The BMEShop has a bunch of new items, and quite a number of old items that were previously out of stock are now available again. On top of all that the BMEShop sale that you’ve seen promoted at the end of every post for the past few weeks is coming to a close at midnight tonight, so now’s the perfect opportunity to get some shopping done. Remember to use the code 30offbme when you check out before midnight tonight to take advantage of the savings.
Here’s just some of the new items the shop has in stock..
Diablo Organics Patina Brass Scarab
These Patina Brass earrings dangle from beautiful hand carved organic Buffalo Horn hooks ranging from 14g all the way up to 1/2″.
Diablo Organics Honey Badger
These beautiful feathers hang delicately from hand crafted organic buffalo horn hooks, ranging from 14 – 1/2″.
Diablo Organics Solid Brass Triple Cranio
These amazing solid brass earrings hang from 3.6MM (approximately 6g) solid brass coils. The total length of each piece is 2 and 7/8″ long and each earring weighs approximately 0.8 ounces. If you thought one of these brass skulls was awesome, try having three dangling from your lobes! That’s right, you get not one, not two, but THREE totally awesome skulls dangling at various lengths from a sick brass coil! The skulls are three different sizes with the largest hanging at the bottom. They look great! The photo only shows one of the earrings but don’t worry as they come in pairs
Diablo Organics Solid Brass Cranio Large Weights
These amazing solid brass earrings hang from 3.6MM (approximately 8g-6g) solid brass coils. Each Cranio weight is 1-1/2″ long and 1″ wide. Each earring weighs 2.3 ounces and has an overall hanging length of 2 and 7/8″.
Diablo Organics Solid Brass Cranio Medium Weights
These amazing solid brass earrings hang from 3.6MM (approximately 6g) solid brass coils. The Cranio weights are 7/8″ long and 3/4″ wide. Each earring weighs 1 ounce and has an overall hanging length of 2 and 3/4″.
These are the speculums, they come in all sizes. You know what they are for and I’m sure you can come up with some new reasons to add one of these to your toy chest. Sizes are as follows: Small – 3/4″ opening x 3″ length, Medium – 1 3/8″ opening x 4″ length, Large – 1 1/2″ opening x 4 1/2″ length
Plus all sorts of other items like syringes that have been out of stock for a while are now back in stock.
Time is running out on the sale, so if you want to get 30% off your entire order, you have until midnight tonight to use the code: 30offbme