this was not yet approved in the US or in most of Canada, but Ken told me that in Quebec, parts of Europe, and most of all Japan, the gun was being used for full-on body piercing. Even the US-distributed catalog, which is primarily ear oriented, shows jewelry that while labeled as being for “ear piercing” appears to be more appropriate for body piercing due to its length and gauge (although some of it is tagged as being “Europe only”).

Ken was able to provide us with a number of the Japanese developed body piercing cartridges. They appeared to be 14 gauge, and came as both straight and curved barbells. The basic idea was the same as the ear piercing studs, although much more physical contact was needed to use them. The cartridge sits on its side in the packaging, requiring one to take it out by hand, rather than handling it exclusively with the pusher. In addition, after forcing the stud through the tissue being pierced, the bead has to be screwed on. Many of the benefits of the System 75(TM) were lost.

This is one of the body piercing gun barbells.

As you can see, it is not very sharp, and contains a very steep bevel, making piercing both painful and difficult. This is additionally complicated by external threading which tears up the piercing as it passes through the freshly made hole.

Still, we attempted several piercings using this system. The first and somewhat bizarre problem we discovered, on our navel piercing attempt, was that the curved barbell was facing out in a concave fashion. This meant that it was being held in the exact opposite way required to do this or any other piercing, and was extremely difficult to coordinate – but BME photographer and guinea pig Phil Barbosa bravely allowed us to attempt it anyway. Using all of her strength, Rachel forced the stud into his belly as he grimaced in pain. The dull point managed to penetrate the first layer of skin, and then eventually ground to a halt as the external threading tore up Phil’s navel and wouldn’t allow us to get it all the way through no matter how hard any of us squeezed the unit’s handle, which eventually fell apart in protest. Extracting the stud wasn’t very fun either, as we had to pull the threading back through the fresh injury.

Every cartridge we used for body piercing disintegrated during use, and while the rate of failure was much lower when we used the smaller gauge ear studs, it was still unacceptably high. Also in this photo are one of the standard ear piercing studs with a butterfly backing, as well as a barbell bead, and a nostril piercing stud (about 14ga, but flaring out to 12ga to hold it in place).

We did a second test piercing on Badur through his hand web. It took an incredible amount of force to drive the stud through – probably about the same as it would take to drive a nail into soft wood using only your hand, was excessively painful, and the unit failed to release the stud, causing it to be partially pulled back into the wound and forcing us to dismantle the unit by hand to abort the piercing. People stopped volunteering so we tried piercing pieces of cloth, which also broke the cartridges. Finally we tried simply piercing the air, and continued to have the same failures. While it might be possible to modify it, I do not believe that this element of the System 75(TM) is a mature product yet, and I am somewhat disturbed that there are people using it on unsuspecting clients.

Even if the issue of the cartridges falling apart can be addressed or somehow explained away as a freak batch, I’m not convinced that performing commercial body piercings (rather than small gauge ear piercings) is a viable option with this design. It might be possible to build a unit that used a cutting bevel to place the jewelry, but even with that fix, it would be difficult to address the contamination issues in a way that made them sufficiently “idiot-proof” to be used by largely untrained staff. In addition, once the design reaches this level of complexity, it seems to me that it would be less complicated – and far less expensive – to simply use a traditional piercing studio.

In terms of ear piercing, if the System 75(TM) had not fallen apart so consistently in my testing I’d actually be giving it a thumbs up – in theory it is a well designed unit that really does address nearly every one of the physical problems that existed with earlier spring-loaded ear piercing systems. However, at least the units that I was given to test were not reliable and forced us to use our hands directly in enough cases to offset these corrections. If Studex is able to fix the release system then this is a safe unit for small gauge ear piercing, including cartilage piercing, in my opinion, although one must consider that the people using the guns are relatively untrained, have minimal access to contamination control devices and chemicals, and the possibility for misuse resulting in injury is very real. Studex also sells a smaller system of a similar design for single-use home piercing – the Medisept(TM) – and of the guns they make I’d select that one over the others.

In conclusion, Studex’s System 75(TM) does make significant improvements over traditional piercing gun systems, although I find it distasteful that these systems do not appear to have been developed until recently (and still have not been made exclusive), given that the problems have been documented and understood since at least the seventies. Additionally, given the failure rates we experienced, I can not in good conscience recommend them, especially since piercing studios equipped with contamination control knowledge and supplies – and autoclaves – offer ear piercing services within a few dollars of the same price. That said, if you’re going to get pierced with a gun and you don’t want to do it yourself, this is the right system to choose and offers immense advantages over a primitive spring loaded non-cartridge system. Finally, piercers have nothing to worry about in terms of the navel or nipple market being captured by this device or a similar one, as it is neither safe nor functional for general body piercing at this point, at least in our testing.

Shannon Larratt

System 75, Medisept, and Studex are trademarks of STUDEX, Inc.
Thank you to Bagatelle Marketing for providing product samples and information.

If you want something done right, go to a professional [The Publisher’s Ring]

If you want it done right,
go to a professional

“I perch on the edge of the bed afterwards, my eyes searching the floor for my purse, my cigarettes, my pager that won’t stop going off. He reaches up and runs his hand down my spine, over the new tattoo that adorns it. He mumbles, ‘This is beautiful. It compliments your curves so well.’”

– “Shannon”, Confessions of a modified call-girl

It’s no secret that a very large number of people find tattoos and piercings sexy. I suspect this site would be much smaller if the sexual overtones didn’t exist — but that doesn’t mean that getting tattooed is some kind of instant elixir of passion or that it’ll magically make you irresistible. It’s like an amplifier — the wrong modifications can emphasize the parts of you that are unattractive, but the right ones can emphasize your best features. If you want something done right, see a professional, right? Someone with extensive hands-on knowledge of the subject?

Escorts aren’t living blow up dolls — their magic and business depends on them really understanding what makes men and women tick sexually. Especially for those working in the intimate companion or GFE (“girlfriend experience”) market, a large part of the job is a head game that depends on them being able to play off people’s fantasies and true desires — the ones that even their partners haven’t figured out. Recently BME had the chance to sit down with a number of tattooed and pierced “adult service providers,” all highly rated by their clients and good at their work.


