Extreme Ironing, Hooker Style

You may remember that back in August I posted about “extreme knitting“. If you liked that, IAM:namesofthedead has also tried extreme knitting. I think when these photos came in to BME they were processed by Phil, who’s an avid unicycler and mentioned to me that extreme ironing is actually a sport. Well, here’s the suspension community’s contribution I suppose!

Extreme Knitting

It’s always interesting to me what people choose to do while suspended (assuming they don’t just swing around or “do nothing” and zone out). I’ve seen a lot of people take out their cell phone and call friends, but many people choose to integrate things from their life — sing Opera, wear a beautiful dress, eat a great meal (seriously), play the saxaphone, and so on… Well, at the latest House of Wah suspensions in London (UK), IAM:namesofthedead tried extreme knitting:

Photos by Joker