32 thoughts on “It’s a [wet] dreamcatcher I think

  1. That’s… very interesting. Rather aesthetically pleasing, actually. Though I admit I’m puzzled at the prospective duration of said mod. I assume this is temporary piercings to achieve an effect.

    Either way – nifty.

  2. Picture 3 confuses and bewilders me. But neat effect. And slow me has just twigged onto why there was “[wet]” in the title.

  3. I didn’t guess this one, I just thought to my self, yeah right that is Definitely not a dream catcher, and then i was wrong hahaha

  4. It looks like one of those things that are suppose to help you grow your foreskin back.

  5. maybe it’s just ’cause i woke up, but what exactly is going on here? i’m having trouble distinguishing how this play piercing even works.

  6. Woah, well i had the wrong gender. That makes me squirm, an yet i can’t look away…

  7. I’m all for mods, but whats up with Shannon’s fixation on extreme penis mods? I seriously think its the 3rd or 4th time I’ve been bamboozled into looking at an extreme penis mod.

  8. melsgam it is called foreskin restoration and it is a long and unconfortable process.

  9. i keep thinking of those lizards that when they are trying to intimidate, their thing flares up. excuse my lack of terminology. i hope you know what i mean. S:

  10. i thought it was a cows eye before the click through. Maybe i was just hoping for something not genitalia. one day it will happen… one day

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