We’re joined by Azaria, a single mother and bubbly companion from Springfield, Missouri, Michelle, a heavily tattooed traveling entertainer, Kayce, a 24 year old professional escort and actress from Washington DC, and Shannon, a young escort who got into the industry by accident and now loves the rush, although she’s careful to point out that it’s far from glamorous work. Finally, we’re also joined by Justyne, now working in the corporate sector but willing to talk about her experiences as an escort twelve years ago.

Michelle’s large traditional Japanese tattoo
by Andre Green (tattooasylum.com)

BME:  Thank you for agreeing to talk to me; let’s first go around the table and if you don’t mind, introduce yourself and tell me a little about yourself.
AZARIA:  I’m a single mother of one, and I love body art and piercing, and anything adventurous. I love to travel, and just got back from Australia where I got my latest tattoo, on my back left shoulder. I’ll probably try anything once as long as it doesn’t freak me out!
MICHELLE:  I am a lady, refined, educated, and a master of many of the fine arts of life — I know which fork to use, and how to hold the chopsticks! Whether it’s just the two of us having drinks on the balcony, or meeting colleagues at a cocktail party, you’ll be delighted with my wit, my intelligence and my gentle laugh. I make small talk easily, but get the big picture.

My interests are eclectic and wide ranging. In college, I double majored in science and the liberal arts. While I’ve lived mostly in California, I’ve traveled extensively though the United States and Asia. I am passionate about art and literature, the outdoors, new places and new people. I paint, and my paintings have sold all over the world. In addition, I have more than thirteen years martial arts training, including work with a Navy Seal trainer. I now live near the ocean in Santa Monica and love the sound of the waves crashing against the beach as I go to sleep.

BME:  I know what you mean, I love the ocean…
MICHELLE:  Behind the scenes, there’s more though — this lady can be a tramp, your tramp, your fantasy. I love to dress up, and to dress down… I love to do plain and I love to do fancy. Most of all, I love to please.
KAYCE:  I work in Washington D.C. as a professional escort and I love my job! I love 911 Cabriolet Porsches, alternative music, Medieval dress — and a lot of people don’t know this, but I’m very shy! I have multiple personalities, and when I work my most erotic and decadent persona comes out — and I love her! She allows me to be what I would never be in my plain vanilla life.


Kayce’s alternate personality comes out to play
SHANNON:  I’m fairly well known on IAM so I’d like to remain mostly anonymous, but I will say that I grew up in fairly strange sexual circumstances. My mother was married to my father for twenty-six years, and as long as I can remember she had extramarital affairs. I am also pretty convinced that she got “paid” for sexual acts. Later on in my teenage years (after my parents divorced), she worked openly as a massage therapist and was arrested when she was set up by the cops, and an undercover cop offered her money for “more” during a massage. Of course, I didn’t find out about this until years later.

I tell you this because the idea of getting paid for sex never seemed like a “wrong” thing. In fact, many years ago I was vacationing with my now ex-husband in Vegas and he won about $900 on slots. We went to our room and I told him that it would cost him $200 for a blowjob. He obliged. It was not uncomfortable for him, nor did it make me uncomfortable.

When I was married to him I had several affairs, none of which he was aware of, and all of them with wealthy men who bought things for me and gave me cash on a regular basis. I never got caught, but I always thought that I would. It finally occurred to me that I could get the cash and have no strings attached. Don’t get me wrong — I love sex! Actually, I love the rush of sex with a new person. I’m addicted to it. So not only do I get paid to have sex, I get to feed my only addiction at the same time.

JUSTYNE:  It’s been twelve years since I worked as an escort — I’m in the corporate sector now. The escort agency I worked for was what I would consider a mid-range agency as far as “quality” and cost. My level of formal education is quite low (grade ten high school, with some university credits as a mature student), but I have reached where I am in my career through a lot of my own studying and a bit of luck.
BME:  If you don’t mind I’ll get right to the heart of what we’re talking about — how have your piercings and tattoos affected the way your clients treat you? Justyne, when you were working, tattoos and piercings were still very rare…

And I was far from heavily pierced or tattooed at the time, but I guess it was enough to make me “different” from the rest of the girls that I worked with at the escort agency. I was the only one who had tattoos and piercings outside of standard lobe piercings. Back then most girls didn’t have more than maybe two lobe piercings on each ear. Everyone there was pretty mainstream-looking. I hate to even use the word “mainstream” but I think you know what I am getting at.

BME:  What reaction did you get?
JUSTYNE:  It was always interesting to see — some really seemed to be turned on by what they considered the “bad girl” image. The ones that did like that were usually quite conservative in appearance. First-timers seemed to be slightly intimidated by me… I could never tell if it was because of my appearance or if they were just nervous.

Some clients didn’t seem to like the tattoos and piercings and wanted “the girl next door”. But they didn’t really complain or treat it as a negative. Occasionally I would receive the usual questions of, “why would a pretty girl like you do that to yourself?” — the sort of bullshit that I’m sure every modified girl hears so often in her lifetime. There was one client who really (and I stress, really!) did not like tattoos or piercings on girls, and because of that nothing happened. We talked for a few minutes, and then he said he was sorry, but he just couldn’t get past those things and sent me on my way. Fair enough, different strokes for different folks. It really didn’t bother me.

Having said that, the majority of my clients really didn’t care one way or the other.

BME:  And those of you that are currently working — Michelle, you’re very heavily tattooed, am I right in guessing that people seek you for your tattoos?
MICHELLE:  Yes, my clients do seek me out for them — but mainly because I’m such a smart ass! I had no idea I was getting famous until I had this girl do a double take, and then a triple take, and then she introduced herself to me and had that glassy look in her eye. I have to give up my addiction to Taco Bell!


Who do you think would win in a fight… Michelle or Barbie?
SHANNON:  Most of my clients have been pleasantly shocked by my mods. I also work full time as a manager of a nationwide company and keep a professional appearance. I don’t warn clients ahead of time about my mods. One of my first clients, after I stripped for him, stood there with a gaping mouth — he touched the CBR in my nipple and my tattoos on my pubic bone. I got on my knees and began giving him what he was paying for, and he flipped me in several positions. I like to think he was taking me in. He wanted every view of me — of my tattoos.

Afterwards, I asked him about my mods. He said they were fascinating for him, as he was an older gentleman and had never been with a modified woman before. I was thrilled that I could be of pleasure to him, and that I could give him a new experience (and I could feed my family for another week).

