See? See What Happens When You Don’t Take Care of Your Piercings?

You think, “Oh, it’s fine, I’ll just let my eyebrow piercing get all nasty, no big deal,” and then you know what happens? Your face starts to rot off and YOU TURN INTO A GODFORSAKEN HELL DEMON, THAT’S WHAT.

Well, either that or some film school buddies give you some pretty cool rattlesnake-face prosthetics, like what happened to Kry For Me here. It’s a toss-up.

(“Colouring and prosthetic laydown by Jason Bryce,” so says Kry For Me, of whom you can see more here and here.)

See more in Double and Multi-Labrets (Lip Piercing)

72 thoughts on “See? See What Happens When You Don’t Take Care of Your Piercings?

  1. woW thaT’s awesomE….

    but I think if I was a chick I’d be scared. Changing your look is o.k. but that just means your ONLY gonna get laid by those “nasty hardcore goth chicks”.
    (No offence to those nasty hardcore goth chicks by the way)

  2. woW thaT’s awesomE….

    but I think if I was a chick I’d be scared. Changing your look is o.k. but that just means your ONLY gonna get laid by those “nasty hardcore goth chicks”.
    (No offence to those nasty hardcore goth chicks by the way)

  3. man i gotta say thats pretty awesome.
    and bigjoe…dude…nasty hardcore goth chicks are the only way to go man

  4. man i gotta say thats pretty awesome.
    and bigjoe…dude…nasty hardcore goth chicks are the only way to go man

  5. Is this the finished product or the start of something bigger? Either way, it looks awesome — like a tranformation into a dragon.

  6. Is this the finished product or the start of something bigger? Either way, it looks awesome — like a tranformation into a dragon.

  7. My first thought was “Damn, that´s an awesome tattoo dude!”
    Why yes, I am sstupid, thanks very much.
    Awesome make-up dude!

  8. My first thought was “Damn, that´s an awesome tattoo dude!”
    Why yes, I am sstupid, thanks very much.
    Awesome make-up dude!

  9. wow, and at first i was disappointed that photoshoped pictures were being featured.

    that really is incredible but i think the bright blue eye is the creepiest part of the whole thing

  10. wow, and at first i was disappointed that photoshoped pictures were being featured.

    that really is incredible but i think the bright blue eye is the creepiest part of the whole thing

  11. Oh and I second the person that said that should come on a card with every person, haha. Better yet, say it’s from an infected cheek piercing.

  12. Oh and I second the person that said that should come on a card with every person, haha. Better yet, say it’s from an infected cheek piercing.

  13. Joe-Way to be incredibly
    1) sexist-saying if you ‘were a chick you’d be scared”-come on now. A man is just as likely to be freaked out if they saw someone all done up like that as women are.
    2) heterosexist-how do you know he’s even looking for a girl, could be looking for a guy or no one at all.

  14. Joe-Way to be incredibly
    1) sexist-saying if you ‘were a chick you’d be scared”-come on now. A man is just as likely to be freaked out if they saw someone all done up like that as women are.
    2) heterosexist-how do you know he’s even looking for a girl, could be looking for a guy or no one at all.

  15. Samantha – I thought the same 2 things about Joe, very sexist and hetrosexist.
    Are you a lezza by the way?

    As for the picture of snake guy, he’s got some cheek.

  16. Samantha – I thought the same 2 things about Joe, very sexist and hetrosexist.
    Are you a lezza by the way?

    As for the picture of snake guy, he’s got some cheek.

  17. isn’t he from Vancouver? if so i will hunt him down just to tell him “hi i saw your pic on ModBlog and you looked damn cool as a zombie”.

    that makeup is INCREDIBLE. seriously.

  18. isn’t he from Vancouver? if so i will hunt him down just to tell him “hi i saw your pic on ModBlog and you looked damn cool as a zombie”.

    that makeup is INCREDIBLE. seriously.

