That crazy-ass xRonix iz back in da muthafuckin’ hizzales..
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Why hello there, cute vegan straightedge guy.
Why hello there, cute vegan straightedge guy.
His facial tattoos are absolutely stunning- especially in the second photo (though I’m not sure how to feel about the white stuff on his lobes- moisturizer? haha)
His facial tattoos are absolutely stunning- especially in the second photo (though I’m not sure how to feel about the white stuff on his lobes- moisturizer? haha)
that is a beautiful man with amazing eyes, very symmetrical.
that is a beautiful man with amazing eyes, very symmetrical.
that white stuff is ptfe tape 😛
that white stuff is ptfe tape 😛
borneo rose, temples, awsome.
borneo rose, temples, awsome.
sucz ty moja najukochańsza-gwiazdeczko nasza buź :*
sucz ty moja najukochańsza-gwiazdeczko nasza buź :*
no to gratki panie roni 😉
“to juz kurwa wiem po chuj mu takie duze tunele…” z pozdrowieniami od mojego brata
no to gratki panie roni 😉
“to juz kurwa wiem po chuj mu takie duze tunele…” z pozdrowieniami od mojego brata
I seriously love all his piercings because of the symmetry. It makes me so happy.
I seriously love all his piercings because of the symmetry. It makes me so happy.
You know what would be neat? A word in brail in piercings or dermals.
You know what would be neat? A word in brail in piercings or dermals.
Mental illness 🙁
Mental illness 🙁
ahh sweeet it doesnt look too crowded and they all look healthy which is great 🙂 lovely face
ahh sweeet it doesnt look too crowded and they all look healthy which is great 🙂 lovely face
“Ewo, tu chodzi wyłącznie o estetykę” 😀
“Ewo, tu chodzi wyłącznie o estetykę” 😀
mądrość Ci bije z oczu i spokój…
mądrość Ci bije z oczu i spokój…
Roni jak zwykle roxi!!! x)
Roni jak zwykle roxi!!! x)
Nice. I hope, you will visit my city Słupsk. My friend is going to go to Łódź to your lessons.
Nice. I hope, you will visit my city Słupsk. My friend is going to go to Łódź to your lessons.
xRonix are you still in Ireland or gone back to Poland?
xRonix are you still in Ireland or gone back to Poland?
I love the simmetry in his face!
I love the simmetry in his face!
i love borneo-roses
i love borneo-roses
zajebiaszcze kolczyki maasz oby bylo ich wiecej i wiecej ^^ ;][Kocham] :)) mrrrr xD
zajebiaszcze kolczyki maasz oby bylo ich wiecej i wiecej ^^ ;][Kocham] :)) mrrrr xD
widziałem Cie w “rozmowach w tłoku”
pozytywnie “)
widziałem Cie w “rozmowach w tłoku”
pozytywnie “)
the simmetry in his face is fantastic
these piercings work very well on him
and his ears are amazing, very healthy
the simmetry in his face is fantastic
these piercings work very well on him
and his ears are amazing, very healthy
OOOOooo świerzak 😀
OOOOooo świerzak 😀
English please!
English please!
Normally I’m not a fan of the face full o’ metal look but oddly, it works on him. Helps that he has a killer face to begin with!
Normally I’m not a fan of the face full o’ metal look but oddly, it works on him. Helps that he has a killer face to begin with!
awesome. I really like it ! I love your ears! mm. lovely !
amazing ! ;* “)
awesome. I really like it ! I love your ears! mm. lovely !
amazing ! ;* “)
I’m in Poznan/Poland now, and I don’t teach anyone in Lodz…
I’m in Poznan/Poland now, and I don’t teach anyone in Lodz…
Nice! Everything he’s done works so completely with his face, it’s just perfect. Good on him!
Nice! Everything he’s done works so completely with his face, it’s just perfect. Good on him!
the spirals on the bottom part of his forehead tattoo. what are they ive seen them many times?
the spirals on the bottom part of his forehead tattoo. what are they ive seen them many times?
xRonix thats a shame Ireland didnt work out 🙁
hope everything goes well back in Poland!
will (from
xRonix thats a shame Ireland didnt work out 🙁
hope everything goes well back in Poland!
will (from
swietnie widziec na tej stronie rodaka xDxD
swietnie widziec na tej stronie rodaka xDxD
i’m so impressed with his ears. they look so thick and healthy for being so big.
i’m so impressed with his ears. they look so thick and healthy for being so big.
damn boy.
damn boy.
Everything looks lovely!
Especially love the facial tattoos
Everything looks lovely!
Especially love the facial tattoos
Ronald on modblog once again. Great couse he makes new mods all the time. I`m always courios what`s new when I visit his photoblog.
I Hope soon you`ll make new face clouseups couse your new fatial tattoos are pretty nice:)
Ronald on modblog once again. Great couse he makes new mods all the time. I`m always courios what`s new when I visit his photoblog.
I Hope soon you`ll make new face clouseups couse your new fatial tattoos are pretty nice:)
i used to live in poland yay ^^
i used to live in poland yay ^^
the first photo really showed an attractiveness, I’ll give him that. His eyes and eye brows; deeply flawless. But wow what a way to creep someone out with ALL that metal
the first photo really showed an attractiveness, I’ll give him that. His eyes and eye brows; deeply flawless. But wow what a way to creep someone out with ALL that metal
My be-loved :*
My be-loved :*
Ronald <3
cudownie! :*
Ronald <3
cudownie! :*
he’s gorgeous, nice tattoos
he’s gorgeous, nice tattoos
what a nice guy;) hiehie. Buzki
what a nice guy;) hiehie. Buzki
what a babee
what a babee
it looks great! 🙂
it looks great! 🙂
pierwsze zdjęcie jest boskie
pierwsze zdjęcie jest boskie
polski akcent, brawo! 🙂 pozdrawiam ciepło 🙂
polski akcent, brawo! 🙂 pozdrawiam ciepło 🙂
kurcze tak sobie przegladam fotki i nagle zatrzymalem sie na twojej i zastanawialem sie skad ja znam ta twarz 😛 , widzialem cie w tv chyba i po komentarzach widze ze sie nie mylilem 🙂
kurcze tak sobie przegladam fotki i nagle zatrzymalem sie na twojej i zastanawialem sie skad ja znam ta twarz 😛 , widzialem cie w tv chyba i po komentarzach widze ze sie nie mylilem 🙂
hej wydaje mi sie ze niedawno siedziales naprzeciwko mnie w autobusie:) w krk 129 na pradnik jechal:D
hej wydaje mi sie ze niedawno siedziales naprzeciwko mnie w autobusie:) w krk 129 na pradnik jechal:D
i love thisssss 😀
i love thisssss 😀