I have never been turned away when people found out about the mods, although I did get many men who did not like nipple piercings. The client I just mentioned was well connected through business and church (yes, I said church), and as time went by he referred me and my services to many other older, influential men in our area. I would say that ninety percent of the time the clients were fascinated by my tattoos, but not the nipples. Mine were fairly large — 8 gauge — and I am not sure if girls with smaller, more petite piercings would get the same reaction. They complained about the feel in their mouths and so on.

I did end up taking my nipple rings out because I now have a very wealthy older man who is my main client who doesn’t like them, and I wanted to oblige him. As far as the way they perceive me, I think they adore it. I think it adds to the mystery. Most of my clients have never been with a woman with tattoos and piercings. It’s exotic to them.

AZARIA:  I make sure on my site that my tats and piercing are plenty visible so that people who don’t like them don’t contact me. I would hate nothing more than to meet someone and hear them bitch about all my tats, which did happen once. I love my body art; I didn’t get it to please anyone else but me. I’m sure I miss out sometimes by having all these tats, but it doesn’t bother me one bit.


BME:  And do the mods actually make clients “behave differently” toward you, or make different requests you think?
AZARIA:  Almost everyone comments on them in some way or another. I have one on my lower back that seems to drive men wild. I don’t get much on my piercing; I did have one guy ask me to take it out. But other than that there’s not much affect at all.
KAYCE:  My clients usually don’t say too much, but I can tell they think I’m some kind of goth-girl or a party type, which I’m not. Some are taken aback a little, but that’s normal for vanilla types I guess — usually they really want to be more nasty with me… They feel if I have some tats and a few piercings, then I’m pretty liberal and they want to push my boundaries. I will accommodate their fantasies though, but only because I really enjoy having my alternate personality come out… which I love of course!
JUSTYNE:  I found that the ones that were turned on by it enjoyed themselves immensely… almost as if tattoos and piercings were a bit of a fetish for them. Or like Kayce said, they were excited by being with a “bad girl”. Other than that, it really didn’t affect anyone else’s behavior or mine. Honestly, for me it was just a job for money and not something that I actually enjoyed doing — though there were always “good” clients that I didn’t mind being with because they were extremely nice, funny, considerate, had good hygiene practices, and didn’t treat me like a whore. They were respectful.
MICHELLE:  After I got my nipples pierced it was a wonderful thing. Not only did it bring increased sensitivity to my nipples, but suddenly there was this air of reverence, mystery and greater worship of my breasts. No more tugging or nibbling, just gentle caressing which of course really sends me over the edge. I would recommend every naturally large breasted woman get her nips pierced. It’s like having a boob job. I never wear a bra anymore, and they look so frisky and perky: I love them!
SHANNON:  I’ve had men run their hands over my tattoos. I’ve gotten tons of compliments, and since I have a large back piece I get flipped over doggie-style quite a bit. I think most of these men love it because there is no way to mistake me for their wives!

As far as my behavior, piercings throw you off during sex sometimes, and you have to fight that. You don’t ever want the client to think you are uncomfortable. But I have been hit in a sore conch piercing and had to keep a straight face! I’ve had my horizontal hood sucked too hard I don’t know how many times. I think that my clients automatically think that I am into pain because of my mods, and that is not the case with me at all. I think I get smacked and bitten more often and without warning than an unmodded call girl.

BME:  Do the tattoos help you keep clients as regulars?
SHANNON:  I had one regular client that lived by himself in a huge house in a wealthy neighborhood. He was a large man who always begged me to spend the night. I never did. He loved my tattoos. His eyes would light up when he realized I had new work done. I never knew what he loved more: getting a blowjob from me or lying in his bed until the early hours of the morning drilling me about my tattoos, my piercings and the procedures. Every time I would go see him again I would expect to see him adorned with a tattoo. But he never did. I think he lived vicariously through me.
BME:  Now let me ask a little in reverse — do you get many (or any) clients with piercings and tattoos or even other modifications?
SHANNON:  My clients are mostly older married business men. I honestly don’t think I have been with any clients with modifications. It’s actually kind of funny, but I never saw an uncircumsized man until I started doing this!

I would really enjoy having a few clients with mods, but they have just not been presented to me. My theory on this is that modified men have healthier sexual relationships with their significant others (that’s just a theory).

BME:  Ha ha, well, I hope your theory is correct!
KAYCE:  I think it is — clients with piercings seem a little more laid back and somewhat more open to try new things and see a different view than my “straight” clients. Straight clients come, do their thing, and go, but with my pierced and tat clients we tend to talk about more mystical topics and spiritual emotions, which I love to do. They seem more into everything while the straight clients are more into just themselves.
MICHELLE:  It doesn’t make much difference to me whether a person is modified, but I do find the ones that are tattooed are much more accepting of their bodies and seem more in tune with themselves.
BME:  Azaria — no offense intended to Missouri, but I’m guessing you don’t get a lot of clients with body modifications?
AZARIA:  Most of the people I see are pretty straight laced. No tattoos and no piercings — maybe they come to me because I’m different from what they have at home. I do see someone who has four tattoos, each with their own story and that’s what I like. I haven’t had a client with a piercing yet — I’m waiting for someone to come along that has a PA… I’d really like to be with a guy with a PA and have even asked boyfriends to get it done but can’t find anyone with enough balls to do it.
BME:  That’s funny; I hope you don’t get too flooded with email after this goes up on BME, a lot of our readers have PAs!
KAYCE:  The cock piercings are my favorite because I like playing with them! One guy had his tongue split, and that was freaky, but then he went down on me and it was really erotic. I had a girlfriend who had both nipples pierced, and I led her around all night with a chain through her nipple rings… that was hot, and everyone loved the show!
BME:  Did you get to see much in the way of tattoos or piercings back when you were working, Justyne?
JUSTYNE:  I occasionally saw guys with the odd tattoo, but nothing really memorable. Sometimes talking to them about where they got their work done was a source of conversation to either kill time or help us get more comfortable though… I think if there had been more heavily modified clients I’d have enjoyed the work more because we would have had something in common.
MICHELLE:  I had one client that had half of his body tattooed, on the same side of his body as mine. We has a very hot session and I felt a deep bond with him. I have never had a session with a man that has a pierced penis. Pity. The ones that have ink love my ink and the revealing of the tattoos is an integral aspect of foreplay.


