Happy Saturday, ModBlog! Here we have Michael, sporting an impressive 30 mm. tongue piercing, filled in with a PTFE plug. Someone get this man a smoothie!
Happy Saturday, ModBlog! Here we have Michael, sporting an impressive 30 mm. tongue piercing, filled in with a PTFE plug. Someone get this man a smoothie!
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I wonder how the hell is he going to talk or swallow…
jesus, how does one eat with that?
Can he taste stuff the same?
Wha… why?
holy shit that is motherfucking heavy! how does he eat, talk sleep and do all the other fun things?
and @ #5, Matt; why does everything has to have a reason? why take a tattoo? Because it looks awesome, that’s why!
you have pretty much no tongue left.
i love my little 14g tongue piercing haha.
you must talk with one hell of a lisp. . .
fucking impressive
I don’t lisp anymore, its controllable. and NO, I have the same amount of tongue I have always had.
That’s impressive as shit.
i love this, kudos to you sir.
i’m impressed.
man i’d love to see what your tongue look like if u split it. Would the forks be really long?
Yes but I am never going to split.
“I don’t lisp anymore, its controllable. and NO, I have the same amount of tongue I have always had.”
Only way more Awesome than before!
He does still talk near enough perfectly.
Even more impressive in person
Awesome Michael, awesome jewelry as well:
WOW!!! is all i can say…didn’t even know it was possible to do such a thing. kudos
I think we all wanna see the tongue with the jewelry out.
Could you please do that for us?
how do you kiss people and stuff with that?
and do they comment on it after?
holy canolli!
thats v cool!
i do wanna know; how does he eat? drink? talk? swallow?
Woah, didn’t know you could do that!
OhyourGod, I love it.
the first half-second i saw this, i thought it was a lip plate, and then i realized it was his tongue.
My day is now better because of this.
what gets me is how food DOESNT get stuck on that thing… i had to take mine out to eat when it was just over half that size… looks good tho man.
Haha, I don’t have any problems with that, man. It used to get all jammed in the o rings but it’s fine now.
this is pretty cool, but it reminds me of that entry from here a while back when the guy with the large gauge piercing had rotting teeth because he didn’t have the dexterity to clean his teeth with his tongue that he used to.
I saw this picture last night and knew it would be modblogged.
I think its pretty cool!
My tongue is only at 15mm.
#31 – Well my teeth aren’t rotting, that sounds really nasty!
#32 – Get stretching!
I’d love to see how your tongue looks when you take it out. 30 mm wouldn’t even fit between my teeth i think. Very impressive. Can’t imagine having such bick yewellery in my mouth constantly. How you are still able to swallow with it amazes me. Really neat!
looks neat. nothing i’d ever want to do though.
i looove it!
r u gonna split it or u going bigger
Going bigger, never split.
What do you think the limit is in terms of being able to physically fit your tongue between your teeth?
doesn’t the edges have a sharp fit on your palate ?
Id be worried about the piece coming out while trying to swallow and choking on it
Quite impressive! Id be much to tempted to split the rest at a size like that.
Unfuckingreal! In a good way =)
I can’t stop looking at it…looks too good!! I really like it a lot.
#44, I do agree, I wouldn’t want to inhale/choke on it.
I’d really like to see a picture of it without jewelry. Nice job, Michael!
#42 – I won’t be able to go much bigger.
#43 – Nope.
#44 & #45 – That would have happened by now and it hasn’t so I am not worried.
no one asked this… what about kissing? …. *hehe*
Not important. :p Not right now anyway, when the time comes I’m sure it won’t be any more difficult.
33: Yeah, I was a bit dubious about that guy claiming he had rotting teeth because his large gauge tongue jewellery restricted his tongue movement. How could you possibly know that was the reason? Seems likelier to me he just didn’t have great dental hygiene.
thissssss isss awssome but very impractical
Mikey for king
That HAS to affect, at least a bit, the sense of taste
Still, kudos for you! It’s really impressive
I wouldn’t dare strectch my tongue…
Maybe it is the biggest Ecstacy pill you’ve ever seen.
Why would it affect my taste? :/
muahahah, that should make an interesting french kiss
love it
im still at 4 mm though :\
Very impressive.
Not something I’d ever do (my tounge’s at a measly 3.2mm and that’s where I’m staying for the now!), or even particularly like an awful lot, but I gotta admit that’s daaammmmmmn impressive! (And each to their own, right?)
Eating, talking.. I should imagine he’d/you’d get used to it over time, right? Not like it magically appears at that size overnight!
As for taste, I can’t imagine it affecting it THAT much, cos the tounge is stretched – nothing is actually taken away from the tounge – it’s just shifted around and sqaushed a bit…
Yes, time is all it takes.
People should read other comments more or at least do a quick search.
we neeeeeed a video of you talking! Just like a hey what up this is me talkin normally with this huge, impressive plug in my tougne. lol That would be sick
screw talking i want a vid of him singing like the guy with the massive lip plate (i totally blanked on his name) how about a modblog duet?
names rafa …. http://news.bmezine.com/2009/01/11/rafalmao/ ….. definitly need a duet
Oh wow, this is incredible. I’d love to see a shot of the piercing nude as well.
Thats pretty fucking intense.
So I just started stretching my tongue, I moved up to a 6 gauge tonight. I know I have a long way to go before I need to know but when the time comes what kind of plugs do you use and where do you get them? I am inspired by your tongue even though my employer might not like me doing the same thing as you…I’m going for it! Thanks!
Omg I kind of like this, sadly I wouldn’t be able to do that to my tongue. My parents would kill me but I want it now