Having dabbled with knitting over the years (rather inexpertly) this tattoo on Casey makes me feel quite envious of people with nimble fingers, both knitters and tattooists alike!

“We’re adding a pair of scissors to fill in the negative space soon!“
By Rich Wren at Mercury Tattoo, Glenside, PA.
This is fuckin RAD.
Wow this is my tattoo! But why were the colors adjusted from the original submission? I think this over-sautuation was unnecessary.
I love crafty tattoos. I’m going to go check out the original Casey.
gasp! :D!
wow! nicely done! and great theme! I’m trying to learn how to crochet myself…its rather difficult to teach yourself when u have no one to ask quesitons tho…still fun! again, thats pretty schweet!
“what will people think when you’re 80″ for once they’ll all be jealous hahahahahha
Casey..Your knitting tattoo is one of the most creative and best I have ever seen.
I love it!!!!
This is fantastic! I’m in love.
this is seriously amazing. i wish i could knit!
Omg #9 that made me nearly wet myself laughing!!
I love the colours ^^
I somehow missed this earlier but I love it!
Dear lord I love this tattoo. And Casey!
it looks even better in person. 🙂
rich is the shiz-nittle bim bam snip snap snap.
Ehh.. it’s alright
Love this!!
I totally love this tattoo! My mum and I both knit and we want to get knitting related inks…should be awesome. =p