BME:  Any advice for men or women who want to positively make piercings or tattoos a part of their sexual lives and identities?
KAYCE:  Make sure you really want them! I had my tongue pierced and I didn’t like it that much, but it was easy to remove, as are most piercings. Tattoos are more of a permanent thing and are gonna be there forever, so choose wisely what you put on your skin!

My fiancé gets hard just looking at my tattoos, and when he does me doggie-style or anally from behind, it’s such a turn on for him. A lot of other guys feel that way as well and I feed off of that too! Both sides of my clit hood are pierced and it feels good to be stretched and played with, so I love it as well. Just use your body the way you want it used, and you will love your new piercings and tattoos!

Kayce enjoying her work

BME:  Shannon, you’d said your marriage didn’t survive — did your modifications play a role in that?
SHANNON:  Yes, you have to be with a partner who is also into modifications, and that is why my first marriage failed. As I became more and more involved with being modified and in this community, the farther we grew apart. It was a huge part of my life that he could not share. But besides, that the most important thing is for your partner to remember and take care not to disturb healing mods! I’ve had more piercings flare up from a knock during sex than any other event.
MICHELLE:  Getting tattooed is a very intense and personal experience. For me it was a spiritual act of reclaiming my body as mine after a very horrifying event that traumatized me, and probably will continue to for the rest of my life — a fire in my apartment. I have PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Getting tattooed as an artist is an artistic expression, a public or private extension of myself. I feel more like the real true me. I love my body now that I am tattooed. I would recommend that if you get a tattoo, save up and just get one, a really big one. Just don’t get a name! Nooooo!
JUSTYNE:  My advice would be that people have to get their piercings and tattoos for themselves and not for anyone else. I’ve heard too many stories of people getting modified to please their partners only. I think if you are happy with yourself emotionally, physically, and sexually, then modifications will find a way to fit into your life positively. If the modifications are primarily for sexual reasons, then you need to practice and learn what you like and be vocal about it to your partner.
AZARIA:  Get them in sexy places of course… guys seem to really love the lower back tats on women. A tat that I like to see on men are the ones across the top of the back, and I also like sleeves on men. Guys, if you are thinking of a PA, get it — it may hurt at first but it’s just so awesome!
BME:  You really are looking forward to a PA, aren’t you? Justyne, did leaving the escort business make any difference in the modifications you got?
JUSTYNE:  I had actually thought about this while I was still in the business. I hesitated getting more tattoos at that time because I thought it would be a hindrance. While I have no plans to get back into the business, escorting is always in the back of my mind as my financial backup plan. I am much more modified than I was before, and I do wonder if it would affect me negatively if I chose to escort again. It’s easy to hide things and cover up while sitting at a desk in a corporate job, but not so easy when you’re buck naked!
BME:  And those of you who are still working — is it restricting you at all?
SHANNON:  Unfortunately it has. I won’t get any more piercings until I am totally out of the business. Also, I wouldn’t want to be in contact with a client who is healing a tattoo (for safety reasons), and I give that same respect to them. When I am working I only get tattooed right before a vacation.
KAYCE:  It hasn’t affected me at all. I do my own thing, and if people like it, fine, and if not then they can move on! I really want some more tattoos so I’ll get them this year probably, and I’ll still be in the escort business. I’ll keep on getting them!
MICHELLE:  I am definitely getting more! Guess what I spend all my money on? Not clothes and drugs, silly.
BME:  Azaria, you’re working more as a companion — does that make any difference in this question?
AZARIA:  I have become more self conscious about my body… I have learned to like my breasts more, and a lot of men actually tell me they like natural better than fake. I hate to say it, but having a kid was hell on my skin so I do have stretch marks, and have an appointment to get them covered real soon. Tattoos are an addiction for me — I will continue to get more no matter what, and as far as piercings I would like to have my hood done. Right now I just have my lip pierced.
BME:  What about when you were dancing? How did it affect that?
AZARIA:  My boss had tried to get me to cover up all my tats, especially the one on my tit. He said that I would make more money if I covered them up, I guess because guys are not so used to seeing girls with so many tats. Oh course I said HELL NO! and danced anyways. Like I said, if people don’t like them, they don’t have to look at me. I know I get stares from people a lot, having five tattoos on my arms. It seems to me that people haven’t quite accepted girls having a lot of tats.
BME:  Have any of you made any modification decisions that you regret?
AZARIA:  I let a non-professional do tats on me twice. Just being young and stupid… I had a professional cover the one on my left breast, but I still don’t like it, and then I have one on my ankle and I’m having a very hard time trying to find someone who can actually say they can cover it up.

So remember: Don’t get homemade tats — stick with the professionals! Other than that, choose what best fits your personality, and don’t be in a rush to pick one either. If you have an imagination that’s even better. Start out small… I like big tats but they are not for me.

KAYCE:  And never do an impulse tattoo!
BME:  What’s the biggest misconception people have regarding piercings and tattoos?
SHANNON:  People on the street (not clients) make the mistake of thinking that just because I have a beautiful back piece that they can touch it. This makes me angrier than anything. Also, I was just told by a coworker today at my day job that people find me “intimidating” when they meet me. I think they think my tattoos make me “tough” or “bitchy,” all of which aren’t true… I’m just not one to open up to everyone immediately.
JUSTYNE:  I think in terms of mine, people have made class-based assumptions, like that I’m low class or uneducated.
MICHELLE:  I don’t think their misconceptions are wrong! We are dangerous, deviant, and defiant! That’s exactly why we are so cool and they can’t get their eyes off us.
BME:  Thank you all so much for being so open and talking to me about this.
SHANNON:  I hope it was helpful — I don’t glamorize what I do. It really isn’t a glamorous thing, at least for me. It is a way to get the things I want and not have to worry about bills or money. And it’s not easy either. I have to keep in great shape for clients. I spend about an hour a day at the gym, and am always on a strict diet. It is tiring working a forty-plus hour week at a day job, and then spend two or three nights per week with clients. But it is a lot less tiring than worrying about how I’m going to pay the rent!


Shibari (Japanese Rope Bondage)

Thank you again to all these women for taking the time to talk candidly about their work and their bodies. If you’d like to visit them online (or in real life), Kayce can be found at xxxoticxxxposure.com, Michelle can be found at netmichelle.com, and Azaria is online at azariaforu.com (the others have asked to stay anonymous). If you decide to contact them for any reason, please do so with respect.