  19. Is it just me or is this picture a picture of all that’s wrong w/ our society…fake teeth, fake eyes, fake skin…glowering countenance…but when faced with an all -too-real adversary, that countenance might soften?
    This picture is a snapshot of how far our society has descended.,,,no one lives: they just play video games and deny that they are old and balding…seek refuge behind a fake countenance…go to Ren faires, read Harry Potter…is this guy even real?!
    Does He really think he looks pseudo-evil?
    Dude, YOU DON’T!! Give up the fairey-worlde, join a gym, stop wearing colored don’t need dentist provided fangs to be great…get a haircut, the world won’t hate you if you’re going bald….ok, you can keep jerking off to Suicide Girl DVDs…just save the money on haire dye…time now to do push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, walk 5 miles a day…learn to shoot a handgun, learn to pimp a woman, learn to work a physically exhausting job 50 hrs a week…learn to stay away from your computer screen, learn NOT to support Manic Panic or ther video game industry………do we really have to send YOU to isolated places (other than your skull) to remove you from Society and all that YOU perceive to be it’s aesthetic instructions?
    Blue hair= not that cool, just different
    Steel fangs, huge labret……..ah, fuck it.
    Glad you’re living the dream, looking how you wanna look, not giving a shit how any one perceives you.
    Sorry, I’m a fucking douchebag.
    All love! ; KEVIN

  20. Is it just me or is this picture a picture of all that’s wrong w/ our society…fake teeth, fake eyes, fake skin…glowering countenance…but when faced with an all -too-real adversary, that countenance might soften?
    This picture is a snapshot of how far our society has descended.,,,no one lives: they just play video games and deny that they are old and balding…seek refuge behind a fake countenance…go to Ren faires, read Harry Potter…is this guy even real?!
    Does He really think he looks pseudo-evil?
    Dude, YOU DON’T!! Give up the fairey-worlde, join a gym, stop wearing colored don’t need dentist provided fangs to be great…get a haircut, the world won’t hate you if you’re going bald….ok, you can keep jerking off to Suicide Girl DVDs…just save the money on haire dye…time now to do push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, walk 5 miles a day…learn to shoot a handgun, learn to pimp a woman, learn to work a physically exhausting job 50 hrs a week…learn to stay away from your computer screen, learn NOT to support Manic Panic or ther video game industry………do we really have to send YOU to isolated places (other than your skull) to remove you from Society and all that YOU perceive to be it’s aesthetic instructions?
    Blue hair= not that cool, just different
    Steel fangs, huge labret……..ah, fuck it.
    Glad you’re living the dream, looking how you wanna look, not giving a shit how any one perceives you.
    Sorry, I’m a fucking douchebag.
    All love! ; KEVIN

  21. Is it just me or is this picture a picture of all that’s wrong w/ our society…fake teeth, fake eyes, fake skin…glowering countenance…but when faced with an all -too-real adversary, that countenance might soften?
    This picture is a snapshot of how far our society has descended.,,,no one lives: they just play video games and deny that they are old and balding…seek refuge behind a fake countenance…go to Ren faires, read Harry Potter…is this guy even real?!
    Does He really think he looks pseudo-evil?
    Dude, YOU DON’T!! Give up the fairey-worlde, join a gym, stop wearing colored don’t need dentist provided fangs to be great…get a haircut, the world won’t hate you if you’re going bald….ok, you can keep jerking off to Suicide Girl DVDs…just save the money on haire dye…time now to do push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, walk 5 miles a day…learn to shoot a handgun, learn to pimp a woman, learn to work a physically exhausting job 50 hrs a week…learn to stay away from your computer screen, learn NOT to support Manic Panic or ther video game industry………do we really have to send YOU to isolated places (other than your skull) to remove you from Society and all that YOU perceive to be it’s aesthetic instructions?
    Blue hair= not that cool, just different
    Steel fangs, huge labret……..ah, fuck it.
    Glad you’re living the dream, looking how you wanna look, not giving a shit how any one perceives you.
    Sorry, I’m a fucking douchebag.
    All love! ; KEVIN

