She’s a Star

Yesterday was a BMEBoy with a Christmas tree, today is a BMEGirl with a Star of David “corset”, which I’m guessing took place over Hanukkah.  And you can never go wrong with a cute Jewish girl wearing ornaments from her earlobes.

Piercings by Monica Monroe (IAM:MonicaCurbstomp) from Dungeon Tattoos & Body Piercings in Orlando Florida.

BMEShop Year End Sale!  Coupon Code: holiday20off

40% off Diablo Ogranics Jewelry!! Coupon Code: 40offdiablo

5000th Order Shipped Out Receives $100 Gift Certificate!

BME NYE Party!  RSVP here!!

Mixing Art and Play

Ask any elementary school teacher and they’ll tell you about the value of both art and play.  When the two are combined, the result is nothing short of amazing.  Now just because we’re all adults doesn’t mean we can’t play around with art now and then.  Kai from Khabarovsk, Russia combined both body art and play piercing to create this photo.

It also doesn’t hurt that the model is cute.

The BMEShop is having a sale right now!


Just use the code 30offbme when you check out!