To those of you who think that BME shouldn’t be talking to escorts for ethical reasons, well, screw you. These are all intelligent, independent, and capable women perfectly able to make their own decisions about their own lives. They were a lot of fun to engage for this interview and I wish them the best of luck wherever they choose to take themselves.

Shannon Larratt

Photos courtesy and copyright the interviewees. Michelle’s cover photo and most others in this article are by Patrick Bastien (pbastien.com), and the Shibari photos are by CharlyB.

BME 2004 Year-End Awards (Top Contributors of 2004) [The Publisher’s Ring]

2004 Year-End Awards

“Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.”

– Special Olympics Motto

For the past few years (2002, 2003) I’ve cataloged the top contributors every year. I don’t know if it’s related, but every year since doing that the number of contributions from the top people has escalated — it was absolutely staggering just how much some people helped out. This article recognizes those people who went above and beyond in contributions to BME, as well as giving public thanks to the many “pseudostaff” members that actually keep the site alive and running… and as I finish up this article, I already have thousands of submissions in my queue for the 2005 awards. Let me begin by showing you what the people on this page got for their work (other than warm feelings of course, but that won’t keep you clothed).

One of the prizes for making it to the list of people in this article is that you get a staff shirt. These staff shirts are utterly unavailable in any other way and are never reprinted or offered for sale. So if you see someone wearing one, they’re someone you can say “thanks” to (either that or they killed someone you can say thanks to and stole their clothes).

The shirt is meant to be reminiscent of a classic sacred heart, although in truth, like most things on BME, the reality is much dirtier. If you won one, if anyone asks, I’m sure you can concoct your own “if you don’t know, you don’t want to know” answer, but in truth it’s a rendering of the amazing Enpassant’s heavily modified (and in this case saline inflated) genitals that appeared on the cover of BME. You can visit his BME/HARD gallery as well if you’d like.

If you are on the list of people on this page, you should have received a message on IAM and via email explaining how to get your shirt (and possibly other prizes). If you didn’t, drop me a line ASAP to make sure your shirt is in the print run!

And now on with the awards!


Experience Review Team

2004 saw 9,081 new articles and experiences posted to BME. Before being added to the site they are moderated (reviewed) by a panel of IAM members — they read everything that’s submitted, and then decided which should make it to the site. A total of 1,386 individual IAM members took part in the review system, but the following reviewers approved the most number of experiences to the site in 2004 (this doesn’t include the ones they rejected).

Note: Links go to IAM pages and/or BME/HARD galleries as relevant.

first place second place third place

Don, rather appropriately a librarian from Coventry, UK, does much of the running of the experience review system for me. With 2,666 experiences personally approved this year he’s reviewed almost a third of all experiences added.

BlueStar, a twenty year old Photonics Engineering student from Niagara Falls, Canada approved 2,348 experiences this year.

IAM:deadly pale
Deadly Pale’s 1,917 approvals this year put Poland on the top-three map as well, so you won’t be hearing any “but you forgot about Poland” coming from BME’s competitors.

Cerra is in the #4 spot, representing Halifax, Nova Scotia with 1,631 approvals.

Rounding out the top five with 1,525 approvals is Buffalo, New York’s xPurifiedx.

Rebekah (who’s also the queen of the BME newsfeed) places sixth with 1,497 approvals.


Just squeezing past a thousand is New Orleans’ Purrtykitty4m with 1,046 approval reviews.


With 1,010 reviewed stories posted this year, Drip ensures that iam:Christian is well represented in spot number eight.

The folks above are all in the “over a thousand” club in terms of successful positive reviews for the year. Below are the runners up (who also deserve a lot of thanks for their help) — each of them reviewed over five hundred approved experiences this year:

  1. der_narr (903)
  2. The Stolen Child (891)
  3. WasabiTurtle (694)
  4. instigator (679)

  1. Fuzzybeast (635)
  2. seahorse girl (613)
  3. Bear151556 (551)
  4. Uberkitty (539)

  1. Shit Disturber (520)
  2. Doldrums (509)
  3. cuthalcoven (505)

Top Experience Authors

Those 9,081 experiences had 7,277 distinct authors, many of whom wrote more than one story. The top BME authors of the year 2004 in terms of number of stories written were:

first place second<br />
place third<br />

Chapel Hill, North Carolina’s Uberkitty wrote a truly staggering thirty one experiences for BME in 2004. That’s more than one every two weeks!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Dawnie, a charming (and kind of pervy) Southern Belle, is responsible for a total of twenty five experiences, many in BME/HARD, putting her in second place.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Rounding out third with an incredible twenty two stories is BlueStar, who’s also a medal-ranked winner on the review team.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

With seventeen stories written this year, Duisburg, Germany’s der_narr ties for fourth place.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Also with seventeen stories this year and tying for fourth place is Michigan pagan Mythernal.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Placing fifth with a still impressive sixteen stories written this year, Purrtykitty4m ranks as both a top writer and top reviewer on BME.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Placing sixth with fourteen stories in 2004 (plus an interview she did with her mother) is Toledo’s Cuthalcoven.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Ranking lucky number seven is Porcelina from Perth, Australia.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The runners up for top experiences are as follows (many are tied, thus the repeating numbers):

8. Flutterfly (11 stories)
8. KoLdFroNt (11)
8. Cerra (11)
9. hunterjackson (10)
9. The Stolen Child (10)
9. Marsdweller (10)
9. rwethereyet (10)
9. DirtyPrettyThings (10)
10. JuanKi (9)
11. Orilind (8)
11. Asurfael (8)
11. SadisticSarah (8)
11. Shamus Greenman (8)

Top Image Submitters
Warning: This part of the article contains some
adult photos!

This is where things really get crazy! Of course the largest section of the site is the image galleries; this year 130,319 pictures were added by a total of 14,668 separate people. The top submitters donated truly staggering quantities of images, and competition was tight and fierce. Skipping over Kokomi’s almost ludicrous quantity, the next three were separated by only fifty images! The top BME image submitters of 2004 are:

first place second<br />
place third<br />

Writing anonymously from Germany, Kokomi has this year submitted 3,170 new images to his popular bonus gallery in BME/HARD — and he’s ranked every year we’ve tracked submissions!

