Tattoo Joe at Physical Graffiti in Bridgeport, CT has probably done more neo-tribal facial tattoos than anyone else I know… Here’s one of his more recent ones (more of this person are in his portfolio on BME).
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14 thoughts on “Traditional Facial Tattoos”
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I love it, very nice
this guy has a beautiful profile. great tattoo(s).
lol, yeah tis like one of those paintings…
but anyway yeah!
I have so much respect for people with facial tattoos, takes a lot of guts and strength to go through with it
Stunning. absolutely gorgeous.
beautiful profile and beautiful tattoo
this makes me want a facial tattoo sooo bad. but i doubt i could pull one off.
but anyway, it looks really nice!
i absolutely LOVE this… especially how it continues onto his ear, and is it just me that thinks he resembles travis barker from blink 182?
i was just about to mention the Travis Barker comparison too.
that looks incredible.
i like the FTW with knux on his neck too.
I get that all the time, i think it is because we are both skinny. And thanx for the complements on the new ink, I know tattoojoe appreciates them as well. Now i just gotta get my face tattoo finished.
nice work!
love the trible peace it looks so good and its so good going on to the ear and i like the fact that he has a star in the face tattoo to make it look difrent and i all so like the fact that other peoples coments are nice and the fact that there is no bad coments
An excellent piece of work, as ever from Tattoo Joe. I admire the way Joe gets the ink laid in to suit the face contours and I’m looking forward to seeing the completed work.
It would be interesting to see if Joe can get the design all the way back over the ears. Now that would be a feat, to maintain the line layout.
Can’t fault it. Brilliant stuff, mate.