  22. Is it just me or is this picture a picture of all that’s wrong w/ our society…fake teeth, fake eyes, fake skin…glowering countenance…but when faced with an all -too-real adversary, that countenance might soften?
    This picture is a snapshot of how far our society has descended.,,,no one lives: they just play video games and deny that they are old and balding…seek refuge behind a fake countenance…go to Ren faires, read Harry Potter…is this guy even real?!
    Does He really think he looks pseudo-evil?
    Dude, YOU DON’T!! Give up the fairey-worlde, join a gym, stop wearing colored don’t need dentist provided fangs to be great…get a haircut, the world won’t hate you if you’re going bald….ok, you can keep jerking off to Suicide Girl DVDs…just save the money on haire dye…time now to do push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, walk 5 miles a day…learn to shoot a handgun, learn to pimp a woman, learn to work a physically exhausting job 50 hrs a week…learn to stay away from your computer screen, learn NOT to support Manic Panic or ther video game industry………do we really have to send YOU to isolated places (other than your skull) to remove you from Society and all that YOU perceive to be it’s aesthetic instructions?
    Blue hair= not that cool, just different
    Steel fangs, huge labret……..ah, fuck it.
    Glad you’re living the dream, looking how you wanna look, not giving a shit how any one perceives you.
    Sorry, I’m a fucking douchebag.
    All love! ; KEVIN

  23. Really?
    Get over yourself.
    All that bullshit dribbling out your mouth doesn’t make you seem anymore intelligent.
    Douchebag doesn’t quite describe you.

  24. Really?
    Get over yourself.
    All that bullshit dribbling out your mouth doesn’t make you seem anymore intelligent.
    Douchebag doesn’t quite describe you.

  25. kevin – learn to shoot a handgun? learn to pimp a woman? learn to work 50 hrs a week? WTF!?

  26. kevin – learn to shoot a handgun? learn to pimp a woman? learn to work 50 hrs a week? WTF!?

  27. bt- its a transdermal implant not a dermal anchor, they often shift and its not like you can just pop them out and replace them like an anchor.

  28. bt- its a transdermal implant not a dermal anchor, they often shift and its not like you can just pop them out and replace them like an anchor.

  29. ouch…was alittle pissed off last night and vented…maybe I should learn to stay away from the computer when drunk and if i don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. lexi/pidge— sober me agrees w/ya.. wtf?

  30. ouch…was alittle pissed off last night and vented…maybe I should learn to stay away from the computer when drunk and if i don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. lexi/pidge— sober me agrees w/ya.. wtf?

  31. That’s some pretty awesome facial prosthetic and FX work, I thought it was photoshopped before reading the description.

  32. That’s some pretty awesome facial prosthetic and FX work, I thought it was photoshopped before reading the description.

  33. The fangs are composite crowns done by my dentist.. I have some extra removable caps for the other teeth but the previously pictured fangs are permanent. and kevin, if you dont like your 50 hr/week job it could be time to move on… I’m spending all my time In makeup school training for what will probably end up being a 70+ hour/week career doing makeup and FX work, something I LOVE. If I play my cards right I may never have to work a day in my life… Wish me luck

  34. The fangs are composite crowns done by my dentist.. I have some extra removable caps for the other teeth but the previously pictured fangs are permanent. and kevin, if you dont like your 50 hr/week job it could be time to move on… I’m spending all my time In makeup school training for what will probably end up being a 70+ hour/week career doing makeup and FX work, something I LOVE. If I play my cards right I may never have to work a day in my life… Wish me luck

  35. Kry,
    I sincerely apologize! Don’t know what came over me, I’ve been going thru a rough time lately, came home a bit sauced and decided to vent. And there I went, blithely assuming this and that about someone I don’t even know, making myself look like more of an asshole with each word typed. This is a forum where people congregate in the hopes of being accepted, a somewhat safe-zone…and I had to go and temporarily turn into one of those people I despise…ignorant, angry, judgemental.

    Thanks for being a gentleman about this and again I do sincerely apologize.
    And congratulations on finding a career you love; good luck in school and best hopes for your future.

  36. Kry,
    I sincerely apologize! Don’t know what came over me, I’ve been going thru a rough time lately, came home a bit sauced and decided to vent. And there I went, blithely assuming this and that about someone I don’t even know, making myself look like more of an asshole with each word typed. This is a forum where people congregate in the hopes of being accepted, a somewhat safe-zone…and I had to go and temporarily turn into one of those people I despise…ignorant, angry, judgemental.

    Thanks for being a gentleman about this and again I do sincerely apologize.
    And congratulations on finding a career you love; good luck in school and best hopes for your future.

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