Not only did Walkerton’s rwethereyet submit 1,881 images to both his bonus gallery and other parts of BME, but he also designed a BME shirt based on his interests!

A generous person and talented piercer, as the number three image submitter and the top piercer for 2004, Kivaka represents Lockport, IL’s Tattoo City. 1,844 images have been added by him this year.

With 1,828 Marty came so close to the top three, and were it not for being fired for refusing to pierce a minor, he’d be there. He currently pierces at Worcester, MA’s Piercing Emporium.

Bea & Lehni
With 1,368 new pictures added to their gallery, these kinky German swingers stay quite popular!

Perhaps tired from submitting well over two thousand images last year (he was the top contributor of 2003), with 1,366 pictures in 2004, Japan’s Nobcatz again ranks among BME’s most prolific photographers.

With both a popular bonus gallery and images in nearly all sections of the site, Andie has sent us 1,288 photos this year.

With 1,277 photos this year both in his ritual gallery, his scarification gallery, and across the site as a piercer, D-Markation, Quebec City’s Efix is eighth on our list of contributors and the third piercer on the list.

With 1,227 photos this year, this UK photographer (watch out for him at conventions!) has extensively documented BE and Vampy’s work.

Having added 1,124 to his creative bonus gallery in BME/HARD, Ars rounds out tenth place on our contributor’s list.

Always gonzo, Philadelphia’s Perk900 has added 1,084 pictures to BME this year, the last on our list to crack a thousand.

WenchyBev & Neil
With 933 new pictures resurrecting their gallery in 2004, WenchyBev and Neil’s bonus gallery in BME/HARD continues to grow.

At the core of Brasil’s +3 suspension team, dsw has contributed 821 pictures over 2004.

Photographer x31337x has contributed 784 images this year, many of them documenting Rites of Passage.

The only person to be a ranking experience reviewer, top writer, and image contributor for 2004, Cerra added 821 images.

My kinky friend UrbanSoul from Italy has added 671 new pictures to his BME/HARD bonus gallery this year.

Scandinavia’s Asurfael has contributed 670 image in 2004, injecting some much needed rock’n’roll into BME/HARD via her bonus

The naughtiest housewife I know, VEAL has added 652 images to her bonus gallery and elsewhere in

The runners up for top image submitter were as follow:

  1. Codezero (644 pictures)
  2. jonathanpiercing (640)
  3. AlmightyStudios (629)
  4. MontanaPiercer (623)
  5. Joao_Malabares (587)
  6. lilfunky1 (552)
  7. stainless (551)
  8. j_scarab (540)
  9. Cenobitez (536)
  10. shadow (523)

  1. babakhin (505)
  2. (anonymous) (490)
  3. glider (467)
  4. Kirsten (451)
  5. Vex Hecubus (427)
  6. theSearcher (422)
  7. MiZ C (413)
  8. inksation (412)
  9. Alcan (387)
  10. hypermike (379)
    vampy (379)

  1. Big Rick (362)
  2. Sicklove (360)
  3. Foxx (341)
  4. LargeGauge (331)
  5. mac13mac13 (318)
  6. brian (303)
  7. ScabBoy (285)
  8. PiercedPuff (283)
  9. peco (281)
  10. la negra (279)
  11. luvpain99 (269)

BME/News Team

BME/News is one of my favorite sections of BME. It includes a number of columns and articles from the top body modification writers (and doers) around the world, as well as a newsfeed which tracks articles in the mainstream news that are of particular relevance to BME readers. Below are some of the people who more actively made BME/News possible in 2004.

The Lizardman
The incredible, amazing Lizardman, Erik Sprague, writes both a monthly column for BME and a regular “ask the Lizardman” Q&A. Visit him on IAM or at his website for more on his adventures (and his tour

Jim Ward
Jim Ward, founder of both the world’s first piercing studio and piercing magazine, documents that history in his fascinating Running the Gauntlet. Visit him at Gauntlet Enterprises.

Fakir Musafar
I’m deeply honored to have the legendary Fakir Musafar, who should need little introduction, writing for BME. Visit him at BodyPlay.com to learn more about his many other projects.

(The late) Cora Birk
You feared him as yttrx and then cried with him as he transitioned to a woman under the name Cora Birk. This gender swap, documented in his Shapeshift column, was ultimately cut short as he became Jamix.
Stay tuned?

Marisa Kakoulas
Marisa’s new column Legal Link addresses legal issues for the modified community, and is a companion to her upcoming book on tattoo law. And yes, she’s a real NYC lawyer, so don’t mess with her.

While other people help as well, Rebekah’s contribution of 2,256 stories to the BME Newsfeed were absolutely essential in keeping it running (and put her nearly two thousand stories ahead of any other person).

QOD Staff

BME’s “question of the day” service remains hugely popular, having been asked thousands of questions over the last year. Not including me, the following staff members helped out this year by each answering over two hundred questions a piece from readers:

This years most prolific QOD answering, slightly exceeding “of the day” with 387 answers in 2004, performance and body artist Vampy is currently best known for her work with UK
suspension team Body Evolution.

IAM:Lori St. Leone
One of BME’s many expats, Alaskan Lori St. Leone owns Darwin, Australia’s Vogue Body
. She’s answered 375 questions for BME readers (and her fans) this year.

IAM:Derek Lowe
Derek Lowe, APP piercer at Saint Sabrina’s in Minneapolis masculinizes our top three
by answering 238 QODs in 2004.

Additional work was done by Gary, Sean Philips, Monte, Shawn Porter, Rachel Larratt, Phish, and Ryan Worden.

Other BME Staff

Finally, the people below are some of the core individuals who kept BME running in 2004.

Hey, it’s me! I think you know what I do already, right?

My beautiful and brilliant wife Rachel writes and photographs for BME, handles all of our
finances, and is the publisher of her own magazine LOOSE.

Jen handles all of BME’s online customer support, out of a cold, cold office in the Maritimes.

Apparently having forgiven me for endangering his wedding ceremony, Mike takes care of many of the emergency technical issues on BME and IAM and helps keep everything online (either that or he’s planning the greatest revenge of all time).

For years now Dita has worked hard to maintain the BME
portal and has brought BME to hundreds of thousands of new readers through it.

Jon has written (and maintains) many of the software tools on BME like the link engine and
iam.crush2. He’s also one of the core forces behind Fishing Fury.

