I really don’t have a whole lot to add here: These are some of the greatest photos that have crossed my desk(top) in quite some time. Phil said they reminded him of an epic battle between creatures in a Japanese monster movie (Rodzilla vs. Ghidongra?), and I have to say, that’s a pretty astute observation. Hey, we like to have fun around here, and this—featuring a full bisection and another ostensibly on the way—is one hell of a fun photo set. We’ve got a few more after the jump, and there’s a gigantic gallery if you want to mosey on over to BME/hard.
See more in “Firstluff“ (BME/HARD Bonus Galleries) (members only)
Interesting photos..
Not really my cup of tea though, i prefer my penis in one piece..
Oh my god these guys would be absolute winners on Puppetry of the Penis.
It’s a little bit odd and not entirely attractive to me, but definitely unique – and great to see a playful side to a pretty serious mod!
Oh my! So much hair!
Oh wow. Yes yes yes.
the guy who has his penis split the farthest must have been big before he cut it because each piece looks like an average size penis!
love these pictures. mmm.
I really like the second one.
The evil headsplit-penis-monster tries to
eat up the other one, but it has no teeth.
ye…an epic battle between good and evil xD that really looks like a fun thing to do..i want a penis to split it :/
ginger pubes.
red heads! i love em’….red ALL OVER
I love the contrast between shaven/waxed down completely and not shaven at all.
swoon: Clearly he is Twice as Big now!
GINGER BEAR FOR THE WIN!!!! both have neat cocks mind you.
rofl @ 10
This is so oddly amazing.
Holy fire-crotch! Hot Damn!
if my penis was split and each side was going its own way, i think i would wrap it up in string or something and keep them together sometimes.
‘scuse while I join the that’s-fucking-awesome & swoon crowds.
I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s pretty sweet though.
Never would I have thought it was possible to have a threesome with two people. A girl and a guy with a split penis. Double penetration. One dude.
I think it could be a mod riddle
That’s spectacular! Made my day that much better=)
OH, I wanna take a closer look at the hairless guy! He was HOT! And I love his Penis:)
They do look good together, yey for monster penises!!!
is it still possible to get a full erection with a split that big?
ive always liked the idea of a bisection but never could find greatly detailed experiences with it
This gives me the willies.
GINGER!!!!!!!!! AND A SPLIT COCK………ohhhh dear…..
This made my morning. I would like some godzilla/dinosaur sound clips to go with the pictures. Now I want to play with them.
the last one is like hydras fighting
I love how the socks are still on…
I would like to know how the one splint completly in half, pee’s?
A redhead…
Well not, head;)
kier : exacly my toughts! BUT loving the bisections hah
funny as nothing else.
Paul, There’s a pic of him peeing in the Bonus section of bmezine extreme under the name: FIRSTLUFF. It’s pretty cool!
Paul, Theres a pic of him peeing in his bonus section “FIRSTLUFF” in Bmezine Extreme. It’s pretty cool!
that is the most disgusting thing i`ve ever seen on bme, cant believe it
…ginger pubes….nooooo!
[email protected] gavtatu
I always thought ginger fur would turn me off… these pictures have proven me wrong.
Eep :3
You know everytime I see something like this all I can think is “How do you work that and comdoms?”
The little penis has lost its foreskin, isn´t it?
Aww, they are hugging.
Yes, gamaliel red. I`m Gamalielred too, and I`m accordingly with you. The little penis has lost the foreskin. I would like its owner explain us how was it. I have my penis splited too, but to mine I distroyed almos all my glans by roasting it with a canddle flame. I have some videos in bmezine, penectomy or glansectomy section. If anyone want me to tell my roasting experience I do it with pleasur.
I wan’t same surgery!!!!
Not soft modified hairy gy’s cock my idea, i want my cock same bare cocks modified. AMAZING WONDERFULL SEXY COCK, THIS IS GOOD IDEA NOT SILICON TITS!
I find these pics VERY sexy! I am in the process of splitting my penis now,hope to one day have a full bisection & do something like this!