Ryan and Corrie Worden run BMEshop start to finish. I don’t know if that makes them “staff” or not, but they deserve to be here!

Not quite so “vanilla” in real life, Danielle not only provided essential help on IAM management in 2004, but she also maintains the wonderful IAM:INFO help site.

Hailing from exotic Madagascar, Toronto designer Badur is responsible for the better looking
parts of BME’s look, was half of the BME Road Trip, co-organized BMEFEST 2004, and more.

There are a lot of people I’ve missed I’m sure (and if you think I missed you and you want
your shirt, don’t be afraid to write me — I’m talking to you, Blake, co-organizer of BMEFEST 2004).
You’ve seen the numbers though — you know that this is only the tip of the iceberg when
it comes to BME’s nebulous staff of hundreds of thousands of contributors around the world. I
wish I could thank every one of those people here, but clearly that’s not possible. However,
BME stands as a legacy to their efforts, and everyone who’s helped make it happen deserves

See you in 2005!

Shannon Larratt

Dear Abby, You Still Suck [The Publisher’s Ring]

Dear Abby, You Still Suck

It is a sad commentary of our times when our young must seek advice and counsel from “Dear Abby”.

– Abigail Van Buren

The following letter appeared in today’s “Dear Abby” column. This isn’t the first time I’ve commented on one of America’s most widely syndicated know-it-all know-nothings, but her stupidity continues to escalate and it really must be commented on once again. To put it into deeper context, the column prides itself on having “common sense and a youthful perspective.” See if you can find these, because I can find neither.

DEAR ABBY: My beautiful wife, “Doreen,” turned 41 a couple of months ago. Since then she has had extra piercings in her ears and has taken to wearing thumb rings, toe rings and ankle bracelets. Yesterday she pierced her navel. I am embarrassed for her. We have a 13-year-old daughter who is also embarrassed for her. How do I tell Doreen she looks silly? — NOT SO HIP IN CALIFORNIA

DEAR NOT SO HIP: Your wife’s fetish brings new meaning to the term “heavy metal.” It shouldn’t be necessary to give her a lecture. Just walk in carrying a powerful magnet. That should send a message.

Yeah, it’ll send a message alright. It sends the message that Jeanne Phillips (aka “Abby”) is no metallurgist — no jewelry commonly used in body piercing is in fact magnetic. That said, let’s look at the hatred in her letter more closely.

You’d think she’d be more open minded, especially considering that on November 8, 2002, Jeanne told a mother to support her daughter’s involvement in pornography. But in today’s letter she begins by calling a couple extra earrings and a navel piercing a “fetish”. It’s not a fetish. At that level it’s barely even a fashion decision, and there are easily hundreds of thousands of other women over forty with navel piercings. It’s far from a lifestyle change, let alone a drastic one that could shatter a thirteen year old’s view of their mother. Overreact much?

The second part of her response isn’t just typically ignorant; it’s hateful. It in effect denounces the wife’s obtaining of a navel piercing as so repugnant or foolish that it doesn’t deserve a spoken response, and finishes by making what is in effect a joke about violence and wife abuse. Let’s swap in virtual Anne Coulter to illustrate Abby’s response in a new context.

DEAR ANNE: My beautiful niece, “Doreen,” turned 16 a couple of months ago. Since then she has been wearing revealing clothing and talking to boys. Yesterday she wore a tube top to school. My son is embarrassed for her. How do I make it clear to Doreen that she looks like a slut? — CONCERNED IN CANADA

DEAR CONCERNED: Your niece’s whorefest gives new meaning to the term “McTrampsalot”. You shouldn’t have to tell her. Just have a buddy of yours rape her. That should send a message.

Extreme and distasteful example? You bet. But don’t deny that Ms. Dear Abby is being very clear in her message — body piercing, even of the most minor sort, is unacceptable behavior deserving of derision and abuse, and that this abuse and derision is a “common sense” response by reasonable people. Because of her continued ignorant and hateful statements Jeanne Phillips is directly responsible for introducing pain into the lives of both young people and adults, and the newspapers that syndicate her column share in that blame. It’s time for the media to stop unquestioningly printing hatred and abuse like this.

Pauline “Abigail Van Buren” Phillips, Jeanne Phillips’ mother and the founder of the “Dear Abby” column once received a letter from a reader concerned that a gay couple had moved into their neighborhood, and wanted her advice on what they could do to improve the quality of the neighborhood. You could move,” Abigail famously replied. It’s a sad reflection on the Abby of this generation that Jeanne lacked the moral strength of character to tell this husband to respect his wife’s freedom of expression and zest for life.

I said it in the title, I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it again here: Dear Abby, YOU SUCK.

BME is filled with the stories of many forty- and fifty-somethings (and older) telling their stories about body modification. Below are links to a few stories written about navel piercing by older women. My hope is that Ms. Dear Abby takes the time to read these and perhaps learns something. Just Do It!!!!! (43)
“I told my husband that after all this time of doing what is expected that I had a wild child inside me just waiting to be born. He said he hopes this is as wild as the child was going to get. I think it looks great and it makes me feel good about myself and if the truth be known, the ‘old guy’ likes it too!”

My Navel at 43
“I feel much better about myself than I did before this piercing. I had always thought I was fat and now, I feel like my stomach is beautiful and I don’t always need to hide my figure.”

My commitment to nurture myself (43)
“The routine of bathing and taking time to cleanse and maintain my piercings reinforces that I need to take time for my own needs. I love the way my body looks with my jewelry. I am well and I am beautiful.”

My 51 year old wife – got to love her
“To her, I have to say ‘WHAT A GIRL’ she was great and at 50 and still willing to be ‘out there’ looking good — you have to love her for it and I do.”

Suburban Mom takes the plunge (40)
“I’m 40, a mother of three, and a corporate attorney. A few months ago, I started joking around with my 10-year-old daughter about having my bellybutton pierced. She was horrified by the idea. Moms just don’t DO that!”

You don’t have to be young! (42)
“I took off another 10 lbs, and decided to give myself the impetus for the last 5 by making my tummy the star attraction.”

Not too old to rock ’n roll (46)
“I had admired navel piercings on others, and I thought, why not? At 46 and after 2 children, I certainly didn’t look like I did at 20, but in my mind I’m FAR from over the hill. You’re as young as you feel!!!”

A mid-life crisis navel piercing. (47)
“On the 10th of February, my girlfriend and I were both turning 47 and in a fit of mid-life crisis, she decided that we should both get our navels pierced.”

Never Too Old (44)
“Yes, my teenage son is completely mortified and I have yet to tell my mother. I haven’t decided if I’m the coolest mom on the block, or the biggest dork this side of 40. Then again, what you think of me is none of my business.”

My “old” friend Amy, 44 years old, mother of two, granny of one, happily married, full of life… pierced and painted. Visit her on IAM.

Shannon Larratt

Pierced Eyeglasses [The Publisher’s Ring]

Pierced Eyeglasses

“People should think things out fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things.”

– R. Buckminster Fuller

The idea of hanging eyeglasses from a piercing or a combination of piercings or even transdermal implants is something that a lot of us have toyed with — as I was writing this, my old boss Tom Brazda reminded me that almost ten years ago we made a set of them built around a 10ga bridge piercing (with both left and right-handed threading to make it adjustable). That said, I don’t think we ever took pictures, so maybe I’m making it up because I want to steal James Sooy’s thunder. He’s who sent me this gorgeous example of a piercing-mounted set of eyeglasses:


James is an artist currently designing and painting for Texas-based Magnificent Egos, a minatures (as in gaming) company. Art consumes all of his time, professionally and personally, and much of it is centered around character design, which gives him both time — and money — to fantasize about mods on fictional characters. With the help of his friend Oliver (who many of you know as one of the founding members and guerrilla engineers of the suspension group TSD) this fantasy was made real.

BME:  How did you come up with the idea of attaching a pair of glasses to a piercing?
JAMES:  I’m not sure… some time during the drooling days of high school the idea came to me. I kept it in mind over the years and got the bridge piercing this July and then started looking to make it happen. Maybe it had something to do with not being able to wear contacts.
OLIVER:  I had originally considered making a pair of glasses that hung from a bridge piercing for myself about ten years ago. It was just one of those things that seemed so obvious that I was surprised I hadn’t seen it done. I never got around to doing it then, since I wasn’t too keen on getting a bridge piercing. When I got a call from James inquiring if I could help him with some jewelry he wanted to make, and then he mentioned he wanted to do the glasses as well, I jumped on the opportunity. He already had the piercing done over at Obscurities, here in Dallas, so I knew he was more serious about it than I ever was.
BME:  And how did you guys formalize the design?
JAMES:  Oliver and I sat down for about five minutes one night to think over what would need to be done and he got straight to work making the brackets out of aluminum with a small mill in his garage!

OLIVER:  Originally we were discussing and sketching ideas that would have been considerably more involved to produce. The ones that we ended up making aren’t necessarily the final product, but seemed the best and easiest way to test the viability of the idea. The brackets were machined from aluminum, roughly to shape and then drilled and tapped on my little tabletop Sherline mill — a machine that’s far more suited to this size project than what I normally use it for! After a fair bit of tweaking and polishing with files and abrasives we ended up with what you see. The part you don’t see is a barbell from Anatometal.

JAMES:  The threading on the barbell was 1.2 mm, which happens to be a relatively uncommon and expensive thread (as far as screws go). The screws ended up delaying the project about a month. We used some lenses out of an old pair of glasses I had at first, but I decided to get some new lenses once everything else was finished.
BME:  What’s it like actually wearing it? What does it feel like?
JAMES:  They feel exactly like a regular pair of glasses, actually. I put the nose pads on to keep them from swinging around, so all the pressure is placed there, just like any other pair of glasses. Since they have no frame on the side I can wear them while I sleep and still roll onto my side.
BME:  Good thinking; so the piercing is more of a balance point than something structural. Does that make it more than just a “show piece”, and into something that you wear for real?
JAMES:  I’ve only had them for about a week now, but I’ve been sleeping and showering in them. I hadn’t taken them off in four days when one of the brackets cut me while I was asleep; I’d forgotten to sand the edges and they were still razor sharp. They’re back on now and seem reliable enough to take on a two week trip over the holidays; I doubt I’ll need to take them off during that time. Taking them on and off is a bit of a hassle, as it involves taking a tiny screwdriver and unscrewing them while they’re on my face — about a 5 to 10 minute process — which I suppose is about what you’d spend with contacts.
BME:  I hope they don’t get caught on anything… I suppose that could tear them out rather unpleasantly. Any thoughts on how the engineering might change for the next model?
OLIVER:  This pair isn’t quite what I was looking for both in design terms and in terms of fit. I don’t think they sit at quite the right angle to his face and we both want them to sit a little closer to his eyes, so we’ll probably make another pair in the near future. Much as there are so many designs and styles of eyeglasses currently being manufactured, I think there are a number of ways this design could be improved upon. I certainly think they look neat and ended up being far more subtle than I thought they would be. I didn’t even realize he was wearing them when I saw him a few days later, and he mentioned that most people don’t notice that they are only attached to the piercing.

BME:  What’s next?
JAMES:  I suppose I could try to make marketable version if I had ambition to do so — something easier to take on and off. As for me I only have run of the mill tattoos and piercings planned right now, but seeing how some of my friends and family are in the community and looking to push the frontier, it means I have the manpower at hand to try out what comes to mind, so I’ll keep trying out any of my feasible ideas. Being young and unsure where my future will lead, I’m quite reserved about anything permanent and visible, which limits what I’m willing to do right now… As well as not having the time or resources to work on any major projects, so it’ll just be the ones that steadily work their way in, like the glasses.
BME:  Since people are going to ask me, I have to ask… are these for sale?
JAMES:  As far as money I only spent about $10 on screws and $75 for new lenses. And I bought Oliver a meal.
OLIVER:  I don’t have any intention at this point of pursuing the idea commercially but it’s not something I’m averse to doing. If others were interested I might work something out with them. I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing a more developed version of these glasses from the existing body jewelry companies. I know there are any number of people here on IAM that could probably do a much better job both in the design and execution.

Be sure to visit James over at jamessooy.com, and of course you can visit Oliver at iam:antagonist. Thanks to both of them for taking the time to talk to BME, and for thinking creatively about body modification… Too few people understand that it’s OK to try something different or new.

Finally, I apologize that an article on the creative application of piercings has such an uncreative title.

Shannon Larratt